Kaer Morhen

542 12 2

RINDE - Redania

"I wanna go too.. please take me with you." Jaskier was begging Geralt. They were sitting to the table and having lunch. The food was already on the table. They were just waiting on Yennefer when she will come back. She went to prepare some things for their upcoming trip.
"I said no." Geralt started losing his patience.
"Why she can go and I can't?" the bard crossed his arms.
"Because I don't need to save my ass every time if something screw up.." Yennefer told him calmly when she entered into the room.
"That's not true.." Jaskier frowned. She sat down to the table.
"Let me remind you.. how many times have Geralt or me saved you from the certain death?" she raised her eyebrow.
"Alright.. many times but these have been different situations.. I just want to see the castle now." Jaskier smirked.
"This isn't place for the bards Jaskier." Geralt was serious.
"Did she tell you that? Because you are already speaking like her." Jaskier frowned at him.
"No, I didn't. It's from his own head if you wanted to ask this." she said sarcastically. The bard wanted to protest but Yennefer froze him with her angry look. He quickly changed his mind and stayed quiet.

"We should eat it before it will get cold." Yennefer suggested.
"I thought you'll never said it because I'm hungry as wolf." Geralt laughed. They all started eating. Yennefer prepared a cheese soup and chicken with vegetable. Geralt was glad she could cook that well but he also knew she sometimes helped herself with spells. But it didn't bother him at all. It still tasted like a normal food.
Geralt ate the soup as first. He then grabbed the chicken into his hand and was ready to bite it.
"What are you doing?" Yennefer interrupted him.
"I'm eating." Geralt answered with full mouth because he already bit the chicken.
"Like that?" she raised her eyebrow.
"Hmm.. yes." the witcher swallowed the food and gave her confused look.
"You're eating like an animal.. Did you forget how to use cutlery?" Yennefer told him angrily.
"No, but it's quicker to eat it like that." Geralt protested. "And I eat like that on the path alwa.." she interrupted him.
"When you eat with me you'll use cutlery or then you can leave from the table. You won't eat like a pig in front of me." Yennefer stated. Jaskier started loudly laughing and Geralt frowned. He put back the chicken on a plate, he took the cutlery and then started eating the chicken with it. They all continued in eating without a word. Yennefer smiling under her nose as the winner and the witcher frowning as the loser. Again. He already stopped counting how many times he has lost his fight with her.

They finished their lunch and then prepared everything what they needed.
"Can we go Geralt?" she turned to him.
"Yes, we can." the witcher came closer to her.
"Come on.. I'll be careful." Jaskier made a big smile at them.
"Shut up bard. Be glad that you can stay in my house when I won't be here." Yennefer gave him angry look.
Jaskier rather didn't say another word. He was still terrified of her, especially when she was angry.
"When I tell you, think on certain location." she looked at Geralt, he nodded. Geralt one last time looked at the bard.
"Try don't kill yourself Jaskier." he said with laughing.
"Don't worry.. if I should die one day, then she'll be the first one to kill me." Jaskier said ironically and he looked at her. Yennefer smirked on him. Geralt was trying not to laugh because he said the truth. Yennefer really wanted to kill him sometimes but Geralt always talked her out of it.
Yennefer then created the teleport.
"Now Geralt." she told him. He then thought on the location. They both disappeared in the teleport. Jaskier sat down on the chair.
"Crazy witches.." he rolled his eyes and sighed.


The light from the teleport brighter the forest when Geralt with Yennefer landed on the ground. Yennefer started looking around herself.
"Why are we in the forest?" she asked him confused.
"Someone could track the teleport. I need to be careful that's why are we in the forest and not in the castle now."
"So, what we do now?" she started losing her patience again.
"Castle is two miles from here." he looked at her calmly.
"We'll walk two miles?" she didn't like this idea.
"If you don't have a horse in your bag, I'm afraid we need to walk there Yennefer." he started smiling.
"Haha.. very funny." she said sarcastically.
"C'mon, the walk won't kill you." he offered his hand to her.
"No, it won't.. it will just kill my legs. Geralt, I'm not use to walk that long. I haven't lived on the path like you." she frowned at him and she pulled away his hand.
"It's not so bad as you think.." he laughed.
"Come, I want to have it over me." she started walking away.
"Ahm.. Yen." Geralt called on her.
"What?" she stopped and gave him angry look.
"This way." he pointed at the direction and he laughed again.
She sighed, then she came towards him.
"Geralt, if this is some of your jokes.. I promise.." Geralt interrupted her.
"It's not a joke Yen." he told her honestly.
Yennefer looked at him angrily, then she started walking the way Geralt pointed. He followed her. He knew that she was mad at him but he also knew she will calm down for a while. For these months being together he has already learned how she behave or what to expect from her when she has her moods.

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