2.1 || The House with the Broken Lamppost ||

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Alwold stepped out of the building with hands clasped around the straps of his bag. As absent-mindedly as he seemed, he wasn't completely unaware of what was going around: Muffled chattering, excited yelling, and thumps of a thousand footsteps all intruded his ears. He kept his head low and headed towards the gates right when—


He watched in shock as an egg oozed down from his long neck and into his sweatshirt.

"Congratulations, turtlehead!" shouted one from a gang of three running boys from his class.

"Told ya he'd be thinking about his bird," joked another, a blonde boy who was now running back towards him. Alwold noticed that they were rounding him in circles.

"I don't have a girlfriend, Gray, just leave me alone," said Alwold irritably.

"Hey! Turtlehead's got shy!"

The gang erupted into laughter, but Alwold resumed walking.

"Hey, hey, hey, not so fast, gentleman," stopped Gray.

"Please, just let me go, I'm tired," said Alwold faintly, carrying no expression on his face. "Aren't you jerks supposed to go home too?"

"Okay, we'll let you go," he said, backing off from Alwold.

He reached into a bag behind and furtively drew out another egg.

"But you gotta — OW!"

A long silver spoon hit his head and dropped to the ground.

"What the?" muttered Alwold.

"Are you twits messing with him again?" said an angry voice.

A girl with rich auburn hair tied to a ponytail was walking furiously towards the gathering.

"Hey, we're just having fun, right Alo?" said the blonde guy, swinging his arm over Alwold's shoulders and acting the brotherhood in front of her. "Tell your sister that we're hanging out. We are, aren't we?"

Alwold looked irked. He didn't answer.

"Get the hell outta here before I tear your trousers and prick your butts with forks," she said angrily. "I've got a whole box of 'em if you don't believe me."

"Fine, fine, we'll go," said Gray, pushing Alwold with his hands and surrendering them to the air before moving away from him. "Come on guys."

"You're one unimaginable screw-up!" she scolded Alwold once the gang moved away.

"I didn't ask you to come, I would've walked myself home."

"Yeah, with omelettes!"

Alwold rolled his eyes and began walking out through the gates and Hale walked beside him.

"They're just messing with me, Hale—"

"That's what I'm trying to tell you too, don't let them. Haven't you forgot they—"

"No, I haven't, and I'm tired of talking about this again," he said, bothered.

"Grampi won't be pleased."

Alwold sighed heavily.

"Nor's my nose!" she snarled. She pinched her nose, slowing her pace and walked behind Alwold.

Alwold's mind played the memory of his inspection all the way home, ignoring every other misfortune he met with. Could he be telling the truth? Could his parents still be out there? An implausible hope that lit in Alwold's heart reignited once again.

The Conjurer's Charm - The Dream Catcher series (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now