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As the weeks had passed by, I began to start buying everything that my newborn would possibly need in the future. We already owned a crib, changing table and high chair.

I had been at least 12 weeks pregnant and it was definitely becoming harder to hide underneath oversized clothing. So, pretty soon I begin to hear even more rumors about how it was wrong for me to be pregnant in the first place or how I was even sure that Donald was the father of my baby.

" Baby, I think I can feel the baby kicking. " He said, excitedly.

" I'm just 12 weeks, maybe around 21 weeks you can probably feel some movement. But, he hasn't started kicking yet. " I explained.

" Are you sure? When is your next appointment? He asked.

" Yes, I am sure. And my appointment is October 18th at 3:30. " I giggled.

" What's so funny? " He started kissing all over my growing baby bump that started to become noticeable.

" You make it seem like I don't know anything about my body. " I joked.

" Well, you're not the most responsible person I have ever known. " He replied.

" Stop, you're sounding exactly like my brother when he found out that I was pregnant. " I said.

" Because, he is probably right. You have another year to go, this is my last year here. " He explained.

" If I don't pass, I will just take credit recovery in the summer. I should have just took the chance to skip to the 12th grade this year. Maybe, I am throwing my life away. " I sighed.

" Don't talk like that. " He said.

" It's true. You're not the one who has to have this baby and have everything put on hold. " I cried out.

" Monica I'm sorry, okay? Can you please not cry, everyone will think the reason why you are upset is because, of me. " He said.

" It's not your fault, I've just been really emotional lately. Look, I have to go before it gets dark outside. " I wiped my tears away, getting out of the bed and making my way back into the hallway.

" Hold on, let me drive you back home. It is dangerous around this time of night. " He said.

It was too late, I was already out of the door.


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