Chapter 8: Meet Gale

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"Whoa!" Elsa, Anna, Kristoff, Sven, and you heard Olaf's scream coming from the tornado in front of you. 

"Olaf!" Anna shouted, as you all raced toward it and shielded your eyes from the wind, the tornado then scooped all of you into it. 

"Hey, guys!" Olaf greeted as his body began to fall apart due to the tornado. "Meet the Wind Spirit!"

Anna was thrashed downward before being pulled up again. You were flying near Elsa as Kristoff flew past you both. "Coming through!"

"Ooh! I think I'm gonna be sick!" Anna yelled as she held her mouth and stomach. 

"I'd hold your hair back, but I can't find my arms!" Olaf shouted as his arms were behind his head. 

"It's behind your head, Olaf!" You yelled. 

Kristoff and Sven bumped into each other and they switched positions as Sven was riding on Kristoff, Sven looked with confusion as Kristoff swung his arms to stabilize himself.

Elsa and you held hands to not get separated. You saw the large tree branch coming to Anna as you called her. "ANNA!" Elsa saw it as well, she lashed it away with her magic before it could hit Anna. 

Elsa suddenly felt the leaves spinning around her and they went to her hands. You used your left hand to flop the leaves away from her as your other hand was still holding on to Elsa. "Hey! Get away from her!" 

The leaves stopped briefly before they went to you and flew around your waist as they tried to pull you away.

"Hey! Stop!" Elsa yelled at it. 

You and Elsa then saw Anna, Kristoff, Sven, and Olaf get thrown off the tornado. The tornado then formed into a small ball as Elsa and you were still trapped inside. Elsa and you held your hands tightly as you both tried to keep balance.

Anna and Kristoff stood up, shielding their eyes from the wind while Sven fell down to the ground and Olaf's body twirled and fell down too. 

Anna looked at the tornado ball as she called her sisters. "Elsa! (Y/N)!"

"Use your magic, Elsa!" You told her as we still span around inside the ball. 

"Hold on, (Y/N)!" Elsa then put your hands around her waist as she began to unleash the magic.

"Let them go!" Anna yelled to a tornado to release her sisters. The tornado began to frost with Elsa's magic and dropped down to the ground as Elsa grunted while she used the magic to push it away. You hugged Elsa's waist tight as Elsa pushed it harder.

"Anna, Be careful!" Kristoff yelled, reaching for her as she stepped closer to it. 

"That's my sisters!" She screamed, still blocking her eyes from the wind.

As Elsa grunted and closed her eyes and you hugged Elsa's waist tightly, The sound of the girls laughing came. You both looked up to see the girls running, the taller one was following behind the smaller and the boy appeared in the view.

"Prince Agnarr!" The sound of a man yelled, the boy looked at the sound before disappearing in the wind. 

You looked with confusion as you looked at Elsa and saw her face was the same as yours, The sound of the sword unleashed, and the sword swang down before a face appeared. It was your grandfather, King Runeard.

"For Arendelle." He said before disappearing.

"Hold on, (Y/N)! I'm gonna get us out here!" Elsa called to you as she then used her magic pressing it harder. You both close your eyes tightly.




Elsa waved her arms down in furious, making the tornado destroyed. You both panted as you were in the middle of the frozen statues around you. Anna and Kristoff panted lightly, Anna then rushed toward us worriedly, "Are you guys okay?"

"We're fine." Elsa replied to Anna and you nodded.

You then inspected the horse statue, and Kristoff looked at the reindeer statue with Sven. "Where are these?"

"They look like... moments in time." Elsa said as Anna and she approached the horse statue. Elsa placed her hand on the horse's leg, Anna and you then remembered the trivia that Olaf once told you when you were on the wagon.

"What's that thing you said, Olaf?" Anna asked. 

"The thing..." Olaf mumbled as he pretended to warm his hand on the frozen firepit. He gasped as he remembered. "Oh! My theory about advancing technologies as both our saviors and our doom?"

"No." You replied as she kept thinking. 

"No, no, not that one."

"The one about..."

"The one about cucumbers?"


You then remembered instantly. "The water has memory, Olaf."

"Oh! Yeah! Water has memory, thank you, (Y/N)." Olaf said as he was walking around Sven who was drinking the water. "The water that makes up you and me has passed through at least four humans and animals before us." Sven then spat the water off, Elsa cringed, Anna hummed with a nod and you smiled nervously. "And it remembers everything." 

The wind then carried Sven in the air. "The wind's back." It went to Olaf and twirled around him, making him giggle. "Delicious! I think I'll name you... Gale."

Wind Spirits now named Gale then twirled Kristoff around and went into his shirt, making his shirt pop. "Get out of there!" Gale then traveled through his sleeves and went to Anna. 

"Oh, hi! Are you curious?" Anna said as Gale went around her waist, she then yelped as it threw her cape over her head, making Elsa and you chuckle.

Gale then went to Elsa and it made her braid fly in her mouth. "You in a better mood now?" It then went to you and made you float off the ground a little and brought you to the statue. 

It was a girl cradling a boy with the wind and leaves around them. You three then approached the statues as we were inspecting them. 

"Father... That's Father." Anna mentioned to the boy.

"This girl..." Elsa began as we then looked at the girl.

"She's saving him." Olaf said.

"She's Northuldra." Kristoff added.

You then being pushed lightly to another statue by Gale, it was your father being pushed away, the other girl who looked like the girl from the first statue but looked older and taller than the first one, pushed him forward, and above her was a giant boulder falling down. 

"And this one... she saved father too." You said as you looked with your brow furrowed. Elsa and Anna then approached it, Anna looked at the boulder with eyes widened as she spoke up.

"And she's the Northuldra as well."

"Did that boulder crush on her like that? I don't think she would survive that." Olaf said. 

Suddenly, the blow of the horn and birds' cries echoed all over the forest, making you all know the danger was coming. The leaves then whistled as you all stepped back. "What is that?"

"Olaf, get behind me." Elsa said as Olaf quickly stayed behind her. Anna quickly grabbed the ice sword from the statue and moved back beside you. 

"What are you gonna do with that?" Kristoff whispered to Anna. 

"I have no idea." Anna replied as she swung the sword around. 

The wind howled, making the leaves shake, you all then heard a twig snap. Anna then swung the sword on the bushes, revealing to be a group of people who prepared to attack you. 

The others jumped down from the tree and the girl holding a spear towards you all glared sharply and said. "Lower your weapon."

"Who are they...? Why are they attacking us?"

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