“Alright is that everything then?” Javier asked, closing the trunk of his car. Bob looked around at the empty garage for anything they may have missed, “Looks like we’ve got everything.”
“I’ll see you guys in L.A.” Lindsey said, turning toward his own car that had been loaded up with guitar cases and amplifiers. He had nearly unlocked the driver’s side door when he looked up and saw Stevie running after him.
“Lindsey! Wait!” She yelled. Moments later she had the door open and was next to him in the passenger’s seat. “I thought you’d need some company for the next five and a half hours,” she smiled. He smiled back at her as he started the car and began down the road to their gig.
She had been with the band roughly a month and a half now. He had been so excited when she had agreed to join his band and fought to convince the other guys that she would be a good addition. Once she was in, he had worked really hard to make sure that she had felt welcome and comfortable, but the more that they had started playing together, the more she had felt him pulling away from her. She had wanted to use this road trip as an excuse to be alone with him for a while and to try and figure out why he was being so distant.
“Are you excited to play in L.A.?” She asked him, breaking the polite silence they were sharing.
“I really am!” She watched his eyes light up even though they stayed on the road. She loved how passionate he was about his music. “This will be our biggest show yet and who knows what kind of producers might be there watching.”
“I hadn’t even thought about that. What if..” He glanced over at her, the look on her face telling him that what he had said had made her nervous.
“Stevie, stop worrying. You’re going to be great as always.” His encouraging smile put her at ease. “Anyway, as happy as I am to be playing in L.A. I’m not very much looking forward to having to spend two nights in a hotel room with three other dudes,” he joked.
“My parents weren’t too thrilled that the promoter could only get us one room either, so they booked me my own room. I know they wouldn’t be happy about this,” she hesitated, “but I’ll have an extra bed and it’s all yours if you want it.”
He looked over at her in surprise, “Really?” She nodded, a bit surprised at herself that she had just offered to let him spend the night. “I will definitely take you up on that.”
The rest of the trip down to Los Angeles had been better than she had hoped for. They had talked more in the past few hours than they had in the past few weeks. The radio had been on and in between conversation they would sing together. Lindsey had been all smiles and it had warmed her heart to have the boy that she had first met in high school back.