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TW : Mentions of SH



That's all Kuroo needed to know about Kenma's condition. He was stable. He was alive. He would survive, and come back with him. Kenma wouldn't die. The doctors had already talked with Kuroo, seeing as he was the closest family Kenma had after his parents pretty much abandoned him. They had arranged for Kenma to stay at Kuroo's place from now on, so he could keep a better eye on Kenma to prevent this kind of situation from happening again.

Soon, Kenma woke up.



That's all he felt when he saw Kuroo.

It was a mesmerizing feeling, one that put you in a trance that was extremely hard to break out of. That was the main reason that Kenma agreed to all the plans about staying with Kuroo, and to not do anything harmful to himself again. It was then that Kenma realized that those feelings he used to have for Kuroo, never left.


"Alright, your room's right here, and you'll be using my bathroom."
"Why do I have to use your bathroom?"
"The point of this is so I can keep a better eye on you Kenma, it's a better alternative then going to a mental hospital or getting a therapist, so I'd say we're lucky."
"I guess..."
"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Kenma I care about you more then you know, you could've told me about the pain you felt. I thought you were getting better after we met again, but I guess old habits die hard. I just want you to know that I'm here for you Kenma, and I'll be here every step of the way. I won't leave you again, so trust me Kenma."



Kenma was sat as his desk in his new room, trying to use another method of getting out his emotions that didn't involve harming himself. The last poem he wrote was recent, but before that he hadn't written one since high school, but now he was hoping to use it as therapy again. The strongest emotions he felt now was whatever he was feeling for Kuroo, so he decided to base it off that.

They're a strange feeling.
It's deep inside of you,
And it happens when a certain person is near.
It feels like a thousand butterflies
When they smile.
Like electricity
when your feel their touch.
An intense blush
When they laugh.
And lastly,
A huge flutter of color comes in view,
Whenever they look at you.
I don't know the proper word for these flutters,
But I never want them to leave.

Kenma was quite tired after writing that poem, so he just fell asleep at his desk. Kuroo soon came into the room later that evening to tell Kenma dinner was ready, but it seemed that the puddings exhaustion took effect first. He picked up Kenma and tucked him into his new bed, hopelessly admiring how peaceful he was when he slept. Kuroo actually saw and read the poem, and he actually knew the feeling. The flutters he felt when he saw Kenma.

Also today is the day I posted the chapter Truth, and it's now 3 am. Send help pls.

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