Soryu Finds you:

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Soryu walked towards his room after a long day of drinking with the other bidders. He wanted nothing more than to be left alone, yet that seemed so far away.

"Ota! Stop following me!" He growled, and he whipped out his gun.

"Stop waving that thing around!" Ota whined.

Soryu ignored him and dragged his weak body to his bed. He wanted to sleep...


By the time Soryu woke up, it was still dark out. He could hear the others downstairs laughing. Soryu checked his phone.

"It's only 3 in the morning? I went to bed at 12!" He whined.

His phone lit up and began to ring. He answered quickly, and in the most sober voice he could muster asked what they needed.

"We have a problem." The voice was one of his men.

"What problem?"

"There's a child, and none of the enemies claim her."

"How old?!" Soryu sat up and began adjusting his belt buckle. He threw on his coat and shoes and dashed from the doorway.

"1 month." The voice said.

"I'll be right there!"

"No need, we're outside the Tres Spades now."

Soryu sighed. "Come on up."


"So you just kidnapped her?!"

"I didn't know she had a mother!"

"Grr...get out."

"But what about the-"

"I'll take her...GET OUT!"

Soryu was left with a baby girl in his arms and drunk men around him.

"Awwwwww soooooo cuuute!!" Mamoru sprawled out beside him on the couch and rubbed your head. You were dead asleep.

Baba drunkily giggled and made kissy faces at you. "She's the most precious girl I've ever seen!"

"Ota, come look!" Mamoru waved a floppy arm, and Ota stood up slowly.

"I'm gonna paint her! What color are her eyes?!" Ota laughed and smiled. "They're (E/C)!!! I don't see many girls with shiny (E/C) eyes!!"

Ota flopped his way upstairs to grab a paintbrush.

"Let me hold her!" Eisuke made a grab for you, but Soryu stood up and lifted you high.

"We are going to bed. I'll think about what I'm gonna do with her in the morning."

He left the others alone, and they continued to laugh about how cute you were.

Soryu fell asleep quickly, though he continuously woke up to lay a hand on your chest to check if you were still breathing.


"Is she still asleep?" One man whispered.

"I think she's dead!" Another laughed quietly.

"No she's not! Don't say that!"

Soryu kept his eyes closed. Were the men really in his room for you?! At least they were sober now.

"Get out." Soryu barked, and he sat up quickly.

"You're shirtless!! That's just perverted!" Ota gasped.

Eisuke sat on the couch, and Baba, Ota, and Mamoru hovered above you.

Soryu pulled you close to his chest and rubbed your head. You made a clicking noise before dozing back off.

Slobber soaked Soryu's mattress from you, and he looked down at his chest, which was also now wet with spit.

He rolled his eyes. Women, even in baby form annoyed him.

"Call the manager. I need a teething toy, diapers, clothes, shoes, play pens, rockers-"

"Calm down!" Mamoru smirked. "Getting baby fever already?"

"Shut up. I'm trying to take care of her!"

"So you're keeping her?" Ota smiled.


"Can I hold her?" Baba held his hands out.

Soryu carefully laid you in his arms, and he waved his finger above your face.

"You're gonna be the cutest woman ever when you grow up! I can tell that you're going to be beautiful!" Baba hummed, and he rocked you back and forth.

Soryu changed into a decent shirt and took you back.

"Hey, I wasn't done!" Baba whined.

"I don't care. Get out." Soryu motioned to the door, and the men walked out in a single line.

"Already have the men wrapped around your finger huh? You're gonna be a troublemaker."

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