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Zac's Pov

I carried Nessa's bags as she walked to her door and opened it herself. I'll be staying with Nessa for a while to take care of her. "Hey welcome home!" I said to her and she didn't reply. She immediately flopped her self down on the couch. "Are you okay?" I asked but she didn't reply. I just kissed her forehead. I decided to unpack her stuff so she wouldn't do it. I see her and she was still staring at the TV. But the tv was off. I took a seat next to her and she moved her head to my shoulder and I hugged her close to me. I just realized my sadness over Valary is gone when Nessa woke up. Even though there's still the heartbreak. But I'm fine when Nessa is here. But Nessa, I don't blame her if she's like that. I decided to turn on tv so it wouldn't be silent.

After a while it was getting dark so I decided to cook her some dinner. "Baby what do you want for dinner?" I asked and she shook her head. But I decided to cook anyways. She needs to eat. I cook her favorite steak. When I was done I got her to eat with me. But she doesn't eat, but she was just holding on to the fork and stare at the table. "Nes, baby you don't wanna eat?" I asked. "I'm not hungry" She said. "No, you have to eat" I said. "I said I'm not hungry" she growled standing up leaving me alone in the dining table. Then I heard her cry from the room. I was about to go after her but I have a feeling she wants to be alone. 1 minute later she stopped and walked back to her seat. Then she started to eat slowly. Somehow looking at her eat makes me smile. "Thanks for dinner" she said and I kissed her head.

After dinner I cleaned up and I prepared her bath so she could relax. When I was done I get her and tel her the bath was ready so she went to take a bath. Suddenly my mom called. "Hey Zacky, Are you okay?" she asked. "I've been better" I said. "How's Vanessa?" She asked. "She's still grieving" I said. "Aww. Zacky just be gentle on her she's in a hard time right now" she said. "Yeah" I said. "I'll go to LA soon okay? To see you snd Nessa. I'm sorry I couldn't go earlier." She said. "It's alright" I said. "Okay, take care baby. I love you. Say hi to Nessa for me" She said then end the call. Suddenly I heard Nessa crying and moaning in the bathroom. I ran to her and see she was curled up in a ball, and I see blood oozing out of her wrist. She was cutting herself and it was deep.

"Nessa WHY?!" I yelled carrying her out of the tub. She was pale and she lost a lot of blood. She cut herself really deep. I took off my shirt and ripped it to wrap it around her wrist tightly. "Nessa say something! Don't close your eyes" I said. I put on a robe on her and I carried her to the car. I drove to the hospital as fast as I could. She was losing blood. "Fuck Nessa why would you?!" I yelled bangin on the steering wheel. "I don't wanna be here anymore. My baby is gone" she sobbed then she started moaning in pain. "Shtt baby it's okay. I'm sorry I yelled. You'll be okay. Just stay with me" I said. I was panicking right now and I wasn't thinking clearly. I was going really fast making sure Nessa won't lose anymore blood. Suddenly I see lights from my right and a car coming towards us. It was really fast. "Zac! No!" She yelled I grabbed her hand holding on to it. Everything was going really fast and suddenly everything went blank.

Vanessa's Pov

Everything was going really fast. The car hit us. It hit Zac. I heard ringing and my vision was blurry. I looked next to me to see Zac unconscious with blood all over him. "Zac" I said shaking him. "Wake up Zac" I said shaking him harder. Suddenly somebody opened my door and dragged me outside. "My- my boyfriend" I tried to say. I saw Zac being carried to the ambulance. "Zac!" I yelled trying to run to him. But I fell and everything went blank. I woke up to somebody holding on to my hand. Is it Zac's hand? No, it doesn't feel like his. "Vanessa!" Somebody said. It was Mom. I look around trying to find Zac. "Zac? Where's Zac?" I asked. "He's still in the operating room." She answered.

"It's my fault. He was rushing to take me to the hospital. And the car hit us but in Zac's side and" I sobbed. "Vanessa tell my why you did this" Mom said. She's never this serious and she sounded mad. I shook my head not knowing the answer. Because my answers are all stupid. It's stupid of me to be doing that. "Hurting yourself is not right. And it's bad. What were you thinking?" She asked. "I thought it would get rid of the pain and make everything seems better" I said. "Does it?!" She asked. She was yelling the whole time. She's never been this mad at me or Stella ever. "No" I said. "All it does is makes things worse. Look where Zac is right now" she yelled. I burst out in tears as soon as she said that. She was right. It's all my fault.

"Okay Baby I'm sorry I yelled. But you should listen to everything I said. I know you're in pain. I can imagine what it feels like to lose your own baby. If I lost you or Stella I'd be broken as well. But baby, it's not right to be doing what you were doing. You have to let her go. You can't change the past. But you can change the future. Zac has always been by your side, and now it's your turn to be there for him. To be strong for him. It's okay, to be sad. But you have to control the sadness and don't let it control you" Mom said as she hugged me and strokes my hair. "You're right Mama. I love you" I said. "You've lost a lot of blood. I was too old and Stella couldn't. Guess who gave you the blood?" mom asked. "What? Why? Nobody needs to do that for me" I said. "You need it Vanessa. She donated the blood for you" Mom said nodding her head towards the couch. I can't believe it.

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