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He feels it before he knows what it is. A vibrating sensation coming from somewhere under him. The drowsiness coating his mind slowly dissipates as his thoughts clear up. His hand pats his pant leg only to find the offending object in his back pocket. It's his phone.

The blue light makes his eyes flutter and slip shut a couple of times. The brightness too intense for his gaze. His sight adjusts after a few seconds and he's finally able to see clearly.

With a start, he realizes that he's still in Bakugou's room. It seems they fell asleep without realizing it yesterday. Bakugou is asleep on the edge of the bed. Head almost falling off the edge. One hand is dangling from the surface while the other is tucked neatly against his side. A blanked lays on him innocently.

Izuku himself, is propped against the head of the bed. A soft pillow underneath his head and a small blanket, similar to the one in Bakugou's possession, is tucked over his body.

He guesses that their parents found them and decided to take pity on their situation. Probably thinking that they deserved some rest after the day they both had.

The buzzing suddenly stops and he's reminded of the reason behind his unceremonial wake-up call.

Looking back at his phone he realizes who exactly is calling him. It seems also that the buzzing stopped because of his low battery. "Ah shit." He should have asked Bakugou for a charger last night.

Getting up, he searches the nightstand for the blonde's charger. Involuntarily dropping a water bottle on the ground. The resulting thud echoes through the room. The sound is louder than it honestly should be. The silence that follows this kind of hour in the morning, making it worse. "Shit- SHIT"

Bakugou groans, a curse slipping from his lips as he blearily looks around. "The fuck are you doing Nerd." The blonde checks his watch and groans even louder, flopping back onto the mattress dramatically. "It's 5 am for god's sake."

"I forgot to call Yui yesterday." He replies offhandedly. Finally getting his hands on the charger he's been looking for. "She's probably worried sick by now." He says as he plugs it into a nearby socket.

"Who the fuck is Yui? Your girlfriend?" The teen snorts sleepily. Not really, fully awake yet.

"What? No! Of course not." He replies quickly. Not comfortable with that image at all. Yui was his little girl. "She's...uh- She's my daughter." He admits quietly. Still waiting for his phone to turn back on.

At that particular bit of information, the blonde shoots up into an upright position. His eyes are wide, fully awake. "HAH?!" He practically screeches, disbelief and shock written all over his features. Izuku would be laughing right now if he wasn't worried about the phone in his hand. "What kind of game were you stuck in?"

"Hey, it's not what it sounds like..." He mutters under his breath, a pout forming on his lips. "Yui is an AI that Shinsou and I adopted in the game. She was lost in the woods when we found her. Things just kind of worked themselves out after that." It's strange how this time, he didn't hesitate to talk about Shinsou. It just felt natural to him, when talking about Yui. "It's a long story."

The explanation seems to calm the explosive blonde down a bit. His shoulders dropping a little from the surprised tension they'd gathered earlier.

"Aha! Finally!" Izuku calls out in triumph as his phone glows back up to life. Fingers already looking through his contacts, he connects it to the server in which Yui's algorithm belongs to. It rings for barely a second before it's answered. A high-pitch 'Dad!' can be heard on the other end. "Yui! Sorry! I forgot to call you! He hastily apologizes. Knowing she was probably worried sick. "No, no don't worry. I'm fine!" With that, he goes into a lengthy explanation of yesterday's events. Telling Yui about Shigaraki and Laughing coffin. Yui berates him for being reckless and worrying her.

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