Wings || BTS

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Pairing: BTS x Reader ( all round relationship)
Genre: fluff, angst
Warning : violence, literally one suggestive sentence in the whole thing,casually naked Jimin???
Wordcount : 5.5k
Description: Jimin had always tough that he would never be able to find a soulmate, what happens when he ends up with seven instead?
Soulmates are a very common thing between mythical creatures, tough it is for everyone different.
Werewolves for example, call their soulmates simply 'mates', while Phoenix's call them 'tears'.
It's also not uncommon for one mythical creature to have multiple soulmates.
However, it is uncommon that a human is soulmates with a mythical creature.
Humans are very looked down on in society between mythical creatures.
They're known as untrustworthy and without any feeling, known for destroying everything they touch, whenever they love it or not.
Which is why Jimin is suprised to find out that his soulmate is a human.
Jimin is a fairy, and unlike other mythical cretures, they tend to give everyone and everything a chance.
Namjoon is a human, Jimin knows as soon as he feels his energy once the man enters the forest all fairies once used to live in.
There aren't many fairies tough, in fact Jimin is the only fairy in that part of the forest.
There had once been a group of humans who had trespassed these woods and ended up killing quite a few fairies, which became a reason for most to move away.
Because between their fight or flight instinct, fairies always go for flight, and try to take as many creatures with them.
Jimin was hiding in the trees once he had first realized that there was a human in his home.
But calmed down once he realized that Namjoon was alone and looked just as afraid as Jimin appeared to be.
Tough Jimin didn't come out until the black haired male called out for him.
" Hello?! Is anyone there? I heard that there's fairies living in this part of the woods, I wondered if someone could help me." -Namjoon had yelled.
" Depends. What do you need my help for?!" -Jimin had yelled back.
Namjoon jumped as the voice came from a tree on his right.
And he felt himself blush a little as he looked into those bleu eyes, tough the rest of the face stayed hidden.
" I-, This is my plant. I think it's dying. But he used to be my mother's and I don't want it to." Namjoon said as he showed a potted plant to the tree where Jimin sat.
Jimin's brows shot up in suprise before he smiled in amusement.
This man had come all the way to the forest to save a plant?
Jimin decided that Namjoon most likely wasn't a treath as he saw how Namjoon still showed the plant to him.
He flew down effortlessly, his translucent, somewhat bug-like wings fluttering behind him until he landed on the floor.
Namjoon felt himself blush even more as he checked Jimin out.
The first thing he sees is Jimin's bright pink hair, before trailing down to his blue eyes, followed by his plush lips before eventually trailing down his body.
Meanwhile Jimin is looking at the potted plant in Namjoon's arms, and doesn't directly see what is wrong with it.
He looks up when he wants to question what exactly is wrong with it, but his breath stops momentarily as he realizes how handsome the male in front of him is.
And Jimin might have fallen in love once he looks into the older's warm brown eyes.
And they both just stand there, kind of awkwardly, staring into each other's eyes.
Until Jimin clears his throat as he realizes that Namjoon won't speak up anytime soon.
" Your plant,- Why do you think it's dying?" Jimin asks him after a moment with a fierce blush on his cheeks.
" I tough it was because the flowers are sulking and back when my mom took care of them they always looked happy, kind of?" Namjoon says in dispair.
And Jimin grins at him before explaining that flowers wither and grow by season.
And Namjoon's a little embarrassed by him not knowing, which is why he kind of looks blankly at Jimin.
Luckily, the younger one doesn't mind his reaction and instead starts a conversation with him.
" I've been lonely for a while now. Will you come swim with me?" Jimin asks innocently.
And it isn't a lie, Jimin has been lonely because other fairies avoid him and none of them want to be with him anymore.
All because of one little rumor that once spread years ago.
Humans are usually very private about the way their body looks, and see it as something intimate.
Fairies see it as an everyday thing, and don't see a difference between being naked and being clothed.
Hence why Namjoon blushes uncontrollably when Jimin just casually takes all his clothes off and looks at Namjoon with a questionable look once he doesn't and looks at the younger with wide eyes.
Much to Jimin's confusion, Namjoon joins him fully clothed.
After that afternoon, Namjoon comes to the forest more often, just to visit Jimin.
Jimin realizes that Namjoon is his 'special flower' when they go to one of the caverns near the forest.
The cavern is void of any light until it detects fairy magic, and it will light up once a fairy steps inside.
