{Chapter 8} Oh My Gosh

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Location: Tony Stark's Warehouse

Day: Sunday

Evonne's POV:

An arrow hit one of the men in the leg and the other arrow hit the man's arm. The man that got hit in the leg starting falling, the other man fell against the wall.

My breath was heavy.

Oh my God, what did I do...

The man that started leaning against the wall slipped down and didn't move. They laid there, no movement whatsoever.

I rushed over and checked if they were breathing, and thank goodness they were. Their breathing was steady as if they were asleep.

I pull the arrows out and put them back in my quiver. Hey, it's not like it refills itself!

I forgot how much strength it took to use a bow! My arm feels overstretched and my breath is unsteady, and trust me, breathing is very important for focus... and living.

I get up and head back to the exit and open it using the cards.

Wait- how am I supposed to open the next door? It has a retina scan, and I'm not in the database.

"Hmmm..." I hum as I come out of the small hallway and look at the bodies leaning against each other.

You know what-

I grip one of the men by the armpits and drag him to the door. Gosh, he's heavy! Especially in this armor!

Nevermind holding an arrow back, picking up this guy is the real challenge.

I lift him up a bit with my knee when I get to the door, to raise him up to the scanner. I place him down- well actually I drop him, purposely, and pull his mask thing off.

"Great," I mutter as I realize I have to pick him up again.

I use my knee again to raise him up higher, it doesn't work very well, but A for effort. I slide the cards on the pad and then show his eye.

It started loading.

Well, might as well drop him. Ugh, I feel so bad. At least I'm doing this to save people? Ugh, I don't even know if saving people will make up for doing this.

The door starts creaking open and I slip out before it's even fully open. The wind started blowing my hair in my face. The door closes behind me almost immediately, as I push the hair out of my face.

Now, I just have to run, run like it's the last time I'll ever run.

Just thinking about running is making me have anxiety.

My breath was slowly getting heavier. I start running, running as fast as I can. My heart was pounding, I can barely see, it's so dark. Mom's going to be so worried, so's dad, but, mom.

I could feel my legs getting sore, and it didn't help that the wind was sort of pushing me back, I'm surprised I couldn't hear it in the warehouse. And it was kind of hard to breathe with the wind hitting my face.

The trees were waving around, a few branches we're about to break off as I ran under them.

Everything seemed to be moving so fast, too fast.

The sky was covered in clouds, a storm will be coming, it'll be crashing hard. There was lightning in the distance and a low rumble of thunder too.

I can't think straight, I feel like my mind is blocked from thinking properly.

I eventually made it to my car and sat there in the driver's seat. I threw the bag on the passenger's seat. I could feel my eyes start to sting and burn, I hate crying, I hate it.

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