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Kenma had become distant after that argument. He never went to practice, somehow became even more anti social, and not even the team could get him to talk. When they asked Kuroo if anything had happened, he just said "I gave him a wake up call, that's all." Their only hope at this time was to get in contact with Hinata, in hopes that he could talk to Kenma. The good thing was that Mama Yaku had Suga's number, who was then able to tell Hinata to check on Kenma.

From : Shoyo
I'm coming over this weekend

Why? I'm not complaining,
but is there a reason?

You haven't been going to practice,
and I just want to check on you.

Oh, ok
Wait, how did you find out?

I have my ways
Anyway, I'll see you Friday
after school.


Kenma may have sounded like he was ok over  text, but in reality, he was a mess. He had barely ate, only gotten sleep when he was utterly exhausted, and his room was even messier then usual. Without Kuroo there to help him, his life was slowly falling apart.


The Next Weekend

"Kenma, Shoyo's here!" Mrs.Kozume shouted once again from the kitchen, startling Kenma into hurriedly trying to pick up all his blankets from the floor. Hinata, being the fast ball of sunshine he was, made it up the stair before Kenma could even pick up 1.

"Woah, what's all this for?"
"Pretty much so I can do this." Kenma then plopped on the floor, rolled into a cat burrito, then went back to lay on his bed. (A/N I saw this in another fic (Saiouma/Oumasai oneshots by shsl confusion) and I just wanted to use it)
"So something happened?"
"No shit Shoyo"
"Just be honest with me Kenma"
"Kuroo happened, that's what."
"What'd he say?" His tone surprised Kenma, as he only saw this when Hinata got extremely serious. His stares could make children cry faster then Kageyama's smile.

"He acted like everyone else, turns out he's not special. It's not his fault though, everything he said was true. I was trying to tell him that Tsukishima was cheating on him, but he didn't take it very well." Kenma looked like he was near tears once again, but he wouldn't cry in front of his friend.

"Listen Kenma, it's not your fault. Kuroo's just being a dumbass, he'll find out eventually, and when that happens he'll realize that you were right. He'll come crawling back to you, and you don't have to accept that. It's not your fault, it's his, so stop blaming yourself and face him with a confident smile on your face." Shoyo looked extremely confident when he said that.

"...Did someone say that to you before?" Kenma knew there was no way in hell that Shoyo came up with that himself.

"Heh I've been found out, that's what Suga told me when me and Kageyama had a fight, and look at where we are now, happy as ever."
"Well, tell Suga he gives good advice."
"Hey, you should be thanking me for remembering that good advice!"

This was the first time Kenma had smiled in a while now. It felt foreign on his face, but what he didn't know was that it would be the last time for a long, long time.

It's something that can't be bought,
Something you would never want to sell,
And it leaves a smile on your face.
Throughout hard times,
Good times,
And even sad times,
It's always there.
Once you find it, it never leaves.
If it does,
then it was never real to begin with.
Because when love leaves,
friendship stays.
But sometimes,
When love comes,
Friendship is forced to leave.


It was after practice the next Monday, Kenma decided to actually go, he just didn't make contact with Kuroo the entire time. Kuroo didn't try to talk to him either, but when Kenma caught Kuroo looking at him, he saw something similar to guilt in his eyes. Kenma was just walking home, when he suddenly heard...


A/N yes I'm leaving it off there, you'll see why in the next few chapters. Also, ha I managed to write a longer chapter in return for the shorter ones I've done. :) let me know if I should start explaining poems, I think that they aren't too hard to understand but I can break them down if you guys want. I won't go English teacher blue door on this shit but I'll point out important parts.

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