Chapter 9

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*Harry's P.O.V*

I wake up when I feel something move on my chest, I open my eyes and looked down to see what it was, im a little startled when all I saw was a head full of hair. I forgot Niall slept in my bed. I love when he does, he is crazy warm and cuddly. I cant help but watch him sleep (i know that sounded creepy. oops). The way his mouth is slightly parted and warm puffs of hair come out and glide acrossed my chest, and the way he clenches his hand then straightens it out, or the way his hair is going in every direction. I dont know how long I have been staring at him but every minute that pasts I find something diffrent about him that makes me like him more. "Please stop staring, I can feel your eyes buring into my face." Niall said. "I-I wasnt st-staring." I stuttered as my cheeks warmed up. I didnt know he was awake. He just chuckled but didnt move. "Your quite comfortable arent you" He blushed and started to move "i-im sorry, i d-didnt m-me-mean to make y-you uncomfotable" His cheeks were the color of a tomatoe. "No, No. I didnt mean it like that. your fine, you didnt make me uncomfortable. you were actually pretty warm and cuddly." I said grabbing him and putting him back on my chest. He still looked a little upset. "Niall I swear its okay. I like when you lay with me". He didnt say anything but slightly nodded and wrapped himself in a ball. "come on lets go get some breakfast."

We made our way down the stairs and into the kitchen "What would you like to eat babe." Niall looked at me with a smirk "Babe" he asked with his eye brows raised I blushed after I realised what I said "I-I i d-didnt me-" "No its fine. I actually like it" I nodded and looked threw the fridge so he didnt see my blush. "so what would you like?" "Well babe, I would like some pancakes if thats okay with you" he said with a chuckle "Thats okay with me, if you want you can go sit in the living room while I make it." "Nah, You are way better to stare at them that sill ol tv" he said and OMG HOW IS IT POSABLE TO BLUSH TO MUCH! he knows what he's doing, and I dont think my cheeks can blush anymore. I started to mix the batter and turned on the stove. When it was mixed enough I started to pour it into the pan.

*Niall's P.O.V*

Who knew someone could look so beautiful from the back. the way his curls were falling in his eyes so he would run his finger threw them to push them back, and the way his back muscels were moving everytime his arms would move or the way his bum looked in the slightly tight boxers, it was nice and round I would love to just squ- "NIALL, NIALL. HELLO!!" "hmm, what, what do you need" I said looking up at him, he raised his eye brows at me. "Like what you see, hmm" I blushed but i didnt let him see "Well actually I do, did you know you have an adorable bum" I said, haha take that Harry. "Well thank you my kind sir, but now its time for your breakfast" I nodded.

We sat and ate our pancakes neither one of us said anything but it was nice. Once we were finished with it I stood up to put my plate in the sink "Here let me get it" Harry said. "No, if im gonna start living here I need to help with stuff" he looked like he knew there was no point in arguing so he let me take his plate. I could feel him watch me stand up and leave to go to the kitchen. I bent down to put them in the dish washer but as soon as I did I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. I turned to look anf see what it was. There was a big black spider on the cabnet. I screamed, dropping the plates and ran to the door, but as soon as I got out of it Harry came running in and we ran into each other "AHHHH" he yelled as we fell with me on top of him. He looked at me then started you bust out laughing, as did I. when we stopped laughing we looked at each other "Did you know you have beautiful eyes. They are like a light but deep blue" he said I just nodded not really paying attention to what he said. I looked at his lips, they were like a rasberry pink, and they were the perfect size. not to big but not to little, he was just simply beautiful. we started to lean in but I saw something move out of the corner of my eye again. I pushed off Harry then ran to the couch. "SPIDER! HARRY KILL IT! PLEASE KILL THE SPIDER!!" He looked over at the spider than to me, he smirked. what is this boy gonna do?. He went and killed it but picked the rest of it up. "HARRY. please dont, please." he just looked at me again then started to walk towards me with the spider. I instantly got up and ran upstairs and into the bathroom, I got the door locked and shut before he could get in. "come on Niall its just a little spider. if you dont let me in I will pick the lock" I'm terrified of spiders. I heard him start to pick the lock. I started to shake. He opened the door with a smirk but it dropped as soon as he saw me shaking on the floor. "Niall, Niall whats wrong. are you okay." "I-I don-dont like-like sp-spi-spiders." "im so sorry. I didnt know you were so scared of them. look I dont have it. I threw it away." he said putting his hands out showing me. I looked at them then to him. I nodded but didnt even atempt to move. "come on, im sorry, I shouldnt have did that." he picked me up and carried me down stairs to the couch. he sat me on his lap and ran his hand up and down my back. "Im sorry Nialler, I didn't know." I nodded and looked at him.

He looked at my eyes then my lips

he started to lean in....

A/N Sorry its so crappy but, tell me what you think.

How To Save A Life (Narry Storan)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora