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"Hey mom." Taehyung greeted as he strutted his way down the stairs to which he was met with his mother frantically staring at the T.V. "Everything okay?" Taehyung questioned, trying to get words out of his mothers mouth.

"Thousands of new cases of Covid-19 have been coming In from the Seoul Hospital each day, sometimes even more than thousands so we must take matters into our own hands and declare that the country will have to be on lockdown for a month. If cases get worse or better we will either shorten or extend the time period. We're sorry for the inconveniences this will cause and we hope we'll be getting you back on your feet shortly."

Taehyungs lips fell into a slight pout as he pulled out a piece of bread from the pantrey, listening in to the reporter who was speaking on the television. A whole month and maybe more? Taehyung thought he might just explode from being locked up for so long.

Taehyungs gaze turned up to the T.V which was then shut off by his mother, the woman placing a hand on her forehead and exiting the room. He felt bad for her, knowing she wouldn't be getting her job back anytime soon and he couldn't imagine the stress she was feeling. He almost felt guilty for thinking about his own needs so much over others.

Sighing, Taehyung brought his attention back to the bread he was buttering before his head snapped towards one of the windows near his door. Furrowing his eyebrows he headed over to the window, rolled it down a bit and peaked outside to get a better look at the male who looked as if he was on a spy mission.

"Jungkook I'm nearing your house." He could faintly hear the male speak through his phone, and only a blush lit up on the brunettes cheeks once he heard Jungkooks voice on the other line of the males call. It was pretty laggy and not too audible but he could hear it none the less, quite liking the sound of his soft but chipped voice.

"Joon the lady behind you is lowkey eyeballing you." Jungkook spoke through the phone.

"Ah fuck."

Taehyung placed his hands over his mouth once he heard the male curse. The brunette wasn't too fond of cursing and it only made him sad when he heard the bad words. 

He could see the male whip his head around and was faced with an older lady looking in his direction, shaking her head in disapproval which caused the so called 'Joon' to frown and make his way out of the neighborhood.

It was quite funny to Taehyung how the guy was trying to sneak into Jungkook's house, and he found him quite stupid for thinking he could get away with it. Smiling to himself, he made his way back upstairs after he finished his bread and headed into his room.

Once inside, his eyes turned over to the window he was so familiar with and was shocked to see a paper attached to the window across from his. Excited, he jumped over to where his own window was to get a better look at the message.

When he looked, he could see a head of hair popping up from the window to which he now knew was Jungkook.

"Hey." Was what was written on the paper. Taehyung responded to this by waving his hand to the raven haired who softly waved back.

Taehyung chuckled as he grabbed a piece of paper from his desk and began writing words on it, attaching it to his window once he was done.

"I saw your friend tried to sneak over, that was quite entertaining."

Taehyung could tell Jungkook was giggling to himself as he watched the male pick up another piece of paper.

"Yeah I thought he would finally get away with it, but of course that old hag had to stop him."

While Jungkook was laughing to himself, he could see the brunette begin to place a pout on his lips which made Jungkook wonder if he said something wrong or not.

"She's not an old hag, she's actually very nice." Taehyung wrote on the paper, not liking the way Jungkook described her.

"Well it wasn't very nice of her to kick my friend out of the neighborhood." Jungkook wrote, noticing how Taehyung still had a pout on his perfectly sculpted face which Jungkook for some reason wanted to wipe away and replace with a smile. He cringed at himself for thinking such things.

"Yeah but you shouldn't be around people during right now, it's not safe." Taehyung stuck to his window, trying to get his point across to the other who kept denying it.

"I think people are just over reacting. I mean come on how are we supposed to bang anyone if everyones locked up, doesn't that bother you too? We're both guys so."

Taehyung scrunched his nose at what Jungkook wrote and slowly picked up another piece of paper, not really knowing what to respond with and Jungkook could see that the boy was uncomfortable.

"I mean, It doesn't really bother me.." Taehyung shakily wrote on the paper, knowing Jungkook would judge him if he knew he was a virgin.

Taehyung could see the older shake his head and write something new on a piece of paper.

"Wait are you a virgin? You can't be, not with a face like that."

Taehyung tried to hide the blush on his face as he slowly removed the paper off his window, hinting to Jungkook without writing words that he was. Even though he was trying so hard not to blush and fiddle with his fingers, he couldn't hold back which made Jungkook realize his statement was true.

Jungkook was bewildered once he realized that. Once he first saw the darn attractive male he could've sworn his body count would be over 20 or something, but a virgin? Never in a million years would he have guessed that. He couldn't imagine having a face like that and not fucking a bunch of different girls each night.

"Cute.." Jungkook accidentally mumbled to himself, instantly regretting what he said and mentally smacking himself for it. The raven haired picked up another piece of paper and began to write.

"I can't believe that."

Taehyung flustered up once again as he grabbed another paper and quickly wrote, wanting to change the subject as fast as possible.

"New subject please."

Jungkook could tell through the window that Taehyung was getting shy and blushing madly. Jungkooks stubborn self still wasn't going to admit it to himself that he thought that boy was so damn cute.

"That's cute." Jungkook subconsciously wrote.

Taehyung eyes widened and a large smile was about to form on his face before a new message was written on the paper.

"Not that you're cute, cause that would be gay lol."

Jungkook wiped off the imaginary sweat off of his head and set the paper off the window once he knew Taehyung saw it.

On the other hand, Taehyung was clearly pouting as he reached over for a new piece of paper. He couldn't believe himself, getting his hopes up for a fuckboy once again? Come on Taehyung stop being delusional  he told himself.

"Yeah I know haha."


i'm not that satisfied with this chapter:/ but hopefully you guys are haha. i'll try to write better stuff, i've just been exhausted lately with all of the schoolwork i have and other stuff that i have to keep up with so don't get mad if i don't update frequently pls. i love ygsss<3

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