Chapter 10

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*Harry's p.o.v*

I could practicly taste Niall's breath we were so close to each other. Our lips are about to tou-


I let out a long sign and Niall giggled, he slid off my lap and sat beside me. "Go see who it is" he said "as you wish" he laughed and softly pushed me towards the door. "Harold Edward Styles open this door right now, its cold out here." when i realized who it was a sped up and opened the door quicker. "Mom! what are you doing here?" "What? i cant come visit my son? you surely never visit me" "Sorry mom, i have been... busy for the last couple days. but im happy your here, i have someone for you to meet." i said pulling my mom into a hug and kissing her cheek. "oh, and who's that. did you finally find a special someone." she said with a light tease in her voice. i rolled my eyes but couldnt hide the smile on my lips, my mom was something special. "You could say that." i said to her.

"Niall? where are you?" "Coming, i just had to run upst- oh, Hello Ma'ma" Niall said his face turning red. "come here Ni, this is my mom" He nodded and looked at her then at the floor. "Come here sweet heart i wont hurt ya" she said pulling him into a hug, he softly hugged her back but his face turned a deep red. She pulled back to look at him "Your too cute, Now whats your name sweety?" she questioned finally letting go of him. He practicly ran to my side, i wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into my chest. "My names Niall." i leaned down and whispered "You can call her Anne or Mrs. Cox" he nodded. "First off thats a lovely name Niall, Second Harry, my dear, work on your whispering. Niall dear you can call me Mom, from the looks of it you 2 will be married before Christmas, which by the way is only 2 weeks from now Harold, are you coming to visit? your sister will be there with Lux, and Ashton." she said but Niall was still looking into space. He was probably thinking about what mom said. i will have to talk to her later. "Yeah probably, Niall will more than likely be joining." she nodded. "thats fine, now who's ready for dinner." she asked but not waiting for an answer just walking to the kitchen. "how long are you staying?" "probably just tonight, Harry you have no food in the fridge" "Sorry didnt think you would be coming over to cook, i will run to the store real quick if you want." "No thats fine, i will go. i know what i need. be back in a little bit." she said walking out the door.

i turned to Niall. "Sorry about her, i didnt know she was coming over, and you dont have to call her mom, i mean you can if yo-" i was cut off but in the best way ever. it took me a minute to realise Niall was kissing me but i snapped out of my daze when he nudged my lips, i softly began to kiss him back, we kissed until we ran out of air. there was so much passion in it, im having a hard time beleving that it actually happened. i opened my eyes to look at him. he had his eyes open already looking at me. he looked like and angel. his eyes were shining a bright blue. his hair was going every where because of my hands running threw them. "that was..." "Amazing." he said. i couldnt help but to kiss him again. He put his hands on my waist and pulled me closer while my arms wrapped around his neck, my hands playing with the little hairs on the back of his neck. He pushed me against the table and the kiss started to get a bit heated, i pulled on his hair making him moan, he picked me up and set me on top of the table. we were full on snogging now. our teeth and tounges hitting each other fighting for dominance. i didn't expect Niall to be like this. He left my lips breathing heavily and he started to leave little kisses down my neck looking for my soft spot. he kept licking and kissing until i moaned and pushed against him. he smirked and started to suck on the spot. i was so into it i didnt hear my mom come in. "Boys, boys, not where we eat please." she said with a smirk. we both blushed and Niall baried his head in my neck. "Mommm." i said with a wine. she waved her hand at us. "Okay, now get off the table and go some where else. i dont need you in the kitchen while im cooking." we got up and walked to the living room.

We sat there till dinner was done then made our way to the kitchen when mom called for us. "This is very good Mrs. Cox." Niall said. Mom smiled "Well thank you sweetie, eat up. we need to get some meat on your bones." i smirked and leaned over to whisper to him, "Told ya she was going to feed ya till ya cant breath." i said with a light chuckle. he smiled and nodded. we sat in silence after that. after dinner we both helped clean the kitchen than gave mom a hug and a kiss on the cheek and made our way to bed. once we got to bed, Niall is sleeping with me again,

"Niall, im really happy i met you"

"and im happy you saved me"

"Good night Ni"

"Good Night Harold"

How To Save A Life (Narry Storan)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora