chapter four

126 9 4

It's been a week since Jack's party, and the werewolf guy still won't tell me his name.

It's literally so annoying.

But his sense of humor almost makes up for it.


Asher is actually pretty good at chemistry. Who knew? And he isn't that big of a jerk to me either, but he does flirt sometimes. Maybe he realized that I wasn't having it, so he stopped.

It was Friday, and I had just gotten home from school. I flopped on my bed and was about to call the werewolf guy when Kenzie texted me, saying that Johnny was having a party and I was going whether I liked it or not. I was about to refuse, but realized that maybe the werewolf guy would be there as well. I told her that I would go.

I put on a plain white t-shirt, with blue shorts. I tied a bandana on my shorts and took my belt with hearts on it and wore it as a chain. I slipped on some Air Force Ones. I decided to leave my hair as it was. I quickly grabbed my phone and ran downstairs to tell my mom where I was going.

"Don't be back later than 10:30!" My mom yelled as I ran outside. I closed the front door and turned around to see Jayden's car parked outside. I jumped in and sighed as I leaned back in the seat.

The girls were all talking to each other about the party. I was silently looking out the window, when I realized the reason I was going.

I whipped out my phone and texted him.

          The Werewolf Guy

↝So am I going to see you at Johnny's party tonight??


↝On what?

If you're going

↝Of course I'm going idiot why else would I ask?

Cause you're obsessed with finding out my identity

↝You wish

↝Anyways, you're "secret identity" will eventually slip

Oh really?? And why is that?

↝Because this isn't a party where you can hide your face duh

Okay then, if I manage to come to the party in relatively normal attire, and you don't find out who I really am, you owe me $10

↝And if you don't, you owe me $10


I sighed as I turned off my phone. He was going down.

✧・゚: *

Once we got out of the car, the girls took a billion pictures and somehow I got dragged into it.

Once we got out of the car, the girls took a billion pictures and somehow I got dragged into it

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@lebonkers : I can almost taste those $10

@cANNAda : what $10??

↝I'll explain later

@angelboi : I doubt it


@angelboi : uhh, nothing!

@juanny.boi : stop taking pictures and come inside already

↝jeez sOrRy

We went inside and the familiar scent of alcohol enveloped me once again. Jayden ran over to Jack, Kenzie and Syd joined Carson and Johnny at the drinks table, and Will dragged Anna off somewhere leaving me all alone.


I was carefully observing a game of foosball, criticizing the players' techniques, when I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder.

"Care for a drink?" A tall guy wearing a baseball hat and sunglasses asked me.

"Thanks." I said, as I grabbed the red cup from him. I took a sip, the alcohol burning my throat.

"Looks like you owe me $10." He said, smirking.

I find it a miracle that I didn't spit my drink out right then and there.

"You're werewolf guy?" I yelled, earning some stares.

"The one and only!" He grinned.

I rolled my eyes, took my phone out of my back pocket, took off the phone case and took out $10. 

"You're lucky I carry my emergency money with me in the back of my phone." I said, handing over the money.

"Cha-ching!" He sang.

We were talking to each other whilst walking around the house, and eventually ended up outside in Johnny's backyard.

We were in the middle of a heated discussion on whether or not cereal is soup, when Anna came over to me and said that we were about to leave.

"Now will you let me know your name?" I asked.

"Nope." He said, popping the p and jumping on the balls of his feet.

I let out an exasperated sigh

"If not now, then when?" I asked.

"When the time is right." He said, pretending to sound wise. I rolled my eyes at him.

I said goodbye and got into the car. Once I had closed the door, I sighed and leaned back in my seat. After a few seconds, I realized that the car wasn't moving, and it was silent inside.

I turned around to see Jayden, Sydney, Kenzie and Anna all smirking at me.

"Who was that?" Jayden asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Screw you." I said, before turning away to look out the window.
It's 3 am eye-

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