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On the way to her brother's place, Jessica thought about what happened two days ago. She saw something hovering on top of her, and she couldn't recognize what it was. Jessica wasn't convinced the faint came because of that reason. She believed she was attacked by it. She never mentioned the whole truth to her brother or friends because she didn't want anyone to be worried.

Caleb and Pogue believed that it was connected to the darken, that Caleb had seen more than twice. Someone was using powers, and it felt like something terrible was going to happen. She feared for her brother's life. She feared for her friends, and even though she didn't want to admit it, she feared for Caleb.

Dawn and Jessica were invited to come along for a night of movies at Pogue's place. It was Saturday, and everyone was going to be gathered in his home, to relax and have some fun. She wasn't looking forward to being there because of Caleb, but she knew she needed to let everything go. They needed to work together to face whatever thing was coming.

Both girls arrived, and they noticed that a few cars were parked outside Pogue's place. Jessica saw Caleb's car, along with Reid's and Kate's car. Dawn parked her vehicle behind the others, and both girls stepped off the same.

They walked to the entrance. Pogue opened the door because he knew his sister had arrived.

Jessica walked inside. She saw that Kate and Sarah were sitting on the sofa while Reid and Tyler sat on the floor. Caleb wasn't in the room.

Dawn greeted everyone, and Tyler invited her to sit next to him on the floor. Caleb walked back to the living, and he stopped to look at Jessica. Apparently, he was in the bathroom.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Caleb asked, putting his hand in the inside of his pocket. Pogue walked to the living room and sat between Kate and Sarah.

"I'm good," Jessica replied.

"Caleb, you are missing the movie, come sit next to me," Sarah shouted, smiling. Caleb turned around and scratched the back of his head. Jessica lowered her head.

"I'll be there in a second," he responded.

"Excuse me," Jessica said, walking away to Pogue's room. She opened the door and got inside. She closed the door and rested her head against it.

Why did it hurt so much seeing Caleb and Sarah interact in such a beautiful way?

Because she still loved him.

She was angry with him, but she still cared for him.

She lowered her head. She started to massage her temples as she heard a few knocks on the door. She moved away and opened it. She saw Caleb standing in front of her, and she was surprised.

"Can we talk?" he asked.

"I thought we already did," she replied, walking to the bed and sitting in the corner of it. Caleb walked inside the room and closed the door behind.

"Jessica, I am sorry," he said, sitting next to her.

"Is this a vision or Déjà vu?" she asked sarcastically.

"You already said you were sorry, Caleb. You never told me why you were sorry, though," she stated, using an angry tone.

"I know. That's why I am here. I want to tell you the whole truth," Caleb said. Jessica's heart started to beat faster than usual. She didn't know if she was ready for the truth. The moment she waited for so long had finally arrived and she wasn't prepared for it.

Caleb grabbed her hand and looked into her eyes.

"Jess, I stopped calling and writing because-" he said before she was able to hear him again. She was zoned out, and she knew what was happening. She had a vision due to skin to skin contact with Caleb.

She saw fire. It was hot, and she felt like she was about to lose one of the most important people in her life.

"Jesse? What's wrong?" Caleb's voice filled her ears once again as she slowly came back to normal.

"Caleb, I had a vision," she said, somewhat worried.

"What did you see?"

"I saw fire. I saw you. You were fighting something in the place we used to hang out as kids. The Putnard Barn was the place I saw in my vision, Caleb," she said, freaking out. Her hands were shaky. Her heart was racing, and he noticed how scared she had become. Her visions usually came true after a while, so he understood why she was so nervous.

He wrapped her in a hug as he calmed her down.

"I think this has to do with the darken, with what happened to me and with whatever is coming," she explained.

"Don't worry. I'm going to make sure I find whoever is using this kind of power. I'm alright, and we are all going to be alright," Caleb said, soothing her. She started to calm down, but she wasn't all that convinced.

She couldn't tell Caleb that she saw herself hurt in the vision as well. She needed to keep that piece of information for herself because she didn't want to make things worse than what they were.

"Caleb?" Sarah's voice was heard outside the room. Jessica backed away from Caleb, and she noticed the confused look he had on his face.

"Your girlfriend is calling you," Jessica said, cleaning the tears that escaped her eyes a few moments ago.

"What?" he questioned, confused.

Jessica stood up and opened the door. She walked past Sarah and went to the kitchen.

When she stepped foot inside the small kitchen, she saw that Kate was preparing some snacks for everyone.

"Need any help?" Jessica asked, and Kate nodded her head with a smile.

As Jessica cut the cheese in little pieces, she thought about her vision. It felt so real, and she knew it was about to be. Jesse was out of it for a moment. She was thinking about everything. She was so lost in her own thoughts that she didn't hear Kate call her name more than four times.

"Jesse!" Kate said, snapping Jessica out of her thinking zone.

"I'm sorry," Jessica responded.

"Are you alright? I've been calling you for like two minutes straight," Kate said worriedly.

"Yes, I am sorry. I was just thinking," Jesse stated.

Kate walked closer to her sister-in-law.

"I know that sweetheart, but are you alright? If you were thinking about anything like that without even realizing it, then something must be wrong," Kate explained.

"There is no need to worry Kate, I am fine," Jessica said, grabbing the tray of snacks that were already done.

"Let's get these to everyone before they starve to death," Jessica added, walking to the living room. She placed the tray in the middle of the table, and everyone started to grab their favorite snacks.

Jessica went back to the kitchen to get the second tray of snacks. When she turned around to walk back to the table, she saw a darken sitting next to Caleb.

Couldn't he see it? Jessica thought.

"Jesse?" Pogue asked, standing next to his sister. When she was about to say something, she saw when the darken had disappeared. The same figure that hovered over Caleb was the cloud she met in the woods.

"Caleb!" she yelled, making everyone's attentions turn to her. The dark cloud moved towards her quickly, and the last thing she remembered was the cloud getting closer to her head until darkness took over. 

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