Cheater! 3

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The brisk night air wrapped around your spine and pulled taut, sending shivers down your spine. What were you thinking? Going out for a walk in the middle of the night during winter. Furthermore, you were walking with Casey Jones. Casey Jones. Casey Jones.
Mind still wandering, you were brought back down to reality by the feeling of an arm snaking over your shoulders. Slightly jolted by the action, your widened eyes dart over to the lanky arm with a strong grip over your shoulders. Your gaze then travelled over to Casey, who kept his eyes averted with a small grin.
Sighing, you merely accept the notion, continuing to walk with him along the sidewalk.
“So,” The coal haired boy says coolly after an unsettlingly long moment of silence. “What is it you wanted to talk about?”
It was then when you recalled the whole reason you’d gone out with Casey that night. A rather vague reason, at that. It was really out of anger and seek for vengeance that you’d set this whole thing up. You were fully aware of the mild feelings April once had for the hockey playing teen. What were you doing? Trying to hurt her?
You couldn’t do this. It was much too horrid. But...
Every time you try to talk yourself out of it, that same image of April and Donnie together pops up in your mind, and something just... twists.
Clearing your throat, you pivot your head toward him with a forced smile. “Nothing, really. I guess I just wanted to... Hang out. You and I don’t get together enough, y’know?”
Casey threw you another shrewd grin. “Yer’ right. To be honest, I thought you were a pretty cool chick when we first met.” He says.
You smile back, somewhat more sincerely. “Oh, really?” You say playfully, leaning into his side. “What stopped you from ever saying anything, then?”
Casey chuckles. “Honestly?” He says. You nod. “Don.” He concludes.
You felt yourself tense. Apparently Casey took notice as well, because he threw a puzzled look your way. You returned a clear of a throat and fake grin, turning your head in the opposite direction. “Well, uh, don’t think you have to worry about that now...”
“Huh?” He says. “I thought you guys were pretty tight. Hadn’t sealed the deal yet?”
“Well, we have, I guess.” You sigh. “Sort of...”
“Well, what changed?” The teen urges. You gulp in the slightest, turning your head back toward him. The moment your (E/C) orbs met his own something churned within you. You actually hadn’t taken notice of just how attractive the young male was until now. You were slightly confused how this feature couldn’t have dawned on you up until this point in time. Then again, you were always sort of preoccupied with a certain purple masked turtle the day you met Casey all that time ago.
Just now realizing you’d been dead silent for a solid thirty seconds, you shake your head to remove your mind of the haunting image of Donatello’s adorable face springing back up into mind.
“Oh, uh, I guess I sorta’...” You trail, softly nibbling your bottom lip. “Lost... interest.”
“Bullshit.” The teen laughs, removing his arm from your shoulders and smacking your back playfully. You slightly stumble forward, throwing him a bewildered look.
“You’re nuts for the geek. You were back then, and ya’ still are.” Casey chortles. Your eyes widen. Why would Casey even agree to come out with you on this date-like experience if he seemed so damn sure you were still all over Donnie?
“What!? I-I don’t- I’m not nuts for him! What do you-“ You began to protest, before cut off by the bold move Casey makes next. His tall figure abruptly stepped up in your direction, holding your hips to his with both hands. Your breath hitched mid-way through a gasp as your eyes locked contact with his half lidded gaze. You gulp, to your surprise, planting your hands flat on the boys chest and shoving him off.
Casey laughs while stumbling back, causing your mind to swirl with even more inquiries than before.
What the Hell is this guy playing at? You thought.
“Not nut’s for em’ huh?” He chortles again. “No girl can resist Casey Jones unless there’s another dude involved.” The teen exclaims, throwing two thumbs at himself with a cocky grin.
You roll your eyes. “Right.” You grumble, turning and continuing your walk with him.
“So, really,” Jones continues, slinging his arm around your neck again, but this time in a somewhat more friend-like manner. “Why are we out here tonight? Somethin’ happen between you and the Brainiac?”
