4 // class

48 5 2

Wei Wuxian .p.o.v.

I'm not going to lie I was slightly late to my first class.

I sprinted down the hall and stumbled into the class with my beloved chenqing in hand. I wasn't the last one there, what a relief. On one of the walls, there was a sheet of paper showing us the seating plan, some people were gathered there causing me to sigh, I wasn't very fond of crowds.

I squished past and looked for my name. I spotted it and went over to my seat that was next to a guy who seemed like the polar opposite of me... He looked like he didn't belong here, he looked more like a law student.

"Hey," I said and gave him a small wave. He looked at me before looking away without a single care. Great, this will be fun.

I took my seat next to him and saw a case laid next to his feet. He wore light blue jeans and a white turtleneck, quite the opposite of me. I wore black ripped jeans, an old band shirt, and a red jacket.

He didn't spook a word to me and sat obediently in his seat while looking at the front of the class.

Before I got to talk our teacher came in and started to introduce himself, "Good morning, im Mr. Lan and I'll be your teacher, I hope you enjoy studying the art of music. I will start off by going over all the health and safety ruled and general rules of the school to those who haven't read the ruled written in the board in the hallway."

This was already boring.

I let my head rest on my hand as he slowly read through a slideshow. Luckily he turned off the light so it was easy for my not to get caught slowly dosing off.

"Now I will state the school rules: Do not fight nor harm others, bullying is strictly forbidden, be careful with your words, and be humble and respectful. Sexual activities are not allowed within the dorms..."

Awk damn no cuties in my dorm then, unless I keep them quiet, wink wink.

"Going out at night is also forbidden as there is a set curfew at 9pm sharp. Students may leave their dorms after 6am, notes can be given into the general office that states you come into the dorms later due to work or other instances..."

I yawned as last night's gaming session got me falling asleep around 3am. The teacher instantly spun his head to look at me and gave me a look that could kill even an elephant in a millisecond.

He ran his hand down his beard and continued, "No running is allowed in the halls. Being loud and causing a ruckus is forbidden. Work is to be organized and always on time as learning comes first..."

The number of rules felt endless.

"Swearing is forbidden and so are rude gestures. Alcoholic beverages are not allowed on school property and neither is smoking..."

No alcohol? I should just drop out now.

I heard this guy was also the principal but decided to stay as a teacher. He seems pretty strict so im not surprised.

"Do not steal or break others' or schools' property. Talking, misbehaving, sleeping, and being on one's phone are all prohibited while in class..."

Luckily he was soon done with the rules that seemed never-ending and discussed the course with us.

LUCKILY soon we were released from prison and so we all scattered out of class. I found myself running after the guy I sat next to and decided to tap his shoulder when I managed to reach him. He stopped and turned his head to look at me with a pair of motionless eyes.

"Hey! Since we are gonna be sitting next to one another can I learn your name?" I chirped and gave him a small smile. He turned his head though without care and blankly stated "Running is prohibited in the Cloud University," he stated before walking on. I huffed and followed him. "Was it...Lan...Lan..." I mumbled, trying to remember the name that was written on the small paper.

"Lan Wangji," He stated blankly. "Ah yes! Im-" "Wei Wuxian," He cut me off, "I know," He mumbled while making his way to the male dorms. "Ah..." I trailed off and looked away from him. "Well, my birth name is Wei Ying by the way!" I chirped and skipped to his side. "Mines Lan Zhan," He said, again with a very blank look and tone.

"I like your name, it's very um... Fitting to you're style,"I was trying my hardest to keep a conversation with this guy. "Thank you, your name isn't bad either. Your clothing choices are not though," "WhHAT!?" "No shouting in the cloud university," This guy-

"What do you mean by that?" I furrowed my brows, I liked my style. "You don't look very professional or smart, you're an adult now you should look more professional not to mention your long hair makes you look like a woman and a punk. You won't get a good-paying job looking like that," As he criticized me his tone stayed the same and the same emotionless expression stayed on his face. "You-" "Your dorm is here, you can stop following me now," He said and left leaving me frowning in front of my door. My door had a small name tag I designed myself under its number. 

It just said Wei Wuxian with a little doodle of a ghost next to it in all red ink. most doors had labels on them which were typed out but I wanted to be a little more unique.

I watched as Lan Wangji walked away before I unlocked my door and stepped inside. I closed it behind me before going to my desk and kicking it out of annoyance. Who does he think he is, stupid Lan Zhan.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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