Chapter Three

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I landed on my knees with a thud, hanging my head in exhaustion. I breathed heavily as I struggled to get to my feet. "I don't think I can do it again" I mumbled.

I looked towards Elder Edwards, he was the Fire Elder. "Once more Alex" he instructed, "and I want you to hold it for five minutes" I sighed and looked over towards JK, River had asked him to come in and keep an eye on me, he gave a sympathetic smile.

I closed my eyes and looked again for the feeling I got when I froze time. The gut punch feeling still knocked the air from my lungs, same as the first five times I had done it today, I fell forward but was able to catch my balance before I could hit the ground again. "Did it work" I whispered, Elder Edwards checked the clock again and nodded. I looked around the room, there was only me, JK and Elder Edwards, everything looked as if nothing had changed. JK walked to the door and opened it, outside everything was at a stand still, guardians were frozen mid stride, papers that had been dropped were in mid air. "How long left" I mumbled, my vision started to become fuzzy around the edges, it started to become difficult to breathe, my chest getting tighter every second I held the power. Elder Edwards checked his stopwatch and answered me but I couldn't hear him due to the buzzing in my ears. My vision went black and my knees buckled.

"Alex?" I turned my head towards the voice and furrowed my eyebrows. "Alex? Open your eyes" I felt a finger lightly tap my eyelids. Struggling I managed to open my eyes, it took a couple seconds for my vision to focus but when it did I came face to face with JK, he had my head sitting in his lap, a cold compress across my forehead. "Hey there," he laughed at my attempt at a smile. "No no, come on. Wakey wakey" JK said quickly as my eyes had fluttered shut again. He pushed me to a sitting up position and moved closer behind me so I could lean against him.

I groaned. "What happened?" I asked, lifting my hands to rub my eyes.

"You collapsed," he laughed. "Like completely out of it" he chuckled. "You're lucky i managed to catch you or you'd have a concussion too" I mumbled a thanks and sat my head back against his shoulder. "Elder Edwards said you're to go home once you wake up" JK said. I nodded, closing my eyes again. "How are you feeling now?"

"Everything is spinning" I mumbled, screwing my eyes up.

"How are you getting home? You didn't drive here did you?" he asked with a worried edge coming to his voice.

I shook my head. "Josh said he'd pick me up, I've to phone him" I said.

He nodded, happy I wasn't driving myself. "Where's your phone?" I pointed to my bag and jacket sitting in the corner. "I'll phone him for you," I nodded. He slipped out from behind me and over to my phone. I tried to slowly lie back again but my hand slipped and I fell with a thud. I groaned and lay my arms across my face. I must have fallen asleep or passed out again as I woke with the noise of the room door opening and shutting.

"Is she okay?" Josh's worried voice mingled with the buzzing in my ears. I dozed off again as Josh and JK started talking. "Alex?" I mmhed. "Can you stand?" Josh asked much closer this time.

I moved my arms from my face and peeled my eyes open, I nodded and pushed myself to sit up. JK hooked his arm under mine and helped me to my feet. I wobbled and staggered a step forward, Josh wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into his side. "Sorry" I mumbled. I gripped his arm to steady myself.

He chuckled, "do you think you can walk?" he asked. I nodded and tried to push myself away from him and take a wobbly step forward. He laughed and shook his head. He already had my bag on his shoulder. He pulled me back into his side, bending down he placed his arm behind my knees and lifted me, my head became fuzzy again and I let it fall on his shoulder. "Can you get the door?" he asked JK. He once again carried me to his car.

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