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Read this chapter while listening to "Myself" by Post Malone


As we left the front of the health center I could still feel tension all around Ken, it seemed like seeing Mide suddenly made him angry.

I don't know if I was the reason, no - I doubt that, it seemed something more deeper and so I asked.

"Are you alright."

"Yea sure, I am." He replied, but yet he didn't seem like it.

"Trust me, there is nothing wrong." He added as he noticed the quizzical look on my face.

We walked on in silence, with him leading the way until we got to the front of the female hostel and he stopped, saying he couldn't go beyond this point, as male students were not allowed into the female dormitories.

"I could call a friend of mine and ask her to help you get settled in." He said.

How sweet and thoughtful of him 

"Nah..., That won't be necessary. I already settled in with the help of that principal's assistant...ehm...ehm....." I started to reply, but I couldn't finish because I realized that I didn't know the name of the assistant.

How rude of me, I should have at least asked for her name after all she did, but still I could care less though

"Do you mean to say Bunmi?" He cut in, while I was still trying to remember a name I never knew.

"Oh! Yes, Yes, Bunmi" I said, acting like I knew her name so I don't look all that bad to him.

"Bunmi is the name of the principal's assistant though right?" I added on a second thought, trying to verify that Bumni was her actual name.

"Err.., yea it is." He said, then with a smug look he added  "Thought you already should know her name?".

"Yea I do, I do, I just wanted to make sure I didn't mix it up with someone else, as I only just learnt of the name some minutes ago." I said immediately.

Ok! Pause that thought right now
I know you think I told a lie, but come on there is still some atom of truth in the well cooked up lie
For one, I just knew of the names some minutes ago, although not from the actual person and I could mix it up even if I did know

"Alright that's fine, see you around" He said and turned to leave.

"Bye." I said and also entered the female dormitories. My new home which I intend to enjoy the most of as much as I can."

                               * * *


As Mide left with that ridiculous and mischievous last statement, I had a million questions to ask Amara, but i decided not to.

I figured if it was important them she would tell me. I also made a mental note to keep an eye on that Sly Mide.

I don't really hate him or anything like that as a lot of people think. Yes, I felt bad loosing the Head Boy position to him as I was rightfully and very eligible for the position but things like this happen.

I was also very much happy with the office I was appointed to, I really liked things that had to do with people's health and life, this was the reason why I also planned on studying Medicine and Surgery in the University.

The only reason I acted weird around Mide was that I also felt annoyed when he tried to rub the position in my face, he always moved about with the Head Boy tag like it was an Olympic Gold medal and I found that annoying.

While I was lost in the thoughts and feeling a bit tense, I guess the tension was showing because Amara started to ask me if I was alright.

I said I was, because I actually but she didn't seem to believe me until I reassured her that I was.

We walked on in silence, with me leading the way until we got to the front of the female hostel and I  stopped, because I  couldn't go beyond this point, as male students were not allowed into the female dormitories. This rule applied to everyone and being a perfect wasn't an excuse to.

Although, we have had cases in the past where some guys enter into the female hostels at night to hookup with their girlfriends and I also seemed to find that funny.

We even had a case once when I was in SS1, and the then Male sanitary prefect was allocating portiond for student to clean when suddenly a girl started running away and he ran after her determined to flog her. She ran into the female hostel and stopped running, expecting that the prefect would turn back but alas he entered into the hostel and flogged her right there.

It was a very funny experience that quickly spread round the school, the prefect was suspended for three days as the principal wanted to enforce and make it clear that "no one was above the law".

I offered to ask a friend of mine to help her get settled in but she replied saying she already has with the help of Bunmi - the principal's assistant. I had a feeling she didn't know her name at first but she somehow convinced me that she did. We bade each other farewell and I left to go back and join my assistants in completing the validation of medical reports and screening of new and returning students.

The reports comprised mostly of Blood tests for malaria, typhoid and also for STDs - Sexually Transmitted Diseases like HIV/AIDS, Syphilis, etc. We also did Alcohol and Drug tests, emphasis on this was done  majorly for returning senior students.

The school was a Christian School and so Alcohol and use of Hard drugs were prohibited and the students were also instructed to abstain from this even on holidays from school and so the tests were always necessary to validate if school rules were being followed accordingly.

Even with all these restrictions, students were still always caught using and taking these hard drug.

Once, a group of senior student were caught taking Indian hemp behind the  lavatory block of the senior boys hostel and they were all immediately expelled.

This incident made a lot of students, who would have wanted to try these drugs and alcohol in the school premises refrain from doing so.

I was already nearing the health center when I met Toyosi and Moyo - my assistant health prefects and they told me they were already done with everything, so I headed to my hostel to get some rest before the orientation and opening ceremony started by 4pm, there was no way of missing it. Althogh it was not compulsory for all students but mainly for new intakes, I had to be there as it was mandatory for all prefects.

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To everyone reading this book, I love you all and you are the reason am writing
To my ghost readers, thank you too but please Vote! Even if you don't leave a comment

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