Mr. Weasley's Approval

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     Normally arriving at The Burrow was a relieving thing for Harry but this time he was anxious for the week to come. It was late May and a cool breeze ruffled his unkempt hair.  He had spent all week searching Grimmauld Place for a ring that would be perfect for Ginny but first, he needed to talk to Mr. Weasley to get his approval. Harry hadn't been very prepared for this, not having a mom to talk to was hard of course he had Mrs. Weasley but in this case, he didn't want to spoil the surprise. As we walked up to The Burrow he could feel his heart in his throat, today wasn't the day he was planning to do it but he did have to tell Mr. Weasley about it. Harry wasn't worried about what Mr. Weasley would say, he knew that it would be a, "yes." Before he could even knock on the door Ginny came running out and threw her arms around him, "finally!" she shouted, "I've been waiting all day!" Mrs. Weasley followed Ginny and she too gave him a hug. The three of them went inside, it was strange being at The Burrow when only three people lived in it.  Percy, Bill, and Charlie had already moved out while Harry was still at Hogwarts but now George lived with his wife Angelina and their one son, Fred. Ron and Hermione had moved out just a month before and were living in Godric's Hollow, Harry hoped to move next door to the house he had spent the first year of his life in but he also owned the Black House. Harry and Ginny sat and talked while they waited for Mr. Weasley to arrive home from work. Once he did the four of them all sat down for dinner, prepared by magic of course. After dinner, Harry asked Mr. Weasley to come for a walk with him. His heart was in his throat because he knew after this that his life would be changed forever.  "So Harry, how have you been?" Mr. Weasley asked. "Well, I've been living on my own which is sometimes nice but sometimes lonely although I have gone to see Dudley occasionally." This was true after the war Dudley had returned to Number 4 Privat Drive even though his Aunt and Uncle moved to Paris in their retirement. "So why did you want to go for a walk with me? Why not Ginny?" Mr. Weasley was always questioning everything, Harry liked this about him. "Well," he started not exactly sure how to ask the question that had been burning in his mind for the last year. "Ginny is the reason I wanted to talk to you. Five years ago when I saw Ginny with one of her boyfriends I had this feeling, jealousy if you will. That feeling only grew and grew into something called love. Mr. Weasley, I know that Ginny is the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with so here I am asking for your permission to ask your daughter to marry me."

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