Pressing your lips together, you look back over at Casey. “It involves April.” You admit sadly. Casey’s smile instantly dropped at this statement. You sigh yet again.
“Okay, here’s what happened...”
In Dana’s Perspective
She’s honestly never seen the intellectual young turtle so motivated before in her life. Dana found Donatello’s determined stature while searching for (Y/N) to be quite... loyal. Which only made her all the more guilty for slapping him. Still, she felt as though it was her job as (Y/N)’s closest friend to step up and stand up. Though that didn’t make the faint purple bruise growing on Donnie’s cheek any easier to look at.
“She’s on the move, but slowly. Somewhere in the abandoned park near Central Waggon.” Leonardo explains thoughtfully. Dana, April and all four brothers walked in a tight group through the more shadowed and vacant streets of New York. It being such a late hour, not many civilians populated the area in more housing areas. It was honestly quite enjoyable for the brothers to be walking through the streets so casually without fear of being seen. Or at least it would have been, if each sibling wasn’t so enticed in the current drama going about.
“Can we cut her off through another street up ahead?” Donnie inquires monotonously. This rare tone sent chills down Dana’s spine.
“No routes that I can see. We’ll have to take the rooftops in a few blocks.” The leader explains thoughtfully. Donnie nods once and averts his eyes forward again.
Dana walked alongside April and Raph behind the other three brothers. The two teenage girls had patched up again quite nicely; it felt good for Dana to be on steady grounds with April again. Though she understood her side, she still felt as if she was obligated to hate her on (Y/N)’s behalf. Though the more they conversed, the more Dana felt it impossible to do so. She and April really did work as friends. They both knew it.
“Never seen ‘im like this.” Raphael mumbles close to Dana’s ear, temporarily drawing her from her conversation with April. The coal haired female turns her head in his direction, then looking back at the purple clad mutant who walked ahead of them in dead silence. “Don ain’t one to go all emotionless.”
“Yeah, well,” Dana sighs. “That’s what chicks can do to a guy. Completely flip around there attitude in good or bad situations.”
There was a chortle from up ahead, causing Dana and Raph to look at a giggling Mikey, who know stood much closer to them than Leo and Don.
“Yeah. Dana would know. Raph’s never been such a softie before in his life!” The freckled mutant laughs. Raphael growls, swatting his large green hand over the side of his younger siblings head with a loud smack. Dana laughs at this, and April rolls her eyes.
“Ow! Hey!” He hisses, rubbing his head. “It’s true!”
“He’s right, Raph.” April cuts in. “Dana’s had quite an impact on you.”
“Told ya’!” Mikey says childishly, sticking his tongue out at the crimson masked mutant.
“Ah, shuddup. She hasn’t affected me!” He protests.
Dana snorts. “Oh, yes I have.”
“Nuh uh.” Raph growls.
“Uh huh.”
“Nuh uh.”
“Uh huh.”
Nuh uh!” 
“Will you two shut it!?” Donnie hisses, whipping around to face the two of them with a murderous expression. Dana halts instantly, and Raph eyes his brother with mild shock. “We’re trying to remain discreet in the middle of an open road and all you two can think of doing is bickering!? Raph, Dana’s had an impact on you. You follow the girl around like a lost puppy. And Dana, you’re life would suck if Raph wasn’t there for you when Michael left you. So both of you need each other, now shut up about it!” Donnie snaps.
The entire group crowds around the scene with wide eyes. April had regretting her earlier behavior even more now.
Ignoring everyone’s undivided attention on his little out burst, the genius mutant turns back around and storms down the street. Leo sighs, following after his sibling quickly before he could get into trouble. Raph and Dana exchange glances while April and Mikey dart off to catch up with Don and Leo.
