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For the rest of the afternoon, Dawn showed Jessica the entire school. They went to the library, and Dawn showed her the proper system to take books overnight. They went to the cafeteria, where all the students ate in different time schedules. Everyone had only one specific time for lunch though, but they could get snacks occasionally.

Jessica and Dawn walked the halls of Spencer Academy as Dawn showed her where the classes were located. It was intriguing for her to see the antic walls that decorated the school. The school was made years ago, and she admired such beautiful sight just like her mother had described before her death.

"Are you from here?" Jessica asked Dawn. She shook her head with a nervous smile on her face. "I'm from California, but my parents moved here a year ago," she responded. "What about you?" Dawn questioned.

"I was born and raised in Ipswich, but I had to move to New York four years ago. It was time to come back home though," Jessica replied. After minutes of talking and walking through the halls of the school, Dawn took Jessica to the pool area where the swim team was practicing. "This is my favorite spot of the school," Dawn confessed with a shy smile on her face. "Really? Why is that?" Jessica asked curiously, folding her arms in front of her chest. "Well, because of that," she replied, pointing a finger to the group of shirtless boys that gathered around a man who seemed to be the coach.

When Jessica noticed who the guys were, she laughed a bit to herself not wanting to make her new roommate uncomfortable. Dawn noticed that Jessica was starting to get amuse and she smiled nervously.

"What is so funny? They are gorgeous," Dawn stated, looking at the boys' direction. She was mesmerizing by the view and Jessica found it rather entertaining but in a good way. "They are alright, I guess," Jessica replied, smiling. Dawn and Jessica smiled at each other and then Dawn noticed that the boys were looking directly to where both Jessica and she stood. "Oh, dear! Pogue is looking at us. Oh my God he is walking this way!" Dawn stated nervously, looking away from them. She stared at Jessica with wide eyes and blinked more than three times. It was evident that she was nervous.

Jessica smiled at her brother. "Hey darling," Pogue said, kissing the top of Jessica's head. "Hey big bro, this is Dawn my new roommate and Dawn this is my brother Pogue," she introduced.

Dawn blushed. She stared at Jessica with a questioning look. She was indeed surprised. "Hey!" Dawn greeted shyly.

"Jesse!" Reid shouted, running towards her. Reid put his arm around her neck and smiled. "Hey Reid, this is my new roommate Dawn," Jessica stated, pointing towards Dawn who had a shocked expression on her face. "Hey," Reid smirked and Dawn blushed.

Dawn couldn't believe that Jessica knew the Sons of Ipswich and that she was the sister of one of them. They were the hottest boys in the school according to Dawn and other female students. Caleb and Tyler joined their little reunion and Jessica became nervous about Caleb's presence. "What are you doing here?" Pogue asked.

"The coordinator introduced me to my new roommate, and she was showing me around. This happens to be the last stop," Jessica explained, and Pogue nodded his head. "Alright, Pogue and Reid, you are next," the coach shouted to the boys. "I have to go. See you later Jesse, and it was nice to meet you Dawn," Tyler said, extending his hand to Dawn, so she could shake it.

Dawn smiled and Jessica noticed the small red spot of blush that appeared in Tyler's face. For some reason Jessica saw that Dawn got more nervous around Tyler than she did around the others. Jessica thought that was very interesting, which an idea had crept her mind. "Can I talk to you in private, please?" Caleb said, surprising Jessica. She didn't know what to answer. She didn't expect him to ask her if she could speak to him. She wasn't ready for it. The entire time, Reid still had his arm around her neck. He noticed that Jessica became nervous and he knew what was going on. Even though he hated to admit it, he knew that things between Jessica and Caleb changed and they needed to speak about it.

Reid smirked and kissed Jessica's cheeks. He walked towards Dawn and put his arm around her neck. Jessica smiled because she noticed the blush spot that crept in between Dawn's cheeks. "So Dawn, how old are you?" Reid asked as they moved further to the pool area, leaving both Caleb and Jessica alone.

Jessica moved to face Caleb as she folded her arms in front of her chest. "Jessica, I am sorry," he apologized. There was a moment of silence. "For what?" she finally replied.

"I've been a jerk. I stopped calling and writing because..." he said before he stopped speaking. He looked like he wanted to say something, but he wasn't sure about it. Jessica could see the guilt that sparkled in his eyes as he spoke, but she couldn't forgive him so quickly. She was hurt. She was mad. She was betrayed and that was something that it wasn't easy to forget or forgive. "Why Caleb? Why did you stop?" she asked in a demanding tone. She at least deserved to know why he stopped being her friend. Why did he abandon her in the moment she needed him the most.

"I don't know, but I am very sorry," he replied, feeling guilty. Deep inside Caleb knew the reason why, but he didn't have the courage to let her know, after he had hurt her so much. "Right, well I guess there is no reason to say sorry, right? I mean you don't even know why you did it and now you are sorry for it? You were in fact a jerk and news flash Caleb, you still are one," she spat angrily before she walked away from him.

Caleb had many things to tell her, but he had messed up everything. How was he going to make her forgive him? How was he going to show her that he was truly sorry without telling her that the real reason he stopped calling and writing to her was that he was in love with her? It was hard enough that she had to move to New York, but another thing that he couldn't take was to love her and not being able to be with her. He was a jerk, at least he admitted that, but he was truly sorry. He needed to find a way to show her that he was honest, but he still doubted if he should tell her the truth, since he didn't want to hurt her any more than he already had.

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