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"I'll be teaching yous how to ride broomsticks today..." Lily smiles. "Raise your hand above and say up..." Lily raises her hand above it. "Up!" The broomstick goes up. Scorpius looks. "Always been better..." His broomstick goes up. 

"Okay, everyone has their brooms... place your feet on either side..." They all do. "When I blow the whistle, push up off the ground then touch back down..." She blows the whistle and one kid takes off. Scorpius chuckles. Lily looks and sees him using magic on him. "You take after dad..." 

Scorpius stop and the kid falls a little. The teacher takes the kid to the infirmary. Leo walks over to Lily. "How's life with two fathers?" Lily glares at him. "Hmm.... dress kind of boyish... your dads not let you dress like a girl?" Leo laughs. Lily throws her broom down and Scorpius sees. 

"I dress the way I want..." "Must be weird... having to wear a skirt and all... just admit it, you hate being raised by two fathers... you're ashamed and embarrassed by it..." Lily punches him in the nose. Leo backs up and wipes his nose. He sees a bit of blood. Lily crosses her arms. 

Scorpius pulls her away. Professor McGonagall comes out. "Ms. Malfoy explain yourself..." Lily looks at her. "Zabini was talking about my family and how I was ashamed and embarrassed to be raised by two fathers so I punched him..." Scorpius hugs Lily. McGonagall goes over to Leo. 

"Do not bring up the two heroes that saved this school from Voldemort or the Death Eaters... Draco put his life on the line when threatening Voldemort and his father..."


Lily sits in Potions class. Snape walks in. He sighs. "Malfoy's daughter..." Lily looks at him. "Afternoon Professor Snape..." "I expect great things from you, for being Mr. Malfoy's daughter, he succeeded in my class... so did Mr. Potter..." "Good thing then... They're my parents..." 

Snape looks at you. "Then I expect double... Potion Partners!" The class groans. "Okay, I'm picking them..." He lists off the partners. "Malfoy and Zabini...." Lily turns around and sees Leo. He glares at her and she glares back. 

"Everyone sit with your partner... Get the ingredients to make Amortenita..."

Lily Rose Malfoy - Life At HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now