She stepped on my toes.

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I woke up in the morning and had my bath and then I wore my yellow short gown and my yellow scarf,and I combed my hair into a bun.
Good morning Emily,Evie said....Good morning evie,I said.
Evie wore a blue turtle neck top and a white skirt.
    Emily I've been thinking and I think I wanna open my own online cooking business,I 've told Jenny,riley and my other friends about it and they've agreed to help me evie said.
Oh that's great evie I'm with you in every step you make,I said.
We had coffee cake and orange juice for breakfast and then we went to school.
    Hi evie, emily am ready for you guys today,Jenny said and then we went for maths and bio class and we went to the library to study.
After studying we went for lunch and we created a website for evie for her make-up business....O.M.G guys I just got my first customer and she told me come to her house by 5:00,evie said.
Oh we are so happy for you,evie, we all said.
Oh Emily you look so off the hook,Susie said.
Susie what do you want now after all it seems like am already beating you in it,i have registered for the fashion competitions and have started practicing,I said.
Oh well if it's like that,Mr Hamilton, can you believe that Emily violated the school dress code,Susie lied.
But Mr.Hamilton I checked the dross code and there's nothing wrong with my dressing,I said.
Enough said Mrs Archer detention for an hour,he said.
Look Susie this is not over,you just put your hand in the lion's mouth,am gonna make your life miserable stating today,I said.
Well that it guys,I ended up going to detention but evie and Jenny promised to help me out.I got a text from them and then they told me what to do.
  Oh Mr Hamilton am sorry for what I did,please let me go,I cried fakely.
Mr Hamilton let me go and I thanked Jenny and Evie for what they did.
Evie and I got home and then we had Tacos and salad for lunch and then Jenny and Riley came to teach me make-up while evie went for her make-up work.
They taught me a lot on cosmetics and then we hatched a plan on what to do to get revenge on Susie.
                            1.Mix a whole gallon of whipped  cream.
                             2.Attach it on the inside roof.
                             3.When Riley is walking in the school hallway,pour it on her.
When evie came home I told her all about the plan and she called Jenny and Ridley agreed with all of us and then we had Noodles and Turkey for dinner and then we went to bed.

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