Appointment: 22 Subject: 992 "Amelia"

44 1 0

12/12/14. 5:01

"You're here early?"

"I had them again. It was worse this time. I could move and I-"

"Slow down"

"I got up and walked over to the figures in the corner that I saw. The ones that were hanging. They were my friends. They were dead. So I looked around and I saw a dark figure in the corner rushing toward me. It started slashing and slashing. Over and over. It got my face and my neck and my stomach. And look"

"Ahhhh. I see. So this dark figure, why do you think it attacked you?"

"I don't know. But that's not the end of the dream."

"What was the rest of it?"

"A boy walked in. I don't know where he came in be he did. He attacked the dark figure. He saved me. And I think I've seen him before. In reality. I know I have. But it's strange."


"His head was shaved and he was hooked up to an oxygen tank."

"He probably had cancer."

"That's what I thought but he couldn't have."

"And whys that?"

"He didn't die in my dream. Only I did."

"Oh. But maybe he won't die from cancer or maybe he won't die at all."

"He won't. I'll make sure he won't. I have to find him. I have to thank him."

"Honey, he is just a fictional character."

"No I will find him."

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