New Allies

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Directly after I completely deheaded the dummy, there was a huge group of people surrounding me.
"Uhhhh, can I help you?" I asked.
Then Leo said, "well, you did just completely obliterate a manikin. Now they don't want to be on your bad side." Leo's way of saying, they want to be in an alliance. I had to think long and hard about this.
"EVERYONE, GET IN TWO LINES. ONE FOR MALE AND ONE FOR FEMALE," I screamed. They did it surprisingly fast. Now one of the boys stepped up. It was Nico. "You're in." He stepped behind me. Now a girl stepped up. The answer was no, she bullied me since the first day I came to camp. "No." She left (I'm gonna skip this part, just know that everyone aboard the Argo 2 and carrying the Athena Paros is onboard. Except Annabeth.)
*TIME SKIP! While we're waiting for the time to skip all the way, how are y'all?*
Well, I went through individual assessment and got a 10/10. Now I am getting in coustume to please the Gods. Why do they force us to do this crap? I'm dressed up as a fish, a FISH!!!!!! This is just CARP! (lame pun is lame) Well, I might as well keep the coustume on, apparently if the Gods like you, you get something called sponsors.
*time to skip to, well when the games are about to begin*
Ok, this is it, the countdown before the games. 5...4...3...2...1... of go the cannons. I was going to run for the weapon island thing, but that was already a pure slaughter house. Blood spread everywhere, the cannons after the death scared me. OH SHIT! I'M OUT IN THE OPEN! I ran to the nearest cover, my first objective, not die. Sounds clear cut to me.

(So hey my loyal potatolings and just the people reading this book. I'm sorry if this chapter wasn't as long as I promised, but motivation is hard to come by. Also, the book may be lacking something, I assure you, things are about to hear up.)

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