Dana purses her lips, eyeing his facial features. She steps forward, reaching up and placing her hand at the back of his head. She tugs him down for a tender kiss. Raph’s cheeks dusted a light pink as he watched her with wide eyes. His stomach twisted eagerly and his arms itched to swing around her waist and drag her off to a secluded area. But much to his disappointment, just as quickly as they’d arrived, Dana’s lips left his.
“He’s right.” She whispers. “This is a serious time and your brother’s going through a lot. Let’s save the stupid arguments for later, alright?”
“Wah- uh, ahn... Um.” He stammers. Dana chuckles at the potential hot head, leaning up to peck his cheek again then jogging off to catch up with the rest of the group.
Raph’s finger lightly touched his lip. It was still warm from the embrace of her lips to his. Grazing over his lower lip for a moment, a duplicitous grin stretched across the mutant’s face, before he took off for Dana again.
“Split up.” Leonardo demands once the group had reached the end of the road. Up ahead were two large buildings that easily branched out to a pathway of more rooftops that would lead amongst the more vacant of city area; that’s where the tracker had pin pointed your location, though the faint signal hadn’t allowed a specific destination to be determined. “Alert everyone with your distress signal if you find her. Mikey, take April with you. Dana, you’ll be with Raph. Don and I will go solo. Remember, if you don’t find her, meet back here in no longer than an hour.”
Once concluding his elaborate plan, receiving a few mild nods and mumbles of agreement from the surrounding group, everyone had taken off with their assigned partners or solo acts.
But there was one amongst the group who had branched out to search for (Y/N) like no other.
The mutant in particular who found as though if he hadn’t completed his task in finding you, he would simply die.
The most determined and somewhat ashamed of all brothers.
Your Don-Don.
In Your Perspective
“And... That’s when I called you.” You finish with a mild huff. Casey eyed you thoughtfully then nodded a few times. The two of you had paced your walk to a leisurely stroll through whats known to be the more abandoned end of the neighbourhood.
“Huh. The Brainiac really goofed up, then?” Casey says with a stroke of his invisible beard. “So you called me to get April jealous, right?”
Your eyes widened and jarred in his direction. How could he make such a remark so early in the process of analyzation? Not that it wasn’t true, but how?
“I’ll take that as a yes.” He chortles. You blush mildly and avert your eyes back ahead of yourself. Casey sighs. “What are you doin’, (Y/N)?”
“Whaddiya’ mean?” You inquire gently.
“The kid’s crazy for ya’.” He says as if it were supposed to be evident. “There ain’t a thing in this God damn world he wouldn’t do for ya’, (Y/N).”
“Then why would he kiss April, huh!?” You pry frantically. “I know I saw him react to that kiss; I know it!”
“So what?” He huffs. You look at the boy as if he’d grown three heads. “(Y/N), no offense, but Don’s been dreamin’ of makin’ a move on Red for a longer time than he’s even known you.”
“So that gives him the right to cheat!?” You exclaim.
“Lemme’ finish.” He continues calmly. You huff in frustration. “He’s probably been really curious ‘bout what something like kissin’ April would be like. It’s been something he’s wanted forever now. But I know for a fact, that if that guy had the chance to drop ya’ and be with April...” Jones trails. You stare with expectancy. “...Not in a million years would he even dream of it.”
You study the boys facial features. It was evident he was sincere. It was at this point when you pondered if maybe Casey was defending Donatello in order to get through to April without any obstacles. Then again, there was something in this boys gaze that just seemed like his words went so much farther than some crush on a schoolgirl.
“...Still...” You rasp stubbornly. Casey sighs again, slinging his arms over your shoulders; this time in a more gentle manner.
“Y’know, Don’s a smart guy, (Y/N).” He says. “Only is he ever stupid ‘cause of you.”
You chortle dryly. “Thanks.”