(Their steps light up the ground in an Avatar like way.)
He also feels Namjoon pull at his magic, and Namjoon succeeds to, because in the end, his footsteps also light up the way, much like Jimin's do.
That's when he realizes he had found his special flower, because only soulmates can use one another's magic.
Jimin doesn't know how to tell him, because they only know each other for a few weeks and Jimin doesn't want to freak Namjoon out.
But eventually Namjoon does find out, when he's going to visit Jimin again, and sees the pink haired man talking to one of the water lelies.
( Once again butt naked, but Namjoon's kind of used to it now.)
"... And, I'm just so afriad you know? What if he doesn't want to be my soulmate? Because, he's human. He can choose who he gets to be with. I'm pretty sure that there's so many more beautiful humans out there who are probably so much better than me-"
" Actually, there really aren't. And even if there were, I wouldn't want them, because all I see is you." Namjoon had joined Jimin in the water, this time just shirtless, still feeling too shy about being naked.
Jimin looks a little shy when he realizes that Namjoon had heard him.
But then Namjoon's word play over in Jimin's head, and he realizes that Namjoon has accepted him.
" Really?" Jimin gasps as Namjoon pulls him closer in response, not minding his skin.
" Will this answer your question?" Namjoon smirks before he dips down and kisses Jimin passionately.
Jimin doesn't need a moment before he's already reacting, pressing his lips back with just as much love and passion.
At some point of their kiss it becomes a make out session, and at some point of that session, there's a moan slipping out of Jimin's mouth and Namjoon suddenly doesn't feel so shy after that, and the night ends eventfully for both.
A few weeks later, Namjoon decides that he wanted to introduce Jimin to his part of the world, because all Jimin has ever seen is the forest.
Namjoon also trusts that the village won't hurt him, after all they've never seen a mythical creature, but they never spoke bad of them.
Jimin is nervous when Namjoon asks him to come with him, but after a few days of persuasion, Jimin comes allong with him.
However, the village reacts exactly the way Jimin and Namjoon had not expected.
Namjoon was in the market with Jimin by a fruit stand, when one villager ends up slicing one of Jimin's wings on purpose.
The moment Jimin feels something in his left wing, he loses it.
He first reaction is to fly away, however that only ends up with the knife tearing trough his wing.
Namjoon is also quick to react, and punches the man in the face.
Not all of the villagers dislike Jimin, and some come up for him too while others start trying to hurt Jimin too.
In the end, Namjoon runs back into the safety of the forest with help of the villagers and hide in one of the caves, Jimin a crying mess in his arms.
They don't speak for a moment, until Namjoon breaks the silence.
" Can- Can we fix it?" Namjoon asks carefully.
And in response Jimin cries even harder, because as far as Jimin knows, nothing can fix a broken wing.
Namjoon understands and breaks down with him, holding him even closer and apologising for taking him with him in the village, for being so stupid.
However, much to Namjoon's suprise, Jimin isn't mad at him.
Because in the end, Namjoon is hurt too by him being hurt.
That night they sleep in the cave, or well Jimin does, Namjoon lies awake to think of a solution on how to get away from the forest and the village.
Because he know, he knows that the village people will come looking for the both of them.
By the time Jimin's awake again, Namjoon tells him what's been on his mind the entire night.
And Jimin nods in understanding, because they can't be seen again.
Namjoon's grandma, who had raised him, had gone to look for them early in the morning.
At first, when Jimin and Namjoon are plucking berries of a bush and Namjoon spots the figure of someone else, Namjoon's first response is to pull Jimin behind him in an attempt to protect him.
However, he loosens up once he realizes that it's just his grandmother.
And much to his suprise, she had brought them stuff to help them get away.
She bad brought two cloaks, a bag full of food and a refillable bottle.
Jimin is afraid of her at first, but is even more suprised once she hands him his very own cloak.
She smiles at him and goes,
" Your wings will be furtherly protected by this, also pull the hood up where ever you go. Most people don't have pink hair."
And it melts Namjoon's heart that his grandmother accepted Jimin.
" And you, look over him. Protect him, and don't forget me." - His grandmother had now officially made his heart cry as she turns to him, handing him the rest of the stuff.
He hugs her and kisses her forehead one last time before looking at her with tears in his eyes.
" Thank you." Namjoon smiles.
She tells them to get out of there as response.
" Go. I heard that there's a powerful sorcerer beyond the winter mountains and past the river, go there and maybe he can heal your boyfriend's wing." - His grandmother tells Namjoon before really ushering the two away.
