1 | Evan

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The damn computer was frozen.

And my biology paper was due in an hour.

My phone buzzed a text and I picked it up, sighing. I would have to say that I had to cancel the party for Allen, or Draco as he preferred to be called, winning his swim meet. The text was from Wenny/Lunar, Draco's older sister. Just seeing her name made my heart speed up. She was the most amazing person on Earth, or in the universe - she had gorgeous teal locks and black eyes that were dark and bright at the same time - I shook myself. My god. Don't be obsessed with her. You're going over the top.

Lunar: Evan, where are you? Everyone's already at the party and Rainbow made cookies. You're not going to miss her cookies, are you? 

I laughed. She always knew how to cheer me up, even if she didn't know I needed cheering up.

Evan: My computer froze when I was three quarters the way through my biology paper.

Lunar: omg oof. I'm coming over to fix it, then, because Rainbow printed Draco's face on the cookies and I really want to see you eat his face.

Evan: You don't have to do that for me.

Lunar: Oh yes I do. No arguing, young man.

I sighed and sat back in my chair. Wenny was too sweet for this world.

Five minutes later she had slipped into my apartment because I'd told her where the key was on a Truth or Dare round. She was smart - and now she could get in my apartment whenever she wanted to. Of course, I didn't think she would steal anything. "Hello," she said, coming next to me and peering over my shoulder at the computer. "Wait, Evan, all you need to do is shut the computer down."

"I hate you," I moaned. "Couldn't you have told me that over text? Then we wouldn't have wasted so much time."

She grinned at me. "Well, I wanted to see you. I missed you."

My heart skipped a beat. I knew she was just referring to me as a friend but I couldn't help it. Others were always confused as to why anyone would be friends with her. She barely showed any emotion in public areas and was the nerd, secluded from everyone except a selected seven. And I was the luckiest person alive to be included in that seven. 

Once Wenny was around her trusted family and friends, she became Lunar Eclipse, and she really opened up her true personality: Cold yet sweet, clever yet silly. And of course, she was amazing at art. I shouldn't have these feelings. She already had a boyfriend, Jay, after all. Did I forget to mention that?

He was sweet and kind. And he was hot. Lunar didn't have any reason not to love him. Any girl would rather be with Jay than with me, the weirdo with teal hair. I worked out, sure, but I didn't think I was good-looking. I did play sports, but I enjoyed music more. Alec and Draco were the  non-tweebs (boys, obviously, none of the girls were tweebs) in our group. Kyran and I? Tweebs. 

"Alright, fixed!" Lunar stepped back, giving me another grin that melted my heart. 

We went outside and got in the car. I opened the door for Lunar and she sat down in the passenger's seat. She tucked a strand of teal hair behind her ear, revealing that she was wearing gold earrings. They complimented her skin tone. "So, Draco's house, right?" I asked.

"You tell me," she teased. "Oh, and are you planning on getting drunk?" 

I snorted. "Obviously."

"Draco's already tipsy," Lunar said. "Alec too. Oh, and Funneh." Funneh, or Kat was her real name, was the middle child of all five children in Lunar's family. It was a common knowledge that she and Alec both liked each other, but they were both in denial.

"I hope they kiss, I really hope they kiss," I prayed. "Make them kiss."

I used to have a crush on Funneh until I knew Lunar.

All I wanted was her.

STARTED 4/24/2020

Omg guys I actually made a Levan book. All yall Levan shippers are with me Levan=amazing I'm sorry this is short I just wanted to get it out c:

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