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It had been 3 months. In this time, Kuroo and Kenma attended the funeral for Tsukishima, even though Kuroo didn't want to. It had been a while since that though, and the 2 were completely over his death. In fact, Kuroo had something completely different on his mind.

How he would propose to Kenma.


Kuroo had been planning it for months now, even before the Tsukishima incident. It actually set him back a bit, with the funeral and everything. While he was sad, he was happy that Tsukishima could reunite with Yamaguchi in the afterlife. He wanted to wait a bit before planning his proposal again, and now it had been 3 months and they had all accepted and moved on from Tsukki's death. Now he was just left with how. He decided to call a meeting between people who he hadn't seen in years.


"All right Kenma, I'll be back by 4 pm okay?"
"Ok, I don't care how long you're out as long as you're back by dinner."
"Ok, love you!"
"Love you too!"

Kuroo then started his walk to the same cafe him and Kenma went on their first date, except this time it was for a different occasion. As he was nearing the cafe, he could already hear the chaos inside before he even stepped through the doors.

"Hey Hey Hey Guys! It's been awhile."
"Bokuto shut up we're in public and you're being loud."
"Ok dadchi."
"Shut up Oikawa!"
"Actually, it's Iwaizumi now. You can just call me Tooru though."
"I still think you should've gone to shiratorizawa."
"Oh my god you stalker shut up!"
"Well I guess nothings changed then." Kuroo laughed seeing how Tooru got stuck sitting next to Ushijima.

"Oh hey Kuroo, so what'd you have to call us all here for?"
"Daichi don't act like it's a problem, you'll take any excuse you can to see Mr.Refreshing-"
"Oikawa shut up."
"It's still Tooru~"
"I said shut up!"

Kuroo had called a meeting across all former captains, well besides a few because they couldn't make it. He was actually one of 2  captains who hadn't gotten married in the past 6 years. He called the meeting to ask how he should propose to Kenma.

"Alright, former Captains meeting adjourned! I want to propose to Kenma, but I have 0 clue how to do it. How'd you guys propose?"
"Do you want us to take turns telling our stories?" Of course Daichi wanted to keep everyone in order, it's his job as a dad.
"Sure whatever works."

"Ok then, I'll start. I proposed to Koushi around 3 years ago, a bit before you went on your first date with Kenma. I remember it was during cherry blossom season, and we decided to go on a date to enjoy the blossoms while they lasted. We stopped at a nice restaurant, went to a dog park, and then we visited the old highschool. It was a Sunday so no one was there, but we could still go in. We went to the cherry blossom trees in the back, which was where I asked Koushi to be my boyfriend in the first place, and I ended up proposing to him there too."

"Daichi are you telling everyone how you proposed to me?" Suga stopped by to ask everyone for their orders, they were at a cafe after all.
"Yes, don't even say it was cliché I already know."
"Cliché doesn't even begin to explain hun. Now I gotta get back to work, love you!"
"Wow Daichi you just got roasted by you're husband."
"Shut up Oikawa you're mom bought you mega blocks instead of Legos."

"Rude! Anyways, I'll go next. Actually, I didn't propose, Hajime proposed to me. This was 2 years after graduation. We both had the day off, so we decided to use it as a date. We went to the conservatory, a nice restaurant, and then went stargazing. He said a really cheesy pick up line, but then when we went to stand up to go back home, I turned and saw him on one knee. Of course I accepted, and then we were the 1st to get married. I don't think anyone was surprised though, we've known eachother since diapers."

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