The first few days of the trip are tough, and as they are one day camping in murky woods, the feeling of being watched creeps up on them.
They both discuss it as they're eating dinner ( fish that Namjoon himself had managed to catch) and Jimin admits that he can feel some sort of unknown magic in the air.
Taehyung was making his way trough the forest when he smells werewolves.
And his first idea was to just leave, not wanting to deal with the 'overgrown dog gang', but then he catches a whim of Jimin's scent, and it's just too sweet to be from this forest.
Then he also smells Namjoon's scent, and much to his suprise, he likes his smell too.
And then he realizes, they're both 'blood bounders' to him.
And so he tries to make his way to the two of them.
But then he panicks when he does and sees them being surrounded by werewolves.
Taehyung's first instinct is to protect the both of them, and so he wastes no time in charging at their opposed leader.
He doesn't waste time and directly ends his life by biting him and letting his venom flow into the werewolves system.
The wolf howls, and after two others are kicking him off.
Taehyung gets up inhumanly quickly, and charges at another one, punching his sleep until he hears the werewolves skull crack.
The third one managed to bite Taehyung, and Taehyung smirks in response.
This one obviously hadn't done his homework, because if a werewolf bites a vampire for longer than two seconds, the vampire's venom will flow into the biter's system.
The fourth is still watching Jimin and Namjoon, and at some point it looks like it's going to charge at them.
Namjoon reacts more powerful than Jimin ( who's trying to pull the older away), and knocks the werewolf out with a branch.
Taehyung looks impressed at Namjoon once the werewolf drops knocked out from his arm.
" I didn't think a human had it in him to fight off a werewolf. And what are you exactly?" Taehyung's intimidating gaze goes go Jimin, who's half hiding behind Namjoon, still ready to go for his flight instinct.
" Fairy." Jimin ends up answering timidly.
Taehyung nods before he remembers something.
" Well, I'm Taehyung, nice to meet both of you. I'm your soulmate." Taehyung smiles his boxy smile as he tells them.
Jimin and Namjoon blink.
" What, you do feel or smell or have fairy tingles or human tingles because of it too right?" Taehyung blinks back at them.
Namjoon realizes he does have the same nice feeling of when he had first met Jimin.
Meanwhile Jimin is still to shaken up about what had just happened.
Taehyung realizes that and leads them to his little cottage.
" I'm sorry that this is all." Taehyung mutters, ashamed that he can't give his soulmates more space and comfort.
He pours them some tea and they sit down and start talking.
" Why do you keep your cloak on? Is it too cold for you? I can warm the place up if you want, I'm sorry for not realizing. I can't really feel-" Taehyung said once he saw that Jimin didn't take his cloak off.
But Jimin softly shakes his head and sighs in a way that tells Taehyung to stop talking.
" It's- it's not that, it's just-" And Jimin sighs again before taking his cloak off and Taegyung spots his broken wings instantly.
And his eyes immediately turn red.
At first bofh boys are afriad that Taehyung wants to eat Jimin literally or something alike, but what he says next touches their heart in some kind of way.
" Who? Tell me and I'll make them pay."
Jimin just smiles with small tears in his eyes and shakes his head.
Tears, because beside Namjoon, there's no one who had ever stood up for him.
" Don't bother. It won't make them grow back anyway." Jimin says sadly, and Namjoon rubs his tigh in comfort.
Taehyung's eyes turn back to ordinary brown, and he changes the subject of the conversation.
By the end of the night they're all comfortable with each other, and Jimin too has realised that Taehyung is indeed a 'special flower' for him too.
( When they brush hands in the tiny kitchen and the both of them feel sparks.)
By the end of the night Taehyung  offers them his bed, knowing that humans are weird about sharing their space with people they just met.
However, Namjoon isn't like most people and at some point of the night Taehyung becomes the cuddling centre on the too small bed.
And Namjoon had managed to fall off three times, by the third time Jimin had climbed half on top of both Taehyung and Namjoon to give Namjoon more space.
Tough Taehyung sleeps like the dead, he does wake up the earliest, and while the other still sleep, Taehyung fetches them breakfeast.
" So, there aren't any fairy filled forests nearby. Where are you two from?" Taehyung asks as he watches both males eat.
" A forest near a village? I never learned how to read a map. We're only following the mountains. We heard there's a sorcerer on the other side of the river behind the mountains, and we want to see it the sorcerer can heal Jimin's wing."Namjoon tells him as he munches on his food.
