Kidnapped Anna

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Chaos awoke the next morning with a scream and a shush, and he ran out of the room, facing the twins and the two demons who knocked them out holding Anna. "Sorry chaos! Our loyalties lay with the devil!" And Anthony came up behind him and tore out chaos' horns, leaving him in pain and unconcious. He awoke in the bed with Sam staring at him. "They got Anna! We have to get her back!" She was just still staring at him. "What?!? Come on let's go!" She finally responded, but a little shaky. "Your horns... They are back! How? The only way to grow back horns is being a-" He yelled at her, hating the word. "DONT SAY IT!!" She replied ok silently, then they both went out of the room. They found Raphael facing them against the wall. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go get Anna!" Chaos was surprised that Raphael would go with him, but he said ok. They went into the alleyway where they first landed, and teleported to the Underworld. They landed and Raphael looked nervous. "What's the matter?" Raphael was afriad to say it. "That's not how a demon teleports chaos, your a-" Chaos snapped at Raphael, telling him to shut it. They looked around a corner and saw tons of guards guarding the door.

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