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What are boundaries?
Why should they be set?
Boundaries are limitations to access, in my own words.
It is important to set boundaries,
For friends, and family.

You have someone you tell everything to,
But there are still some things that they don't need to know,
Just because you believe someone is forever
It doesn't mean they will never betray you.
Imagine that person turning on you and knowing all your secrets.
Now your personal information is a weapon they hold against you.
Set boundaries for the data you allow people to know.

When you're in a relationship,
Sometimes you confide in an outside source,
That doesn't mean tell them every detail of your relationship,
Some details are meant to stay between you and your partner,
Set boundaries for the information you share, especially that which include other people.

The boundaries which are most important to set,
And is a repetition of everything I've previously stated.
When something happens in your life; whether financially, mentally, physically,
Do not inform people,
Keep something for yourself, always.
You never know who could be wishing and praying for your downfall.
Who could be pretending to care, just to gab with other people.
You never know people's true intentions.
Family, or friends.

Please set boundaries in your life, and keep something for yourself always.


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