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Pairing : Min Yoonji X Reader
Genre : fluff sort of idk
Summary : In which Min Yoonji gets introduced to someone even worse than herself, you.
Wordcount: 0.4k 
[ A/N: I'm sure we're all secretly attracted to Yoonji, so here's a smoll drabble. Enjoy!]

“ Who's that?” Yoongji asks him, her eyes motioning to the black haired girl who's quietly scribbling away in her notebook.

The class president's mouth opened and closed like a fish before giving her a hesitant answer.

“ That's Y/N, but she only brings people trouble. I'd recommend staying away from her.” Jimin answers.

“ Why's that?” She asks, now curious.

You looked like nothing but a sweet deer from here, delicately making notes and sometimes talking to your friends without taking your eyes off your notebook.

“ Just, trust me. I've heard she's got a criminal record and her and her friends have been kicked out for a few days more often than not.” He tells her.

Her eyebrows shoot up in suprise.

“ Wait, are you seriou-”

“ L/N, you draw in art class, not in Chemistry. Does this look like chemistry to you?” The teacher suddenly cuts Yoonji off as he scolds you.

You huff, continueing to draw and not even looking up at the teacher as you answer him.

“ I don't know old man, you tell me.” You say uninterested.

The teacher looks pissed by your answer, and Yoonji watches as he swipes his hand out to grab your notebook.

Your reflexes are quick, and you manage to keep it out of his grasp.

“ Hand me the notebook, L/N.” He says, obviously pissed now.

“ You really want to make a big deal out of my notebook? What an adult you are. Also why're you scolding me when I'm not even disturbing your lesson when there's currently three people on their phone and more than a few gossiping about nothing?” You ask him.

He huffs.

“ Detention.” He tells you before storming back to the whiteboard.

You don't seem bothered by his words as you turn back to quietly scribbling in your notebook.

“ See, I told you  She's nothing more than trouble.” Jimin tells Yoonji, making her set her focus back onto him.

She nods, words not really forming in her mouth.

She's always heard from other people that she's the kind of girl your parents tell you to stay away from, she's never heard about someone like you. Someone who's probably worse than her.

Suddenly she sees you grinning at your notebook before your eyes lock with hers.
She understands what it means, you've heard them.

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