Chapter one

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(Ok, fair warning this is kinda a crackfic. I don't plan on taking it too seriously so this might not even have an ending. Please don't take this too seriously.)

3rd POV

Italy hummed as he continued cooking, he was cooking for England, Germany, and Japan. They were discussing some agreements when England suggested making them some food since they thought they would be here for a while. Of course, everyone disagreed and so Italy suggested he should make it, England reluctantly let him do so. He sighed and let out a small 

"Ve~". He then noticed that he didn't have a certain type of spice, Italy walked over to the spice rack and took a look at it. It didn't have the spice which caused Italy to pout. He looked in some of the cabinets, nothing. He walked out of the kitchen to go ask England but his attention quickly focused on the door that was slightly opened.

"Oh, maybe there is some of it in there.." He whispered to himself. The door creaked loudly as he opened it more, he walked into the lowly lit room and closed the door. Lit candles(which are an extreme fire hazard) and scattered papers and books everywhere and what looked like what he assumed to be potions on the desk. Italy walked over to the desk looking at the giant book that was open. He couldn't really read the book and what it said but soon his attention was quickly brought to the sparkly blue potion it looked different than the other potions. He grabbed the potion and held it up to his level and inspected it. "I wonder what it tastes like.." He murmured before opening the potion, the smell of mint filled the air once he opened it. He smiled a bit before drinking the substance. Though it didn't taste like anything, he sighed disappointedly as his attention was caught by the giant summoning circle in the middle of the room, he unconsciously walked closer to the circle becoming a little bit entranced.

How did he miss this when he first walked in? He soon broke from his trance when he felt a sudden force push him into the circle. Italy yelped before trying to get up but he was suddenly stopped by the light coming from the magical circle. He looked around in a panic and tried walking out of the circle but was stopped by an invisible barrier. He started to hear a loud ringing in his ears. He started to bang on the barrier as soon as the light started to shine brighter. "England! Doitsu! Japan!! Help Help!!!!!" Italy stopped banging on the barrier and quickly shielded his eyes which caused him to trip and land on the floor. The ringing noticeably started to get louder and a suddenly large flash of white and a loud ring rang through the place. He slowly opened his eyes (Wow he has eyes) he looked around, the circle was no longer glowing and everything looked the same. Before he could do anything else Germany burst through the door with Japan and England

"Italy! What did you do?!" Germany yelled at him.

"Ah sorry Germany! I was looking for a certain spice and I was gonna go ask England but I thought this was a pantry and- and I saw and drank this potion and-"

"Which potion?!" England suddenly asked.

"The sparkly blue one..."

"Damn it Italy, I told you not to touch anything while we were here!" Germany sighed disappointedly. Japan just nodded along with what they said.

"England I'm terribly sorry but what was in that potion?!" Italy was starting to panic a little.

"Well, that was an experimental potion. It's supposed to switch bodies with someone, but you need an amulet in order to switch bodies. Though I have not found the amulet yet so there's a good chance you won't switch bodies with anyone. You have nothing to worry about." explained England as he looked through his books until he stopped at a page. A small sigh of relief came from the axis. "Here is what the amulet looks like." The axis looked at the picture, it was a picture of a light green amulet with golden edges.

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