3) Plans

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We were sitting at a table at the nearest coffee shop from school, already sipping our delicious frappes and munching on a bag of sunrise chips that we were all sharing.

"This has gone far enough" Marie started to say after we got comfortable. "They have done too much, I mean, just because we're long time rivals doesn't mean that they have to humiliate us in front of the school like that. It gets annoying and the worst part, we're not doing anything about it."

"Relax. I'm sure they will pass this on soon." Amelia said in a calmed tone.

"Actually Amelia, I agree. That wasn't nice of them to pour their beverage on you, especially because it may have been an expensive drink and Catrina must have started crying since Dyla waisted it on you." I said in a teasing voice, trying yet again to lighten the mood and get all the tension away.

She punched my arm really hard after I said that. Once she saw my facial expression and how badly it hurt, she was pleased with herself and had a huge grin on her face.

Well, at least I lightened the mood for one person.

"Guys I'm serious, we have to think of something to mess them up so badly, they will be crying for weeks." Marie started protesting, sounding so serious and sick of the DCM's messing around and acting like the nasty girls they were. "I mean come on, ever since we were little in 7th grade, all they ever were to us was the snot balls that wouldn't go away. We are getting older, we should stand up for ourselves and put an end to this."

Us and our nerdy prep talk amongst each other.

Amelia and I both nodded our heads and we all tried to come up with something.

"Well, there are always little pranks that we could do to them. Oh, and there is also the talent show. We could make a grand performance that will take their spotlight away." Amelia said. Marie and I both agreed to that.

"That's good and we could do that, but there has to be more than just that." Marie said.

Then, as I genius I was, I thought about a great idea.

"Hey, what about prom. I mean, they obviously want to win, so why not have some competition with them. I'm sure it will be fun!"

As they thought about it, I was already making plans in my head about the exact things that we could do.

"I guess but when did we ever care about those kind of things? Who's gonna vote for us? Do we actually have to wear dresses and make-up and do our hair?" Amelia countered.

Oh, I didn't really think of that.

"Oh come on Amelia don't be a downer. We obviously need to work on that but it's worth a shot. We can even ask for some help, I know a certain someone that you would like for us to hang around more often." Marie said and wiggled her eyebrows.

Amelia was tempted, that's a true fact. She just can't resist his presence.

"Okay fine, you guys win. Go call him." She said, finally giving up

Yes we win!

Marie took out her iPhone and walked away, starting to call him. Then, I got a plan of my own. If Amelia got her special "friend" then so would she.

"Who are you calling?" Amelia asked, catching on to what my intentions were.

"Oh you know who." I responded and gave her a quick wink.

He picked up at the second ring and with a tired voice he managed to say, "hello?"

"Yah hey Tyler, it's Lilac. Can you come meet us?"


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