Casey laughs slightly, turning to grip your shoulders in order to get you to stop walking. “What I mean is, this guy is so driven by how blindly in love with ya’ he is that he’s done some stupid things. Things he would usually never do if he could think straight. But his sissy and obsessive affection’s for ya’ have got the poor guy hanging onto his sanity by a thread. And that thread snaps the minute you neglect him, (Y/N).”
You gulp whats left of your saliva down your dry throat. “Y-You really think so?”
“I know so.” Casey confirms. “Give Don another chance, (Y/N). God knows he’d kill for it.”
Your gaze momentarily trailed off to the side as the coal haired boy held both your shoulders. You pondered everything he’d said to you. Maybe Donnie really was just in a bad place right now... Everything seemed fine with him, but maybe your presence made him a little loopy. Cockiness in the remark aside; the purple clad mutant was mad for you. You knew it. You always had.
You looked back toward Casey and instantly locked eye contact. He smiled sincerely. You return – for the first time in the last five hours – a genuine grin, and jump forward into his arms. The teenage boy laughs, holding your waist and returning the embrace.
“Thank you, Case.” You whisper into his ear with a goofy simper. “You’re a great friend.”
He merely hummed in response, continuing to hold your warm figure to his. It astounded you, really. Casey Jones may first come off as a rough-around-the-edges, careless, vandalizing vigilante with no regard to anyone but himself. But this hidden persona as you grew to know the boy was truly amazing. Not only was he a great and loyal friend, but he made a Hell of a point.
Oh, great. You thought. Now Jessie AND Casey are smarter than me.
You giggled quietly at the thought, though both your laughter and smile had quickly expired to an expression of awe and quick gasp once Casey’s figure was violently dragged from your embrace.
There was a grunt heard while Casey was thrown onto the ground violently. You cup your hands over your mouth with wide eyes when Donnie landed in front of you, his shell facing your way. Casey stared up at the mutant with wide eyes.
STAY AWAY FROM HER!” He growls with an animalistic baring of the teeth, whipping the end of his bo-staffs blade in Casey’s direction in order to hold him to the ground.
“Donnie!” You cry.
“Whoa, whoa! Cool it, Brainiac! We weren’t doing anything!” Casey exclaims while putting up his hands in surrender. You could swear you caught a glimpse of a smirk on the young male’s face.
He thought this was proving his point, didn’t he?
“’Weren’t doing anything’, my ass! Why don’t you do us all a favor and stay away from my girl, Jones!” Donatello hisses venomously, still with an alarmingly loud tone.
“Donatello! Calm down,” You rasp frantically and reach out to grab his bicep from behind.
Whoa. Firm. You thought quickly. His head momentarily whipped in your direction. The scowl upon the mutants face faltered for a moment before he’d turned his expression back to Casey sourly.
“This piece of crap had his hands all over you!” He bellows; once again, much out of his nature.
“He was defending you, God damn it!” You yell back and yank on his arm a second time. You felt him tense at your words. His weapon slightly lowering, Donnie turned his head toward you with a frantic expression and panicked composure. You’d been away from the guy for no more than a day and he already looked like a wreck.
It was oddly flattering, actually.
“D... Defending, me?” He rasps. You huff, nodding quickly. Casey took the chance to slowly scoot away from the threatening blade pointed in his direction and push himself up off the ash fault.
“Yes.” You mumble, somewhat more calmly this time. “And he makes a very good point...” You trail. Donnie lowered his weapon and held it in one hand at his side, fully turning his undivided attention toward you. His expression was a cross breed of panic, sadness and hope. An odd mix in your opinion.
“Don,” You whisper, folding your arms behind your back. “Maybe I was a little irrational... We’ve both done stupid things, but in your own defense you’ve been acting all out of sorts lately. You can’t focus on your inventions, your course to retromutagen was completely thrown off, and your training has been... Well, actually, you’re training had never been better.” You say with a mild giggle. The melodic laughter had already lifted Donnie’s soul so greatly. “I guess what I’m trying to say is... You’ve been pretty delirious, and I guess somewhat unfocused because of-“
“You.” He finishes for you. Your eyes flicker back up to his mocha brown orbs in slight shock. Closing the gap in your lips, you nod.
