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Mina Pov: I saw a guy standing and looking at us I know it's Y/n I'm not 100% sure but I have a feeling, I still can't forget the words Bambam said is still in my head. "I love you." ughh I don't love you tho.


BamBam: "Mina lets walk out together?"

Me(Mina): "Sure, let me grab my stuff I'm ready."

As we were heading out Bambam suddenly grabbed my hand but he said to just do it because there is someone watching us. 

BamBam: "sorry Mina for holding your hand but someone is watching us." I said well I wasn't sure if someone was watching us, for all I know my hands acted like that and I stopped walking and turned her towards me and I kissed her.

Mina: We were walking but he turned me around and kissed me and I saw a person watching us I thought that was Y/n because well I'm not sure and the person ran but not fast. I pulled away and slapped him. "What the heck is wrong with you? Why did you kiss me?" I said furious.

Bambam: "Mina...I love you." He said.

Mina: "I'm sorry but I don't." I said feeling a little guilty but kissing is not the best way to confess. "Bam I'm sorry but you deserve someone better because I don't like you." I said and walked away.

                                                                      End of flashback

I got up took a shower and wore this, yes I still live in a dorm I never cleaned his room because it still smells like him and I miss him. Mina stop it your the one who rejected him, Stop it.


After eating I went to school

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After eating I went to school.


I woke up and my eyes were puffy yes I cried I didn't want to look like I got beaten so I took a shower and wore this.


                                                                             ~TIME SKIP~

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                                                                             ~TIME SKIP~

After school (SORRY LAZY) I went home and got my car because Taehyung picked me up me and Taehyung are the closet friends in the group. I went to the school and no one was there that was a good sign I got my things, Books,clothes, and put them in the extra backpack from my gym locker, I was about to go when I saw Mina I just stood there frozen she was about to say something but I walked past her and she back hugged me.

Mina: "That was you right?"

Y/n: "I don't know what your talking about." I said trying to go but she held me tighter.

Mina: "You saw me and Bambam right?"

Y/n: "Who's bambam?"

Mina: "The guy."

Y/n: "I don't know him let me go." I said trying to get out but this girl is sure strong.

Mina: "Stop lying I saw you, come back..." After I said that it was dead silent.

Y/n: You think I don't want to but I can't I'm sorry Mina you were the one who said we can't be together. "We can't be together Mina, you said it yourself I will never change." I said and took her hands off of me and went away. But I heard Mina say something before I entered my car.

Mina: "Y/n I love you, when I said that- why I said that was so that I wouldn't get hurt"

Y/n:" What do you mean?"

Mina: " I mean i rejected you because I thought you were joking with me,  I didn't think you were actually serious."

Y/n: "why would you think that?"

Mina: "Because your never serious about anything, meet me by the park tomorrow at 6 if you come that means we can have a chance and if you don't I'll understand." She said and got in her car and drove away.

I went home and ate then worked out then took a shower and went to sleep.

                                                              ~NEXT MORNING~

I woke up took a shower ate and wore this.


I checked the time and it was 6:05 I have to hurry or I'll miss my chance

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I checked the time and it was 6:05 I have to hurry or I'll miss my chance.

                                                                          ~MINA POV~

I woke up ate took a shower and wore this and went to the park.

I checked the time and it was past 6 but I waited 10 more minutes and he finally came for a sec I thought he was not going to come because he saw me and bambam kiss well bam kissed me

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I checked the time and it was past 6 but I waited 10 more minutes and he finally came for a sec I thought he was not going to come because he saw me and bambam kiss well bam kissed me.

Y/n: "Sorry I'm late." He said and sat beside me.

Mina: "It's alright at least you came." I said while looking at the sky.

Y/n: "Mina does this mean... were-were *coughs* were." Gosh what is wrong with me.

Mina: "Yea I guess so I mean if you want too, it's up to you." I said while looking at him.

Y/n: "Umm...I wanna give it a try, are you up for it?"

Mina: "Well yea...I asked you yesterday."

Y/n: "great get in."

Mina: "Why? where?"

Y/n: "In the car babo."

Mina: "But w-"

Y/n: "Just get in."

Mina: "Yahh let me talk for a sec where a-" I couldn't finish my sentence because he dragged me inside his car.

MY BULLY/CRUSH IS MY ROOMMATE {MINA X MALE READER}Where stories live. Discover now