two // dorm neighbour

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3rd person .p.o.v. - Wei Wuxian focus -

Classes didn't start till Monday for Wei Wuxian which meant He had the rest of this week to himself.

He would be lying if he said he did anything on that day. He just talked to family over the phone and met up with Jiang Cheng to see how moving in was and he discovered he lived just down the hall from him.

Friday was a little more eventful, Lan Xichen came around once more to ask if everything was alright and he later decided to walk about campus.

He went to the music rooms and peaked in through the door window before going to the art part of the college where he also peaked into the rooms and looked at the art that was up. Nothing else really happened, he then got lost getting back to the dorms and had to ask a person to help him, he later found out the boy was called Nie Huaisang.

As they walked to Wei Wuxians dorm he found out they were actually dorm neighbors, Nie Huaisangs dorm being the right opposite of his, his roommate was a guy called Wen Ning.

Then he went back to his own dorm after meeting them.

Wei Wuxian laid down on his bed and his eyes fluttered close. His peace and quiet got interrupted by noise in the corridor.

He was thinking, where has he seen or heard of Nie Huaisang before? He'll have to ask him... he seemed so familiar...

"Wei Wuxian!" Jiang Cheng burst through his door without a care in the world. "Heard of knocking before?" Wei Wuxien hissed and looked up sluggishly.

Knowing he wasn't going to get a normal greeting from his step-brother, he sat upon his bed before speaking, "What did you come here for?" "I don't know, bored?" Wei Wuxian nodded, "Do you know a Nie Huaisang by any chance?" He asked as he watched the other male walk around his dorm. "Yeah, why?" He simply said before turning to look at the other. "He lives opposite of my dorm and I swear I've seen him somewhere before but can't figure where..." "You really forget everything, don't you? He went to our school you dumb ass," Wei Wuxien was left shocked, "Wait...WHAT?" "Yeah he transferred to our school for the last two years..." Jiang Cheng lifted his eyebrow as he told his slightly older brother.

Wei Wuxien facepalmed as he didn't understand how easily he can forget people.

He let out a groan and collapsed back on his bed. "Any girl's caught your eye yet?" Wei Wuxian asked and stared up at the boring ceiling, "Nope.. you?" He shook my head to his query. "Dude, listen im just saying if you chop off-" "I'm NOT cutting my hair!" Wei Wuxian cut his brother off and turned his head to glare at him. "I'm just saying you already have a feminine figure and with your ling hair you really do look like a girl..." He added while Wei Wuxian still glared at him, "tsk.." He looked away from him, it was true, his waist was small his hands were delicate and feminine... "You even act feminine-" "how about you get out," Wei Wuxian mumbled, cutting off his stepbrother.

He scoffed and got up before leaving. The two brothers got into little pointless fights almost every day but when he made fun of my feminine looks it really annoyed me, Wei Wuxian likes the way he looks and he's had a few interests in the past, none of which sadly stayed long to become his partner. He has kissed plenty and has gone on dates with many girls and has been told he wasn't bad looking at all.

Besides Jiang Cheng can't say much he had a man bun...

"Stupid Jiang Cheng," Wei Wuxian sat up and mumbled before sticking out his tongue at the closed door.

He sighed and fell down in his bed again. He bit on his lip subconsciously as he knew exactly what Yanli would say if she was there. 

"Stop bickering you two, you are brothers and should support one another. I think Xians hair is cute, I get to braid it and style it as if I had a younger sister. I bet Jiang Cheng is just jealous,"

Wei Wuxian loved his sister as she acted more as a mother figure than his actual step-mum. It was a known fact that Madam Yu hated Wei Wuxians guts but no one really knew why. 

Wei Wuxian let out another sigh before closing his eyes. He had nothing better to do so a nap didn't sound so bad.

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