3.1 || Cruising ||

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When the next few weeks rushed with time bringing the day of vacation closer, Alwold and Hale had managed to bond a little with all the excitement of the holiday vibes the month of December was bringing. Nobody was more pleased than Garron and even he was beginning to crave the vacation to arrive just already.


The night before the day of the cruise was an exceptionally lit atmosphere in Alwold's home. Hale seemed to be the most hyperactive during the night, throwing away unsuitable clothes all over her room in search of good holiday-type ones. Alwold meanwhile pretended to be bored, but the excitement flared inside. Garron on the other hand was properly counting money and placing the tickets safely in a separate case, his clothes and necessary stuff already packed beforehand. He was more concerned about what his grandchildren were doing though, that he abandoned his work and helped them to arrange their bags.

Sleep for Alwold was the most difficult of the whole week. He imagined what new adventures were laid out for him from tomorrow and new places to explore. He felt as though his long broken wings had burst to life, a pathway to freedom. And half of his whole night was spent on dreaming awake about them. His happy state of mind that night rewarded him with good dreams in the last few hours to savour upon, and the next morning he woke up half-tired for the insufficient sleep he had.

The clothes were worn, the luggage was taken out, the doors were locked, the taxi arrived, and they travelled to the port and fixed their eyes on a remarkable white cruise with the name 'The White Petal' painted on the hull.

"This is the most beautiful ship my eyes have lived to see," gasped Hale, jumping up and down in excitement. "Isn't this great?" she asked brightly clutching her brother's arms.

"It's small," said Alwold.

"What were you expecting? The entire Buckingham Palace on the ship?"

"No. Something even bigger."

Hale reproachfully swerved her sight away from him, without noticing the hidden amusement in his lips.

Alwold breathed, looking hopefully at the ship. "Good times, I hope you're there."

After having their bags checked, they traipsed up the gangway to the ship. They moved along a long line of passengers which fortunately was moving quickly. It was their turn to stand before a screen with the picture of the ship and its name, where a photo was taken for them as a souvenir. Hale was delighted in having to stand in front of the camera because she had smiled the widest smile yet, which the photographer took a long time to click the camera confused whether she was actually grimacing or smiling.

They received their souvenir and was escorted to their small neat cabin. It was just like a tiny lovely home: two beds with sea-blue bed sheets were laid for them to sleep, along with a French-balcony that had a large glass window to enjoy the ocean view outside. A canvas frame with an abstract painting that looked like an ocean hung above their beds. Garron was speaking out at the door with the boy who escorted them while Alwold stared through the glass at the ocean.

"Alright!" said Hale energetically. Alwold withdrew his stare from the glass and turned towards Hale, whose focus was on her phone. "Entered the ship—check. Arrived at cabin—check. Indulge in food—can't wait to. Explore ship—right away!"

"You got a list prepared?" asked Alwold.

"Haven't you?" she asked back, looking above her raised shoulder.

"Na-ah." He collapsed on the bed and put his hands below his head, looking at the fresh white ceiling, "I've nothing to worry about even after I get home. I'm done with school!"

The Conjurer's Charm - The Dream Catcher series (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now