Chapter 9: Northuldra and Mattias

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"Lower your weapon."

As you were gonna answer, the sound of the weapons clanged behind you, making you turn, and saw another group of people, wearing uniforms and they were holding the shields that had the kingdom's emblem on them. "And you lower yours."

"Are that Arendellian soldiers, (Y/N)...?" Anna asked you as she still holding the sword. 

"Yes, their shields have our emblem, and their uniforms too. I recognize it very well." You replied. 

The bushes shook, the soldiers' leader turned and the older woman appeared, holding the spear to him. "Threatening my people, Lieutenant?"

"Invading my dance space, Yelena?" He replied. 

"Why does that soldier look so familiar?" Anna mumbled as you mumbled beside her too. 

"I saw his face somewhere in the castle." 

The soldier took notice as Anna aimed the sword at them. "Lieutenant!" He shouted. 

"Get the sword!" 

They then all raced at you from both sides, Elsa looked between them before she froze the floor around you, making them slip and fall down. All their eyes widened at Elsa's magic. 

"That was magic." The leader breathed out as his back was placed on Yelena's. "Did you see that?"

"Of course, I saw it." Yelena scooted further away from him.

"You chose the ice, cold greeting." Anna whispered. 

"They've been trapped in here this whole time?" Kristoff mumbled as he looked at them with widened eyes. 

"What do we do now?" Elsa questioned. 

"I don't know." You replied. 

"I got this!" Olaf shoved between you and Elsa to get in front, Elsa placed her hand on her mouth, you held your hands on the front, and Anna kept the sword behind her. "Hi, I'm Olaf!"

The people gasped in shock, the boy went behind the girl who glared at you before. "Oh! Sorry, yeah, I just find clothes restricting." Olaf apologized to them as he covered his body with his arms. "Bet you're wondering who we are and why we're here. It's really quite simple." Olaf then skated as he began to tell the story.

"It began with three sisters."

Olaf threw the snow as he was pretending to be the magic of Elsa.

"The eldest born with magical powers."

He opened the other hand, revealing it to be nothing.

"The two powerless. But the youngest had the power of intelligence instead of magic."

Anna and (Y/N) furrowed their brows as Elsa bit her lips.

"Their love for snowmen was infinite!"

"Anna, No, Too high!"

Olaf spoke as Elsa and he threw the rock at himself as he pretended to be Anna and fell down.


He then ran and cried as you did.

"Oh... Mama, Papa, help!" 

The people looked as if they were scared and felt sympathetic.


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