1) Strawberry Smoothies And Rivalries

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"Oh that is it!" I scream. Out of all the people who were staring at us, the 3 blondes had my full attention. Just as I take a step, about to punch their snickering faces, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn my head around to see that Marie is the one holding me back. She isn't looking at me, but I know exactly who she is giving her special death glares to.

"This isn't over" she said and looks at me. Her brown eyes show just how much anger she had that she obviously doesn't want to show at that moment. She gives me a simple nod and my instincts tell me that that was our cue to help our strawberry smoothie covered friend. As we take both of her arms, we walk right past the crowd, out of the cafeteria and straight to the bathroom.

Tears are flowing down Amelia's pretty face as we try to take out what the 3 girls had just dumped on her head.

"I..I can't...believe she...she just did...did that." Amelia said, stopping in between sentences because of the hiccups she's getting from all the crying.

"Of course they did that, Amelia. They're the DCM group. That's what they do, especially to us." Said Marie as she got more paper towel.

"Well, that's a dumb popular group name and they're dumb people and this is a dumb school and...ugh, everything is just dumb." She says and makes a pouting face after she stopped her waterworks.

As you've just witnessed, she isn't good at dissing while she cries. That's why she has us.

"So does that make us your dumb friends?" I ask, clearly trying to get a smile on her face.

"Of course not." She said and my question did exactly what I thought it would.

She soon started wiping her hair to get the job done faster and we fell into a comfortable silence of not speaking. We were all in our own thoughts of what happened in the cafeteria and how all the events lead down to what we are doing now.

Marie, Amelia and I were all sitting in our usual spot, a table just near the window on the other side of the cafeteria where hopefully no one would bother us. Unfortunately, that wasn't going to happen.

"Hey everyone, look! The 3 nerd birds are sitting by the trashcan, how typical." Said Marissa as the 3 brats all started coming up to us.

"Of course, where else would they sit?" Asked Catrina

"Not with us." Said Dyla, the leader of them all.

"Just leave us alone." I said rolling my eyes, starting to get annoyed.

"Aww. Did the 3 babies miss their trashcan?" Dyla continued on, pretending she didn't hear what I just said. There was already a crowd since we were all eating and it was already 15 minutes after the bell had rung. Everyone who was near us was probably watching; they were all nosy people and loved gossip.

"Nope." Responded Marie for me, popping the "p". "But what we did miss is when we gave you an invitation to be here."

Everyone started to say "ooh" as if we were the entertainment for lunch. I swear, people sometimes.

"Watch your mouth, sassy pants. It's not nice to be rude." Catrina responded since she saw that Dyla was speechless at what Marie just said.

"Yah, says you." Responded Amelia, clearly getting on her last nerve. "Well anyways, it was nice seeing you guys but as Marie said, you don't have an invitation to be here. So you should leave. Besides, that handbag of yours is so last season, it ruins my eyes just to see it." As Marie and I both giggled at what Amelia said, we both knew that once someone messed with DCM's taste of style, it set them on fire.

"Yah, as well as your so called shoes and mini skirt." Marie added to make this conversation more amusing to us. The 3 girls were all shocked at what they heard.

"Excuse you?! Why you little douches." Marissa started to say. She opened her mouth to say more but Dyla cut her off.

"It's ok Mar, the garbage near them is probably just rubbing off on them. Here, let me cool you off Amelia since your the nearest to the garbage." With that being said, she took the strawberry smoothie out of Catrina's hand and poured it on Amelia's head.

That's when we all decided to stand up and start a fight, but instead walked away, with a few extra things added to make it more dramatic then it already was.

So now here we are, all done with cleaning up Amelia. Her hair is wet and has spots of wetness on her shirt here and there but she ended up looking better then was expected after what happened.

"We need to do something about this," Marie started saying to us, "we need to step up our game."


-Sorry if it's long, didn't know where it should end and I really wanted the last part in there, since it has the title of the book. By the way, this book is just made for fun so don't be mad because I may or may not have picked out the bad guys, well bad girls, as blondes (yup, this book is gonna be stereotypical) and I also made Bridgit Mendler and Emily Osment as bad girls but I'm sorry, couldn't find anyone else that appealed to me. Also for the fact that I didn't really care and just picked people off my head. Although, I can't say the same for Ashley Tisdale. She's probably sweet too but she's been mean before (High School Musical). Another note, half of the stuff in this story isn't true, so don't believe everything. Sorry for this long note, just gotta put things out there. Anyways enjoy reading✌️

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