Taehyung swallows.
" You shouldn't go there. The sorcerer is wicked, so even if he can your your wing, he'll ask for an unpayable price." Taehyung tells them after a moment of silence.
" I still want to go and see for myself, I feel safer off the ground." Jimin's immediate response is, and Taehyung nods in understanding.
" Okay, well, I'll come with you two. You'll need this handsome vampire to protect you." Taehyung smiles and both males nod in agreement.
" You didn't think that we'd let you go right? You're our mate, we're all supposed to stay together." Jimin smiles at him.
The blonde returns his own boxy smile.
" Aren't you hungry?" Namjoon asks as he finally realizes that Taehyung isn't eating anything.
" Nah, I mainly drink anyway. And I can't taste food, I can only taste blood." The blonde shrugged as if it's normal.
Namjoon shrugs.
" That's fair- Wait the last time you ate- drink was yesterday?" Namjoon choked on his food.
Taehyung smiled at him as if it's normal.
" I can handle up to three months without blood, but I prefer to drink once or twice a week. I don't get thirsty the same amount of time that you are hungry." Taehyung smiled.
" If you need blood, don't be afraid to ask." Jimin said softly, reaching over to hold Taehyung's hand.
Taehyung smiled and blushed in response, nodding with his hair bobbing allong to his movement.
They leave the next morning, with full bellies and Taehyung pats his little cottage farewell, not sure if he'll ever come back to it.
They walk for a few days, and those few days become a week and at some point they're just completely drained from energy.
Because by the third day they have reached the mountains and it's very cold there.
And by the eight day Taehyung is carrying Jimin on his back.
The fairy has reached his limit and all three of them hope that they'll find a place to stay other than a cave so Jimin can rest without feeling cold.
His wings are also very sensitive, and altough his left wing is cut badly, both wings still can feel and therefore it feels like Jimin's wings are tearing off.
Luckily they find a, what seems to be, abandoned castle and Namjoon knocks on the door gently before entering.
Suprisingly enough, it's warm inside.
Taehyung goes to put Jimin down in the living room, on one of the suprisingly clean couches, before going to see if he can get a fire going.
He jumps back when he realizes that the fire's already going and turns around to look at Namjoon, who shruggs to his question.
" I'll go see if I can find anyone, you stay with Jimin. If there's something weird going on, scream." Taehyung instructs Namjoon, who nods in response.
Yoongi was having his beauty sleep in his dragon form before he was awoken by footsteps.
At first he snarled, but when he picked up their scents, he realized that they kind of smelt like...home?
He was confused for a second before shifting in his human form, going to see what is going on.
The first thing he runs into is a vampire and Yoongi directly changes back into his dragon form, ready to attack.
Much to his suprise however, the vampire raises his hands in surrender and steps back, showing he doesn't want to fight.
Taehyung doesn't know what to do when he first spots the dragon, he kind of hopes it's a dragon shifter, because then maybe they're allowed to stay.
If this is a pure dragon however, he must figure out how to get his soulmates out of the castle as soon as possible.
Taehyung gulps as he looks up at the big dragon whose head barely grazed the ceiling.
There was a bigger chance that this one was a pure dragon, meaning that the dragon can't shift, and that he probably had to fight to his death to protect his soulmates.
Luck seemed to be on his side however, and he watched as the icy dragon morphed in a human by releasing his icy breath on himself.
In front of Taehyung stood now a shorter male with blueish white hair, a barely white skin colour and clothed fully in black.
" Who are you and what are you doing in my house?" Yoongi grumbled, while the boy shamelessly checked him out.
" Sorry, my name is Taehyung and I'm here to ask if my soulmates and me are allowed to stay for a day or two. We're on a journey and had stumbled across your hou- castle." Taehyung explained as Yoongi looked at him with a weird expression.
Yoongi usually didn't like people, and tended to stay as far away from them as possible.
But something about Taehyung's scent and whoever was in his livingroom.
" Show me your soulmate and I will decide." Yoongi huffed after a moment.
Taehyung nodded wordlessly and let him to the livingroom.
" That's Namjoon and that's Jimin, we're all soulmates of each other." Taehyung tells Yoongi as they arrive in the livingroom.
Namjoon looks up from where he was half bend over Jimin, checking on the younger's condition.
Jimin feels better than before, and he's awake so that's a good thing.
