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ARD SKELLIGE - Skellige Isles

Geralt entered into the lab and two guards were already waiting on him. He quickly came towards them and attacked them. He immediately cut the one soldier into pieces. His adrenaline were working on two hundred percent, he's never felt so much anger as he was feeling now. The second soldier attacked him but he reppeled soldier's sword. The soldier then raised his sword again but Geralt jumped and did a piruette and when he was in the air, he cut soldier's head. Geralt landed on the ground and he sighed. Then he continued further into the lab. He then spotted her. Ciri was chained to the table which was little bit in the vertical pozition. He stopped walking. Vilgefortz turned around when he heard his steps.
"So, you chose the litlle girl.. to be honest I thought you will choose that witch.." Vilgefortz laughed.
"I chose them both." Geralt said angrily.
"Oh.. did you?" Vilgefortz laughed. "Never mind.. at least you can watch how I'll hurt her in front of your eyes.." Vilgefortz smiled evilly, then he took scalpel from the table and he came closer to the Ciri.
"Do not dare to touch her!" Geralt warned him and he came closer to them. Ciri looked at him with terrified eyes.
"You can't stop me.. I'm stronger. Admit it finally witcher." Vilgefortz stated. Geralt's anger explode at that moment and he ran towards him but at that moment Vilgefortz said his spell. Geralt immediately caught his head and he screamed from the pain.
"Stop it! Please!" Ciri screamed at Vilgefortz.
"No, I won't, he deserve it.." Vilgefortz eyes were dark as deepest night.
"Burn in the hell.." Geralt managed to say the words but the pain in his head was getting stronger. He sighed painfully. Ciri looked at him worriedly. Vilgefortz laughed, then he raised his hand and he was ready to hurt Ciri.
"I said stop it!" Ciri screamed like never before and suddenly the big wawe from her scream throw Vilgefortz away from her and he fell down to the ground. Geralt managed to quickly stand up even if his head could explode in any minute. Now or never, he thought. He then immediately went towards Vilgefortz and he was ready to kill him with his sword. Vilgefortz spotted him, he immediately created the fire ball and throw it into Geralt but Geralt jumped away on the side. Vilgefortz started creating another fire ball but Geralt quickly raised his sword and with all hate and anger which he was feeling towards that mage, he stabbed Vilgefortz with one exact blow. Suddenly the pain from his head disappeared. He sighed.

"Geralt.." Ciri called on him with tiny voice, she was crying. He looked at her and he immediately went towards her.
"I thought I will die.. I thought you will die.." she was still in shock.
"Shh.. it's over.. no one will ever harm you.." Geralt told her calmly and he removed the chains from her. Ciri immediately jumped on his neck and she hugged him tightly.
"I'm scared Geralt.." she snuggled closer to her.
" I'm here.. don't be afraid.." he caressed her back and kissed her cheek. She then raised her eyes on him.
"Yennefer.." she whispered to him and she looked at him terrified. Geralt looked at her sadly.
"I hope too Ciri.." he told her with sadness and he put her to the floor. He didn't want to believe that she didn't survive it. She had to survive it, he couldn't imagine his life without her. He just couldn't.
He grabbed Ciri's hand and they started walking away from the lab.

They came to the hall. Geralt spotted Triss how she was kneeling down next to Yennefer and he heard how she was crying. He let go Ciri's hand and he stopped walking. Ciri continued towards Triss. He thought on the worst thing. He started preparing on the worst scenario where Yennefer wasn't alive anymore. He wanted to prepare on it but he knew it was impossible for him. How he could prepare on something which he never wanted to see it? His heart started beating faster. He didn't know if he was ready to see her dead. But he still had a small hope that she was alive even if her chances to survive it were very low. He slowly started walking towards them.
"Ciri.." Triss looked at her happily with tears in her eyes. Ciri immediately hugged her and then she looked at her. Triss gave her sad look and shaked her head. Ciri then looked at Yennefer and she started crying like never before in her life and she knelt down next to Yennefer. Geralt heard Ciri's cry and he knew that wasn't good sign but he still didn't want to believe it. He didn't want to be in the world where she wasn't present.
He stopped walking again, he took a deep breath and then he came closer to them.
His heart stopped beating for a while. He saw her and she wasn't moving. He saw many blood on her body. He saw that she wasn't even breathing. He immediately looked away, he didn't want to saw her in that way. No, no, no... it couldn't be happening, she couldn't be dead. Not now. She couldn't be dead at all. Someone had to wake up him from this nightmare immediately. No, she couldn't be dead. He didn't want to believe it. He then slowly looked at her again just to be sure but she still didn't move. Then he started crying loudly. His heart died at that moment. His life broke into pieces. He wanted to die because his life didn't have any sense anymore. Triss noticed him standing there totally broken, she stood up and came towards him. She squeezed his hand.
"Tell me this is just my worst nightmare.." Geralt looked at her with pain in his eyes. He felt like somebody put thousands daggers into his heart at the same time. Triss looked at him sadly and the more tears started rolling down from her cheeks.
"I want to wake up from this fucking nightmare!" his voice failed him. Triss just hugged him.
"Wake me Triss.. please... wake me.. I can't live without her, please wake me.." Geralt could barely speak, he started crying even more. He was totally heartbroken. The pain in his heart was unbearable. Triss caressed his back. Geralt squeezed her firmly. He started trembling.

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