Chapter Sixteen.

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By the second hour the tension was so thick it could be cut with a knife and Jaemin wasn't too sure what had stopped him from saying sorry again, probably because he remembered the look on her face and the way she brushed off his apology and ran and he just stared at her and caused a scene.

To be honest Jihyo couldn't care less, she knew it was an accident and he tried to say sorry but she was the one who stopped him, the real reason why she was angry was because of the $50 shirt that had been ruined during the whole situation, she couldn't get the stain out and that broke her heart more than Felix did.

They were going on three hours and Jieun had dismissed them for a half hour break, Jihyo had been watching the whole time, she remembered going through something like this 5 years ago when she was 14 and her sister was 17 Jieun wanted her sister to be safe, so she showed her the only way how.

Jisung and Renjun made the decision to run down the road to get snacks for the group while Jaemin, Jeno and Chenle made conversation on the mats they were all training on, while Jieun walked over to sit beside her sister on the bleachers.

"You said there was 6, where's Haechan?" Jihyo asked thoughts running back to last night.

"Home I'm assuming, I wouldn't rely on him to show up anytimr soon" Jieun huffed and Jihyo nodded, Jieun stood up rummaging in her bag and pulled out her classroom keys.

"I'll be right back, I need to grab something from my classroom" Jieun said and Jihyo shrugged an ok standing up and walking to the top of the bleachers as her sister left, Jihyo caught sight of the trio whispering to each other and looking at her and she mentally rolled her eyes getting off the bleachers and walking over to them, they all looked up at her and stood up.

"Is this what you guys do all day?" Jihyo asked mainly talking to Chenle, but she tried not to make it obvious.

"Yeah we'll kind of, this is a recently new thing, we used to pack boxes in the auditorium" Chenle explained and Jihyo nodded feeling Jaemin's eyes on her, Jihyo glanced at the boy making eye contact with him before raising an eyebrow at him.

"Thinking about spilling coffee on me again?" She clicked her tongue, Jaemins eyes widened and Jeno bit back a laugh and turned to place his hand on Chenles shoulder who only looked confused.

"I said I was sorry!" Jaemin let out frustration filling his voice and a blush appearing on his face, Chenles eyes widened finally realising what she was implying a loud laugh escaping his lips, Jihyo sighed rolling her eyes before her lips turned upwards and she let out a small chuckle and playfully punched the boy in the shoulder.

"I'm just messing with you dude, don't worry I know it was an accident" Jihyo said trying to lighten the mood feeling bad all of a sudden, she knew he was feeling guilty and she just wanted to tease him and see what he would do.

"Still I'm so sorry, i spilled a drink on a pretty girl and just stood there looking at you like an idiot, fuck how embarrassing" Jaemin let out groan, Jihyo furrowed her eyebrows ignoring the part where he said she was pretty.

"You're embarrassed?! I was the one feeling coffee being absorbed into my $50 white shirt!?" Jihyo said looking at him shocked, wow thinking to herself maybe she shouldn't of brought it up if he was this self centred  Jeno couldn't help but let out another loud laugh earning a glare from Jihyo making him choke it back and shut up, Chenle stared wide eyed wondering how bad this conversation had turned in a matter of seconds.

"No fuck, that's what I mean-" Jaemin quickly said eyes widening even more than before, he cursed himself for not thinking before he spoke, Jihyo left the group feeling a little angry, what a dickhead she thought walking through the gym doors passing Jisung and Renjun who walked back in arms full of snacks.

Renjun walked inside seeing Chenle and Jeno laughing their heads off while Jaemin stared at the floor a groan leaving his mouth and slapping his forehead repeatedly.

"What happened?" Renjun asked seeing how Jaemin had stopped and just stared at the ceiling letting out a loud 'fuck'.

"I'm an idiot"


Jieun had finally signalled the end of the break and even she knew something felt wrong, flicking her eyes to her sister she gestured her to come to the front, Jihyo rolled her eyes and stood up stretching her arms and legs out while Jieun explained what they were going to do.

Jihyo had taken her position beside her sister and rolled her shoulders back feeling a slight crack, it's been awhile since she got into a fight.

"Jihyo this isn't a serious match, don't get ahead of yourself" Jieun said making the group tilt their heads at her odd tone, she was serious and she said it almost as if warning her.

"Sure thing sis" Jihyo smirked taking initiative and lunging at Jihyo, the boys all shook their head in shocks watching the two fight.

Jihyo had stepped forward aiming to throw a punch towards Jieuns face, Jieun lifted her arms up blocking easily before going back into her comfort stance, her legs were slightly bent and arms were high enough to block her face but also low enough to block her torso, Jihyo smiled feeling the nostalgia.

Jihyo pushed further throwing different punches hoping to push Jieun backwards but she jumped back seeing Jieun aim to take a step forward, Jihyo ducked seeing Jieuns leg go up and over her head, Jihyo took this as an opportunity to swing her leg out from under her and Jieun jumped expecting the action.

Jihyo stood up straight attempting to throw a right hand punch, Jieun grabbed her arm and held it twisting her body to push her other hand into her back, Jihyo watched the action and jumped up flipping backwards unravelling her arm from her sisters grip, Jihyo landed on two feet and used her arm that was in her sisters grip to grab Jieuns arm and twist it around her back putting her in a lock.

Jieun smiled hearing Jihyos breathing slow down and keep her in a strong hold. Jieun tapped her arm and Jihyo let her go seeing her sister turn to look at her.

"Where'd you learn that one?" Jieun asked astonished, Jihyo shrugged feeling hot and sweat slide down her back.

"After moving out I went to a couple clubs, people tend to get handsy real fast" Jihyo said hoping she wouldn't have to elaborate, the room clapped making the two snap out of their conversation

"Wow that was so cool" Chenle spoke and Jieun laughed while Jihyo did a fake curtsy making him laugh.

"That was basic normally when we use to get into fights as kids, this girl was brutal, she went easy on me" Jieun smiled tapping her sister on the shoulders, Jihyo shrugged and smiled.

"whatever" Jihyo rolled her eyes playfully, Jieun smiled and turned to the group clapping once and muttering an 'ok'.

"So, I want you all to pair up, since there's only 5 of you, I want one of you to pair up with Jihyo" Jieun announced and Jihyo raised an eyebrow but looked at the group.

"Don't worry, I don't bite" Jihyo winked.

The five boys looked between each other, Renjun wrapped an arm around Chenle who hugged his side as well, Jeno and Chenle made quick eye contact when Jaemin tried to walk towards Jeno, Jeno caught on grabbing Jisung and tugged him closer confusing the boy who didn't understand what was happening.

Jaemin gave him a look of offence for a second and looked at Jihyo who looked bored and Jaemin knew what they were doing, he glared at the group mouthing curse words while the boys just laughed.

"What? We just wanted to switch things up" Chenle smiled, Jaemin was not a violent person but there has never been a time where he wanted to hit someone so badly until right now.

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