Both men had already taken their cloaks off, and Jimin was laying on one of the couches while Namjoon had been checking up on him.
Yoongi instantly notices the look in Namjoon's eyes, and for the first time in years, he just doesn't hate someone like him.
He doesn't hate a human.
Then he notices Jimin's ripped wing and he feels a fresh layer of ice come up in his throat, ready to freeze whatever town has messed with his 'wildfire'.
" What happened?" Yoongi grumbles out, motioning to Jimin's wing.
Namjoon swallows before answering the question.
" I wanted to take him to my village, introduce him to my people. I tough they would love him, but they stabbed us in the back instead." Namjoon wishpers, but it's loud enough for Yoongi to hear.
And his only response is a nod.
Because he feels the amount of guilt he's feeling.
He can also feel the way Jimin is hurting.
And he can feel and relate how helpless Taehyung feels.
" Then I geuss you're headed for the sorcerer behind the river?" Yoongi geusses.
All three of them nodded.
" Then I'm sorry to tell you, but he's dead." Yoongi dead panned.
All three looked at him in shock.
" You're joking....right?" Jimin asks, and by the looks of it he's close to crying.
" I'm sorry." Was Yoongi's only response.
" No. He can't be." Taehyung said, and by the looks of it he too is close to crying.
" I'm sorry, but he's killed by a nymph." Yoongi answered.
All three boys stay silent, not knowing how to react.
" There's rumors of a magical pool, I know where it is supposed to be. I can lead you there if you want, maybe the waters there can heal your wing." Yoongi suggested.
Both Taehyung and Namjoon looked at Jimin.
" Yes, please." The pink haired boy timidly answered.
Yoongi nodded.
" We leave the day after tomorrow, I'll fly you all there. You can rest for now." Yoongi said before turning around.
" Feel free to eat and drink whatever you like." Yoongi said before walking away.
Jimin slipped out a few tears, looking up at two of his soulmates.
" What if I can never fly again?"
Nobody knows how to react to that, so instead Tae runs a comforting hand trough Jimin's hair and smiles sadly at him.
" I really don't know Jiminie,  but we'll find a way. Let's just rest for now and hope that we can find that magic water."
The next day is spent in all four of them getting to know each other.
And the next they leave, and like Yoongi promised them, they fly there.
All three boys are allowed on his back as Yoongi shifts into his dragon form, and his wings are so big, that Jimin is almost jealous of it.
They almost reach the river when someone shoots an arrow at Yoongi, and it barely misses his wing.
Therefore Yoongi lands in the forest next to the river, and they all decide to continue by foot.
Yoongi doesn't know the way that well by foot, and therefore they get lost after a moment.
They walk for a while until they spot someone.
A nymph by the looks of it, a man with a very light green skin skin colour and a brownish green mop of hair on top of his head, little flowers peeking out of it.
His back is turned to them, so he doesn't see them approaching.
Taehyung goes to call him, and that seems to startle him.
He turns around with a scared expression on his face, and little mushrooms pop out from his hair and in his face.
Taehyung opens his mouth to ask the man if he knows where to find the cave, but he's dashing away before a word leaves Taehyung's mouth.
Taehyung doesn't think twoce before following him.
It doesn't take them real long to reach the cave Yoongi had told them about.
And while the nymph yeets inside, Taehyung, Jimin, Namjoon and Yoongi wait outside for a moment.
" This is it, ready Jiminie?" -Yoongi asks the fairy, who nodded.
Their plan of 'walk in and let Jimin in the water' fails, because as soon as they step inside, there's a blast of fire heading their way.
Yoongi and Taehyung react fast, and pull back the other two.
Yoongi wastes no time in talking and directly changes into his dragon form.
Meanwhile Jungkook is still running away from them, still in a panic.
" Hey, hey, Kook, calm down! What's wrong?" You rush forward as you spot your panicked soulmate.
Jungkook takes a deep breath before pointing back in the direction he came from, before he says
" They're here! A vampire, a dragon and I think the other two are human! Hoseok is trying to fight them off, but I think he needs help."
You blink at him before Jin comes up from the depts of the lake in the cave.
" Quick, I can take you two to the other side." Jin says as he point to the tree standing on a small piece of land on the other side of the lake.
Jungkook and you nod, and you let Jin carry Jungkook first trough the water and to the other side.
Meanwhile the fight on the other side is growing deeper.
