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she knocked once again.

"mingi?" she asked.

the door slowly opened.

then she could only see his eye.

he seemed like he had the same height as yunho.

"y- y/n?" he asked.

y/n nodded.

"it's me..."

mingi sniffed and opened the door fully to hug her.

she fell down to the ground but her landing was soft as mingi kinda used himself as a cushion for her.

"i- i waited for so long!" mingi said.

y/n caressed his hair, just to see his face properly.

"me too..."

mingi sniffed and brought y/n into another hug as she caressed his back.

"let it all out, mingi... you're safe now, with us... with me..."

mingi started to cry even harder, and y/n comforted him even more.

as long as he was safe with her, that was all she needed.

"thank you..." mingi whispered into her ear.

y/n smiled and stood up and helped mingi up, too.

she heard faint sirens earlier, so she thought that the police was here.

mingi probably heard it too as he ran downstairs to check on what was happening.

then followed y/n who saw three policemen, carrying a restraining man outside.

what y/n was shocked to see, was that yeosang was badly hurt in his right arm as it was bleeding.

both mingi and y/n rushed to him and asked if he was okay.

yeosang nodded and glanced at seonghwa.

seonghwa sighed as he said, "when we were pinning him down, suddenly he gained the strength to grab any item nearest to him and hurt any one of us. the item he got was a broken wine bottle with sharp ends and he looked at yeosang," he continued, noticing yeosang smiling. "yeosang was quick enough to notice that he was being targetted by mingi's father and he quickly dodged, but somehow, the glass still managed to hit his right shoulder..."

yeosang chuckled, "and here i was the whole time while they were still pinning him down..."

y/n glanced at mingi who was about to cry for like, the tenth time of the day.

"yah, yah, hey mingi! it ain't your fault that i ended up like this! blame it on your stupid-ass dad who almost ended me with a stupid wine bottle..." yeosang said with a snicker with the end.

mingi smiled and hugged yeosang, being careful not to touch his right arm.

then an ambulance came with a stretcher and brought yeosang inside it.

seonghwa giggled as he followed yeosang into the ambulance.

"bye!" seonghwa said as he entered the ambulance door, with yeosang.

then wooyoung and san came towards mingi and y/n and asked if mingi was okay.

mingi nodded and held y/n close to him.

"i'm figuring that you both will be a great pair in the future..!" san said.

wooyoung laughed, "you're figuring? i already confirmed that they will!"

then they left the house, arguing on who's gonna buy what for dinner.

then jongho came and hugged mingi from behind.

"how's my favourite skyscraper?" jongho asked.

"better than ever..." mingi answered.

yunho followed up, patting mingi in the back as he came.


"hi, yunho..."

"how are ya?"

"better than ever, now that all of you came to rescue me..." mingi said while holding y/n close to him.

yunho smiled and looked at the doorway, where hongjoong was.

hongjoong smiled and walked towards them.

yunho took the hint and left the area with jongho.

mingi and y/n exchanged glances and looked at hongjoong, confused.

"you both okay?" he asked.

mingi and y/n nodded, "yeah..." mingi said.

hongjoong chuckled.

"i'm pretty sure this was pure coincidence but i think i'm the actual one who saved your life..." hongjoong said, pointing to mingi's chest.

mingi shrugged, "huh?" both of them asked.

"i was the one who called both of you and left... you're lucky you have a friend like me!" hongjoong said and ran out of the house, leaving both of them confused and alone.

then y/n looked at mingi.

"you were taller than i expected..." she said.

"it's not me who's taller, it's just you who's shorter..!" mingi said, chuckling.

y/n chuckled, "oh, you're minimingi, all right..."

mingi smiled and stood up, carried y/n and placed her on a stable table and stared at her for a while.

"there are times that i wonder, what if you joined a different server?" he told her.

"i probably won't find my future hubby by then..." she answered.

mingi chuckled and stared at her eyes again.

"you're beautiful, you know..?" y/n said

"i know i'm beautiful..." mingi replied and laughed.

they threw compliments to each other once again and finally, mingi stopped.

y/n stared at him in confusion as to why he suddenly stopped.

mingi gave a smirk and leaned in.

y/n took the hint and held the back of his head and leaned in for a kiss.

not just a kiss,
but the kiss that she's always wanted.

now that she knew what had happened to him,
and now that she finally fixed the problem which had stopped her from getting to him,

she had finally fulfilled her dream
of being with the man she wanted to be with

for the rest of her life...

[ end game ? ]

{ clicked YES }

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