“Yeah, me.” You sigh. “If anything, I should be the one apologizing-“
“No, no no no-“ He breaths, dropping his staff with absolutely no regard and stepping closer. “No way. I was an idiot, (Y/N). Such an idiot. I-I take all blame. Not you, nor April share any fault. It’s all me. I can’t believe I could have ever done such a thing to the girl I-I love! You mean the world to me, (Y/N). Hell, if I were you, I wouldn’t even forgive myself for being such an idiot. I can hardly believe I would even do such an idiotic thing; I can hardly forgive myself. But if I lost you, I would... I-I would simply have... Have no reason to live. J-Just none whatsoever. And...”
He continued to insist on what an idiot he was, holding your elbows gently while your arms hung by your sides. You stare up at the mutant with sad eyes, though you smiled. You seemed as though you were listening intently to his rant on how much he hated himself, but in reality, all you heard was the sentiment behind his words. All you heard was;
I love you, I love you, I love you...
In mid sentence you took the chance to butt in.
“Don.” You whisper. He dropped his speech altogether, turning his attention toward you with wide hopeful eyes and a bit of a quiver to his voice.
Your (E/C) orbs shimmered as the moonlight danced within them. To add all the more affect, the glint in your eyes reflected brighter due to the tears formed in your eyes. The tears completely dropped Donatello’s heart to his stomach and made his throat throb, despite the small smile that tugged at your lips.
“Donnie...” You repeat even softer – if possible. Your slender (S/C) hand reached outward to place gently on his plastron. The mutant’s breath hitched at the notion as he endured your every movement with endless attention. Casey stood to the side with a giant smirk. Both of you forgot he existed by this point.
“Yes...” He says again.
“...We’re okay.”
Two words. Three syllables. Eight letters. That one remark that made all the difference. The simple statement that could easily inject life back into Donatello’s limp composure; that could brighten his soul and uplift his mood any day. The purple clad mutant could almost feel his heart do a backflip at your words.
He didn’t need to respond. Nor did you want him to. All you needed was his confirming embrace, of which he gladly bestowed upon you.
The mutants arms flung around your waist in the blink of an eye. He didn’t make straight for your lips, however. No; this moment was much too valuable to ‘cut to the chase’. He lifted you into the air, spinning you several times. You giggled happily as the tears on your cheeks flowed to the side from the wind brushing your face. Once he’d set you down, Donnie pulled you in for the most loving embrace he could ever offer. Your bodies fit together in the hug like two puzzle pieces; it was so... right. 
Finally, he pulled back slightly in order to dip in for the kiss.
You thought maybe the first kiss the two of you shared after you admitted your love for one another would be the best kiss you’d ever experience; but no. This one knocks it out of the ballpark. No way could any other embrace of the lips compare.
Sparks flew wildly within the pit of your stomach. Donatello’s entire soul churned with anticipation for more. There was a certain pang of hunger between the two of you which only drove you both to that much more passion.
Despite all this, your tears continued to flow. As did his. Did it need to be said? They were tears of joy. The salty liquid pouring down your cheeks met his where your lips connected and mixed together before sliding down between your faces. You didn’t care. He didn’t care. Nothing else mattered.
“Found em’.” Raph chuckles dryly from the other side of the park. The group packed up in a shadowy area along the fence line, having received Casey’s phone call to alert (Y/N) and Donnie’s whereabouts, but were still close enough to clearly see the two passionate lovers bask in their ‘magical’ rejoining in love.
Leo smiled in the slightest. He really was happy for his younger brother. Despite that pang of jealousy of which grew off of a certain absence of a love interest in the eldests’ mind, it hadn’t mattered when it came to moment’s such as this one. All he could do was feel happy for them.