Yoongi had managed to force the red feathered wyvern deeper into the cave, and you, Jin and Jungkook were starting to come into view.
Yoongi was almost twice as big as Hoseok in his dragon form, and while Yoongi could only spit icy and water, Hoseok could only spew fire.
While the two dragons are busy fighting and Taehyung guides Jimin and Namjoon behind a few rocks to hide, Taehyung realizes something.
He looks behind Hoseok, and sees that he too, is protecting people.
He watches as Jin tries to get you across the lake, where Jungkook was waiting for you.
He's not sure what you are, tough you look like and angel, the ash black of your wings tell another story.
Jin grunts as he tries to carry you across the lake, your temperature turning up due to the anxiety and fear of the situation.
At some point he drops you, and you panic even more and turn the water temperature higher.
Jin does his best to get you above the water again, he swims as fast as he can to you, and pulls you above again, not minding the fact that your temperature was now literally burning his skin.
All of this happens while Taehyung's witnessing it, and he realizes that he's got to get the dragons to stop fighting.
And so he does something that suprises everyone.
With his superhuman speed he manages to get in between the dragons and with his wild running emotions he manages to cast a wall of ice on the feathered dragon's side, and a wall of fire on Yoongi's side.
Both dragons jump back in suprise.
Namjoon and Jimin look at Taehyung with suprise too, and then they spot the perplexed look on your, Jungkook and Jin's face.
And realize what Taehyung is doing, because by the way you, Jungkook and Jin are keeping close to each other ( Jin is in the water, while Jungkook and you are sitting beside the tree, all of you are holding each other for dear life.)
"Can't you see that you're both trying to protect people?!" Taehyung screams at both dragon, and Taehyung's gaze is so sharp, that it forces Yoongi and Hoseok in their human form.
Now that Hoseok's dragon form isn't covering the the lake, Yoongi too can see the three of you huddled up.
" You're not here for magical healing tears?" Hoseok asks Taehyung after a beat of silence.
Taehyung and Yoongi both look confused.
" Tears? I was told the waters could heal. One of my soulmates his' wing is ripped. We hoped that the waters could fix it." Yoongi spoke up.
And Jimin realized that this was the first time Yoongi adressed them as his soulmate.
" The waters here aren't magical." Hoseok tells him.
" I still want to try. Please?" Jimin asks as he steps out from behind the rock.
Hoseok looks about done with him but motions him to the water anyway.
Jimin takes his cloak off and turns to the waters.
Hoseok's expression changes as he realizes that Jimin is the one with the broken wing.
And you gasp once you spot his wings, knowing the feeling of not being able to be in the sky very well.
Jimin doesn't bother to take his clothes off and steps in the water until it's up to his middle back.
He spreads his wings over the water and just hopes that it will heal.
But nothing happens.
And then Jimin starts crying.
Because they had come from so far with little hope and it's all taken away from him within three minutes.
" What happened?" The merman asks gently as he swims to him.
" O-one of my soulmates and I ju-just wanted to see the village.-"
Jimin doesn't need to hear the rest of it until he pulls him into his naked chest, and Jimin cries his heart out.
The merman holds him for almost an hour, and no one speaks up in respect for the whole time.
" Yo- You said something about magical healing tears. Are they real?" Namjoon asks and Yoongi's eyes widen in realization.
Hoseok's answer is rough and quick.
" No. I made them up-"
" She's a phoenix isn't she?" Yoongi asks while his eyes pierce you're small frame.
Jungkook pulls you closer in response, and you suck in a breath in fear.
Hoseok's eyes turn a fiery red as he looks at Yoongi.
" Stay away from her." He growls.
Yoongi looks at him unimpressed.
" I'm not stupid. I wouldn't force her to cry so he can fly again, I know how phoenix tears work." Yoongi scoffs.
And both Hoseok, you, Jin and Jungkook relax a bit.
Because Phoenix's are purely made out of fire.
They can bloom life, but also destroy it.
If you force a phoenix to cry, there's a big chance that those tears will burn you from inside out.
If a phoenix cries for you because) of their emotions, those tears can even put a stopper to death.
Namjoon turns to Taehyung as he realizes something.
" How did you manage to create a wall of fire? I get the ice one, but how..?" Namjoon trails off but they all understand.
Taehyung looks down at his hands in realization.
" I-I have no ide-"
" Because it's my fire he used." Hoseok spoke up while looking at the ground.
All of you turn to look at each other wide eyed, were all of you soulmates?

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