Fashion practice.

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Afternoon mum,I said.
Oh Evie, Emily how are you,and how was school today,my mom said.

Thanks mom,school was fine today and mum we're inviting a friend over just to hang out,I said.

We had Nachos and guacamole for lunch and then we started our homework.

The bell rang and it was Jenny and her friend that was at the door.
Good afternoon ma,Jenny and Riley said.

Welcome to our house,evie get them some Nachos and Guacamole,Emily I will be leaving now for the meeting with your dad,he will be waiting for me at the meeting,my mum said.

Ok mum bye,Emily said,,,,bye mom,Evie said.

Oh Emily,your house is so big, beautiful,classy and fancy,Jenny said.

Thanks Jenny and are'nt you going to introduce us,I said

Oh sorry about that,Emily,Evie meet Riley my mom friend's daughter and she was in my middle school,Jenny said.

  Nice to meet you Riley I'm Emily and this is my sister Evie.
Nice to meet you guys,Jenny has told me all about you guys,she told me that you like fashion and Evie loves but don't worry,I will teach you all about fashion but first we need to teach you styling first,I brought some Spraycans with me so I and evie will teach you how to style clothes,Riley said.

Ok so Emily, Imagine you have a white dress and you use a black spray paint and add red flowers,just imagine how it will look like,evie said.

Jenny and Riley taught me a lot of things on styling clothes and I really learned a lot....Emily you have to start dressing in a hot way,I mean start wearing fashion dresses,Jenny said.

Ok and thanks so much guys,I really appreciate this and with your help,not only will I win the fashion competitions, I will defeat Susie,I said.

    Ok Emily, Evie we'll take our leave now,ok bye,Jenny said.
Bye,I and evie said.

My mom and dad came back from work and then we had a family meeting and I explained to them about my challenge with Susie,
they were mad but they promised to support I and evie all the way and they also said that we should focus more on our studies and we agreed with them,

we had mango salad and yoghurt for dinner{Evie's favourite food}and then we all went to bed.

A/N~ sorry for the late update but do not forget to vote,post and comment ,bye.

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