The same did not go for April, however. The redhead watched the two from afar with the faintest smile; it was a sincere smile. But that did not change the pain that clenched her heart. Mikey stood by her wide with a comforting arm over her shoulders.
“It gets better.” He quietly assures. “Promise.”
April pivots her head toward the freckled teen with mildly glossy eyes and a faint blush, leaning in to his plastron for a comforting embrace. He took her to his chest with a gentle smile. Dana, Raphael and Leo watched April and Mikey thoughtfully. It was somehow assuring the two had each other to comprehend one anothers pain.
“Hey.” Casey says coolly, finally having rejoined the group. “Mind if I cut in?” He says jokingly. April giggled in her slightest, though her voice came across frog-like. She pulled from the embrace to turn toward Jones.
“Listen, April...” He began, before easily silenced by the slender pale finger of which pressed to the boys lips. He glanced down at her hand, then back toward April. The rest of the group stood by awkwardly while Dana rolled her eyes and leaned into Raphael’s side.
“Maybe I’ve been a little rash.” She whispers. “You officially have a chance, Casey Jones.”
The boy beams and dips down for a hug. April giggles again, returning the embrace gladly.
Her tears had stopped now.
Your kiss with the beloved Donatello had broken moments ago. Despite this, your intentions of letting him go were non-existent. The mutant held you as close as physically possible. His usual comforting body heat now bode off his figure in a different manner; the warmth that engulfed you just seemed all the more loving and magical by this point.
“O-Oh, I almost forgot.” He rasps, momentarily pulling away to retrieve something from the back of his belt. You watched with half lidded eyes as he did so. Seconds later, Donnie’s outstretched palm offered you a small wooden box. You eyed the foreign contraption carefully.
“Open it.” He whispers with a sweet grin. You feel a smile tug at the corner of your lips as you took the box from his grip. Your thumb ran along the smooth edge along the burgundy box before gently nudging the top open. You watched with a quirked eyebrow as a few unknown electronic origins flipped and glinted inside the box. Suddenly, a small glowing picture appeared above the box. You gasped. It was a hologram bidding of a turquoise aura.
The small figure slowly glitched and whirred until forming the animation of Donatello. The small glowing picture waved gently at you. You blink with wide eyes as the hologram went off between you and Donnie’s chests. He still hadn’t released your waist.
Donnie watched with a loving half-lidded gaze as the light from the hologram reflecting in your beautiful (E/C) orbs.
The figure continued to wave, before walking away for a moment. It then returns within the blue aura, offering up a small heart in animated-Donnie’s palms. The tears in your eyes easily reformed by this point.
Once the hologram glitched again and turned off, you shut the small box and looked up at Donatello with awe.
“How...” You squeak. “How did you-“
“Well, it took four months of work and a great chunk of studying up on Kraang basic technology... B-But, it was all worth it. For you...” He whispers, then mentally cursing himself for sounding so cliché. It hadn’t mattered, however, for you’d flung yourself forward for another kiss in a matter of seconds.
Your arms rung around his neck during the passionate kiss, the small box never leaving the grip from your hands. You quickly pull back after a moment, the both of you breathing slightly heavy from the intense kiss. You looked into each others eyes with lustful expressions of hunger for more.
But that would have to wait until you got home...
Your head dipped down slightly, resting on the crook of his neck sweetly. Your damp cheek warmed against his green skin. His head rested instinctively over the top of yours, once and a while kissing your forehead or directly atop of it. You could almost swear you felt your heartbeats syncing up...
Okay, maybe you found this was a little much. Forgiveness at the end of a horrid fight, and suddenly this is the best day of your life?
It seemed all too ridiculous.
But when you heard that gentle whisper nibble on your ear of some sort of compliment from the unique voice of your boyfriend, or felt the two of you sway ever so slightly side to side while embracing, or basked in the exhilarating sensation of the tip of one of his large green fingers trailing along your lower back...
It just seemed...
All the more...

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