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Daniel smiled as he brushed off his hands. The lady standing next to him smiled as her son started cheering. The little puppy worked it's way out of the kennel and towards the boy crouching.

Daniel smiled as the boy picked up the puppy and looked up at his mom. She waved her hand and he cheered, walking with the puppy.

"Thank you," the woman said and Daniel smiled.

"No problem, Mrs.Bell." she smiled and walked away to pay for the puppy as Daniel made his rounds around the dog kennels.

"Hey, Doug. Hey, Barb. Hello, Gecko," Daniel greeted as he touched each of their noses as he passed. Gecko was by far his favorite.

Since Daniel had left two years before, he had been living outside Billings in the mountains, but worked for the Yellowstone Animal Shelter.

He found pride in taking care of these animals. He felt as if this was helping to repay for his earlier sins.

His brother had tried to contact him a few months after he left, but Daniel didn't have the heart to try and speak to him. For all Daniel knew now, Jonah could be dead.

He could've gotten into a crash street racing and died.

But Corbyn promised. Corbyn promised to keep him safe from street racing. He trusted Corbyn although Corbyn probably didn't trust him. It was deserved though.

Daniel smiled at the 'sorry, I'm adopted' sign on Gecko's kennel door. The white pitbull would be coming home with him tonight and Daniel was excited.

He crouched down and pressed his nose to hers. Gecko licked his nose and smiled.

"Soon, darling." Daniel stood and continued his rounds of the other dogs. Then he went and checked on the cats and other animals.

He helped others find the perfect pet then went to retrieve Gecko from her kennel. He took off the signs and carried them to the office where they would be thrown away. He smiled and put a leash on the female dog.

Gecko was a 3 year old white pitbull that had been brought in earlier this year. Daniel had taken a liking to her and wanted to adopt her, so he did.

Now, he was taking her home where she would never see the inside of a cage again.

He loaded her into the car and then got in himself. He had sold his amped car a year ago, not really missing it. After that, he just got a nice Yellow, 2016 Chevy Camaro. They were definitely going out of style lately, but he didn't care.

He smiled as he pet Gecko' head and started his drive back to his small cabin in the woods. It was right next to a river that he regularly drank water from.

He got to the house hours later and parked the car. The sun was just starting to set when he let Gecko out and she ran around the nice property.

Daniel smiled and watched her play before looking over this house.

This was his home. He loved it.


Corbyn sat in bed with Jonah sleeping next to him. After the crash two years before, Corbyn had decided to quit street racing. He loved it, he truly did that's why he kept racing, until Jonah got hurt.

Jonah had started to race too. They both did. About a year after the crash, Jonah also crashed. He got a concussion and lost one of his legs.

It destroyed both boys immensely. That's when they decided to quit street racing. Corbyn had won lots if money over the years and never once got picked up by the cops.

So, they lived peacefully.

Jonah was passed out next to Corbyn and he smiled down at him. He ran his fingers through his hair and smiled at the little purr he got in return.

Daniel had been on his mind since Jonah came to the hospital the morning after Daniel had walked out. Corbyn missed him to say the least.

Yeah, he hated Daniel but a part of him wanted to make amends. He couldn't forget what Daniel had done for him years back.

He turned in who had killed his sisters. He was forever grateful, but he didn't show it. He never did.

And now he feels like a dick.

"You might as well say what's on your mind 'cuz I can hear those wheels turning," Jonah mumbled and he rolled dover and looked up at his boyfriend. Corbyn shrugged and laid down, cuddling Jonah into his cjest.

"Nothin' to worry your pretty head 'bout, baby," Corbyn promised as he kissed his sleep-mussed hair. The younger smiled and leaned up a bit, kissing his neck gently then trailing them up to his lips.

They kissed softly and slowly as they both sunk into the bed. Yeah, Corbyn felt like a dick, but he knew he had Jonah, Jack, and Zach still.

And maybe..he could win Daniel over too. He hoped so as his eyes fluttered and he started to fall asleep in Jonah's embrace.

The younger had gotten much taller and a much broader chest than Corbyn so it was easy for him to shrink into his chest.

"I love you," Corbyn mumbled into his chest and Jonah smiled, rubbing his back gently, kissing his hair.

"I love you too," Jonah responded and yawned, slowly falling asleep too.

So, the boys fell asleep in their bed, jot a care in the world, at least, not yet.

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