9 | Evan

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I woke up in a hospital bed, and there was someone beside me.

It was Lunar.

The first thing that came to my mind was that she looked like a sleep-deprived zombie. Her hair had lost its sheen and her eyes were dull, but when she saw me she almost did a happy dance. Almost. The fact that she restrained herself was good.

"Lunar, you look terrible," I said, propping myself up. Ugh, I hated hospitals and their gowns. I just didn't like it.

My lips felt numb and my mouth too clumsy to form words, so my sentence came out a little. . .umm, deteriorated, but Lunar didn't seem to mind.

She laughed tiredly. "You should take a look at yourself." 

"What the hell happened?" I asked, swinging my legs off my bed. I was feeling in pretty good condition, so why was I in the hospital?

Lunar told me the whole thing. "Then they. . ." her voice cracked. "They told me that your ribs were fractured. That would have been the worst of it, but. . .one of your ribs had punctured your lung. So they had to do surgery. I don't remember the exact details. I mean, I was able to glean the general meaning. But. . ." Her cheeks tinted red. "I was more worried about you to pay attention." 

That moved me deeply, but I didn't show it. "K, I'm touched and all, but  can you get me out of this gown? I feel stupid. And I probably look stupid."

Lunar rolled her eyes. We didn't talk about our previous argument, but Lunar, being the goody-two-shoes that she was, went to consult my doctor about it. When she came back, she rattled off a number of scientific-sounding things, but I got the gist of it. I wasn't going to be discharged until at least three days later, and then I would have to spend the month recovering.

"Oh, come on," I complained. "It wasn't even that big of a deal, was it?"

"Did you know how nervous you made everyone?" Lunar wheeled on me, suddenly angry. "What genius part of your brain decided to pick a fight with those kids, huh?"

I felt the veins on my neck tighten. "They were talking trash about you and they attacked me first, okay? They wanted me to shove a dead animal in your locker."

Lunar was silent. She bit the inside of her cheek. "I love you, you stupidhead," she finally mumbled. "Take it easy on those ribs."

My heart sped up when she said the words 'I love you.' I started teasing myself with fantasies and then started acting like a complete idiot. "Oh, you mean like a friend?" I asked, laughing a laugh that didn't sound like me at all. "Yeah, same. That sounded wrong. Of course we're just friends. Just friends, right?" 

Lunar looked at me strangely. "Right," she said slowly.

*Time Skip*

I was back in school and more determined than ever to hit the gym instead of being a weakling who couldn't defend himself. My case was everywhere and it was not boosting my popularity. Well, I had the Krew and Kyran and Alec to rely on.

Oh, speaking of Kyran. I pulled him aside on our way to History. "Hey, dude, how did things work out with Gold?"

At the mention of his crush's name, Kyran's eyes widened and his face grew so red I thought he'd swallowed a jalapeno or something. "Yeah." He nodded, flustered, fingering the hem of his shirt. "I think I have a shot, I mean I'm obviously a lot better than Prince. Right?" he asked anxiously.

"You're 1,000% better than him, dude," I said, clapping Kyran on the shoulder. Just then the bell shrieked in my ears and we both glanced at each other, then hurried off to class.

lol no words to say on this chapter

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