Another Demon

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Chaos waited in line while Anna was looking at something. He looked at the cashier and immediately knew who she was. She looked at him, and he turned around, ignoring her. "Anna, I think we need to go to a different line, like now!" The cashier came up behind chaos and introduced herself as Sam. "So what are you doing here chaos? And who is this?" Chaos replied that this was Anna, and said they were somewhat running and hiding from his father. "Ok... Come with me, and hello Anna, I was chaos' girlfriend one time" Anna was a bit angry at that response. She followed them, and asked the question. "Um chaos, you said you never kissed anyone before." Chaos knew he wasn't going to get away with this. "Actually, I said that I never kissed anyone like you before." She kept silent, and followed. When they got there Sam knocked on the door, and a window opened up, showing someone's eyes. "Raphael, open up its me Sam." He opened the door.

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