uncomfy ~ Namjin

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a/n ~ sorry this chapter took so long, i initially had a different idea for namjin but i wasn't very happy with the chapter so i decided on doing this instead, which i did try to make longer than the others to make up for wait. It may not be good, i was rushing to get it out, i'm sorry about that too. Again, sorry for the long wait.


Namjoon sat on the sofa, staring blankly at the screen in front of him even though he had no clue what was happening on it. A show had been playing, but he wasn't paying attention, his thoughts were clearly somewhere else; maybe his boyfriend he hasn't seen in weeks due to work. Seokjin would slip in late at night, then right back out super early in the morning, leaving no time for the younger to even see him. The boy sighed, finally picking up his phone, pressing Seokjins contact as he brought the device to his ear. Once again, voicemail, immediately this time, though.

Is he cheating on me?  

Namjoon refused to think that way, it would only worsen his mood and that was the last thing he needed at the moment. He decided on making his way to the kitchen, grabbing a few cookies out of the pantry before heading to his and Seokjins shared room. The boy sat on the bed, staring at his phone as he barely nibbled on the food he snagged from downstairs, he couldn't even bring himself to eat. He glanced at the time, finally realizing it was going on three in the morning, and still no contact from the elder.

Namjoon eventually came to the conclusion that he would call the boy one more time, and if no answer, well, that was his answer. He pressed Seokjins contact again, this time clicking the speakerphone button, he wasn't really in the mood to hear the automated voice right in his ear when the boy didn't answer.

"hello? are you okay? why'd you call so many times?" Namjoon heard through the line, he hadn't expected Seokjin to answer the call, but he did. He sounded worried, shuffling noises in the background as he spoke. Namjoon sighed, watching his phone, waiting for an apology. He deserved it, right? No, apparently not. 

"Seokjin," Namjoon spoke softly, being sure he didn't use any type of nickname towards the boy, he didn't want them to think they were on good terms, afterall. "where are you?" he added, nervous for the reply. Seokjin sighed, waiting for a few moments, and in just those few moments, Namjoon couldn't help but break down crying. As soon as one tear fell, five more came with it, and it just wouldn't stop. 

"Joonie, are you crying? Why are you crying?" Seokjin questioned, worry filling him to the brim. He didn't even know why Namjoon was questioning where he was, he thought he told the boy, but it appeared that wasn't the case. The elder heard the boys loud sobs through the phone, as he began packing his bag, stuffing his belongings inside and rushing out of the room. 

"you are," Namjoon began, not being able to get his words out in fear that they would be confirmed. Seokjin furrowed his eyebrows, still confused as to what was happening. "you're cheating on me, aren't you?" the younger finally accused between hiccups, dropping his phone onto the white sheets, allowing himself to cry into his hands instead of the shirt that wasn't actually even his. 

"Joonie," Seokjin sighed, mentally cursing himself as he realized why the younger boy would think that, and to be honest, Seokjin probably would've thought the same, were he in Namjoons shoes. The elder requested a facetime call with the other, hoping to clear up some confusion on both parts, which the younger accepted, showing his red, tear stained face to Seokjins professional one.

"baby, look" Seokjin assured, moving his camera to show the receptionist of his office building sat at her desk while the boy exited the building, eventually showing the lit up letters reading the company name. Namjoons sobs calmed down enough for him to see where the elder was at, but he still wasn't convinced. 

"I haven't seen you in weeks, jinnie," Namjoon cried, he couldnt look at the phone anymore, Seokjins face was the last thing he wanted to see right now and the elder could only frown before speaking up once again.

"Joon, baby, listen to me, are you listening?" Seokjin spoke softly, but loud enough to grab the others attention. The younger nodded hesitantly before looking back at his screen to see his boyfriends sad expression, which broke his heart even more. 

"Im gonna be home in just a few minutes, okay baby? I need you to calm down for me, breathe in and out like we do, remember?" Seokjin had instructed. It was clear Namjoon was close to an anxiety attack from the slight hyperventilation in his breaths. The younger may not be able to tell when one was coming, but Seokjin made sure he did, so he would always notice one before it got bad, and that was what he did. 

Seokjin talked Namjoon through some breathing exercises, making the boy point out a few things in their room, instructing him to touch them right after, hoping it would calm him down until the elder arrived.

"Joonie, i'm here, okay? Im gonna hang up and walk inside, alright?" Seokjin assured, earning a short hum in reply while slowly unlocking the door. "stay in our room, okay Namjoon? can you do that? i'm coming up right now, and i'm gonna hang up the phone, alright?" The elder spoke once more, waiting for another short hum before closing the door behind him and walking up the stairs to their shared bedroom.

Seokjin knocked on the door before opening it, not to startle the boy waiting inside. The elder set down his work bag before sitting on the bed next to Namjoon, turning to face him. Namjoons face was even more red in person, his eyes swollen and nose running, making Seokjin feel worse for getting so caught up in his work without noticing how much it was affecting his boyfriend. 

"seok," Namjoon barely whispered before crawling into the elders arms, sobbing once again, this time into Seokjins shoulder as the boy whispered sweet nothings into his ear, hoping it would calm him down so he wouldn't get caught in another anxiety attack. Once the youngers cries had been contained to occasional hiccups, the elder pulled away looking at Namjoon.

"i'm sorry i haven't been here," was the first thing Seokjin said as he softly pushed Namjoons bangs out of his eyes. Seokjin showed the younger a sympathetic smile, he truly felt terrible about the situation and it really was his fault. 

"Namjoonie, you know i would never cheat on you, right?" he assured softly, "i love you so much, and i would never hurt you, no matter what," he added, searching for some kind of reaction in Namjoons eyes, but he saw nothing. 

"why were you never here?" the younger finally spoke again, looking down at his hands playing with the hem of Seokjins t-shirt that he had on, which just so happened to be a little bit too big on the boy. Seokjin looked down at the boys hands too, grabbing them in his own and interlocking their fingers.

"I thought i told you baby, i was taking extra shifts," Seokjin informed sadly, looking back at Namjoons face while the younger played with their fingers. The younger nodded his head silently, waiting for the elder to continue explaining. 

"i was getting more shifts because i was trying to save up for a trip for us, our anniversary, remember?" Seokjin asked, almost a whisper which earned a head nod in return. Namjoon looked up at the other, wrapping his arms around the boys neck which resulted in Seokjin pulling the younger as close to himself as he could. Seokjin could only smile before the younger pulled away, pressing a short peck to the elders lips, moving away completely, right after.

"c'mon babe, you need rest, its already almost four o' clock," Seokjin mentioned, standing up from the bed as he pulled Namjoon with him to get changed. Namjoon climbed back into bed, watching the elder get changed, admiring from afar, and when Seokjin was finished, he climbed in right next to the younger, pulling him close again. Namjoons head was resting against Seokjins chest as they spoke about the not so surprise trip coming up.

Eventually the elder stopped talking, just running his fingers through the others hair before moving Namjoons head to look up at him. Seokjin got lost in the others eyes before moving his gaze to Namjoons lips. He pressed his lips against the tallers lightly, muttering a small "i love you," as he pulled away, allowing Namjoon to cuddle into him like he had been just moments ago. It was safe to say Seokjin dropped the extra shifts and took the next day off.

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