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I woke up in the morning, had my bath and then wore my brown tiger stripped top,black leggings and my red jacket while Evie wore her yellow long sleeve top,blue skirt and her blue flats.

We had chocolate chip cookies for breakfast and then Evie told us that she was gonna invest her price money for my fashion competition and for her future cooking restaurant so we started preparing for the fashion competitions which was tomorrow.

My mom called her stylist,, {Miss.halsley}to come style our clothes so we ordered 15 gowns from the Bellini famous fashion competition and we ordered shoes and accessories and all this cost us 120 thousand dollars.

When my mom stylist got here,we were all busy confused about the clothes we will wear especially me but while I was checking,I saw a beautiful,gorgeous yellow long dinner show back gown with splits by the side,yellow high heels and accesories,it was so beautiful and evie,Jenny, my mom and dad loved it.

Evie also found a lovely blue show back dinner gown that had a big blue bow thingie at the Back with blue high heels and blue accessories while jenny wore a red Bellini original gown with shiny so diamonds and triangles drawn at the lower part of the gown,we all looked beautiful.

I got all my dresses ready for what I was gonna be wearing for each round but guys my real gown that I was gonna be wearing for the final round was gonna blow your mind,just wait till the fashion competitions tomorrow.

Ok guys gotta go and Don't forget to vote, post and comment, Byeeee.


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