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[six feet]

Three days have passed since the rock incident happened, in the meantime Taehyung just kept a piece of cardboard up to block the random hole in his window. It wasn't pretty no, but it would work.

"When did the repair guys say they can come?" Taehyung asked his parents who were both glued to the T.V, watching updates from the coronavirus.

"They said they can't book an appointment for a month." His father replied. Taehyung told his parents that someone threw a rock at his window, but he didn't tell them who because he thought that was pointless. He didn't know who threw the rock anyways.

"A whole month?" Taehyung exclaimed, he didn't know how much longer he could keep staring at that ugly piece of cardboard. The brunette didn't get a response from his parents who were now listening in on news about, bees?

"We have just now received information from America that killer hornets have invaded their country coming from China. We haven't heard any reports from Korea yet but we are keeping full track and will inform you if these murder insects enter our country as well. In the meantime keep social distancing and sanitizing." The reporter on the T.V informed which caused Taehyung's jaw to drop.

"Murder hornets?!" The brunette exclaimed. His parents only sighed before Taehyung's mothers phone began ringing.

"Hello Park Jimin." The woman greeted which caused Taehyung's ears to perk up. He carefully listened into his mothers words.

"Oh I don't know honey.... Possibly.... Okay I guess that could work, make sure to stay six feet apart though.... Yes okay bye honey." Taehyung's mother ended the call as the said male patiently waited for a repsonse.

"Jimin is coming over, he will be wearing a mask and so will you. I'm only letting this happen because both of you haven't been in contact with anyone else so it is most likely safe."

A wide smile appeared on Taehyungs face, and before he could even thank the woman a knock was heard from the door. Taehyung excitedly made his way to the door and opened it, revealing a smiling Jimin.

"Jimin!" Taehyung exclaimed, about to hug his friend before he remembered the six feet rule. "Taehyung!" Jimin yelled back, also resisting the urge to hug his best friend. "Hey remember you too! Stay six feet apart in your room too, no hugging or whatever." Taehyung's mother told which caused both of the boys to nod before they both ran up to the youngers room.

Once Taehyung opened up the door, Jimin immediately placed a disgusted look onto his face. "What. Is. That." Jimin questioned as he pointed towards the cardboard on Taehyungs window. "It's hideous."

"Jimin shut up, it's prettier than you." Taehyung rolled his eyes as he closed the door behind the two. "And some kids threw rocks at my window and the repair guy can't make an appointment for a month so I'm stuck with that."

"Who?!" Jimin asked as he flopped onto the youngers bed, Taehyung obviously had to stand since sitting on the bed would be breaking the six feet rule.

"Dunno', Jungkook got rid of them though." Taehyung told, blushing once he mentioned the olders name which of course Jimin had to notice.

"You still have a thing for that dude?" Jimin spoke which made Taehyung shy away and nervously look around his room. "Nooooo."

"Yeah right, oh this is where you write your little notes to him right?" Jimin smirked as he got up from the bed and began walking over towards the desk where Taehyung saved every single one of his notes for Jungkook.

"Jimin I swear.." Taehyung started as he watched Jimin pick up the big stack up papers.

"Oh my god TEA!" Jimin yelled as he began reading through the papers causing Taehyung to grow more and more embarrased. "He asked you on a date?!" Jimin asked once he read one paper that said "Date?"

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