Raph's Place

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They walked in, noticing other demons just standing and laying around. "You know, you guys can turn back into demon form now, your safe in my place". They turned back, and all the demons stared at chaos, a bit of anger in thier eyes. "So what is the son of the devil doing here?" He sounded a bit angry and Sam got 2 confused looks, Anna and chaos. "Um, Raph they are hiding from the devil, cause they did something. I'm sure they would love to tell us." Anna and chaos looked at each other, then back at Sam, shaking thier head no. "Um ok, hey Raph, why don't you get our guests some lemonade". He turned and went into what looked like a kitchen. "So, what happened to his horns? He only has a tail." Anna didn't notice until Raph poked his head out again. He didn't have any horns, only a tail. "He had horns once, he made a deal with your father. He did what he said, but your father took his horns away, all bloody from taking it out of his head. Now he hates everything to do with your father, Chaos". "Well, I don't like him". Anna was a bit irritated and replied something that turned into a mean argument. "Well, you don't like him because you didn't get your way, you pout and have a fit when you don't like something." That infuriated something in Chaos' mind and he said something hurtful. "Well at least I'm not useless all the time!!" He immediately knew he hurt her feelings. "Anna, no i didn't mean it. I'm sorry!" She replied no it's ok, I get it, and stood, and walked away, slamming a door behind her.

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